Then, and now, what kind of genius is this? This is a monster!

In the past, the attitude of various forces towards Yuanhe pavilion was very contemptuous, because as far as the forces in Linghai giant city are concerned, Yuanhe Pavilion doesn't even have a person in charge of mountains and seas. How can it compare with other forces? The reason why all parties still regard Yuanhe Pavilion as a top-level force is entirely for the sake of Yuanhe sect. The reason why they don't attack Yuanhe Pavilion is that they are afraid that Yuanhe sect will retaliate in the city. The strength of single unit River Pavilion itself can't be on the table at all.

But after today, things have changed.

Chu Yun, a monster, has raised the overall level of Yuanhe pavilion with his own strength. From now on, Yuanhe Pavilion itself is also an existence that needs to be paid attention to.

This is reflected in the territory competition last night, especially obvious.

In the latter half of the night, the city Lord's house wiped out the headquarters of the sun family in the east city, and the sun family scattered in other areas in various urban areas, which were watched by all forces.

For a time, the Wang family, the Liu family, the Zuo family, the yuhengge and the lingyuange sent out one after another, nominally to help the city Lord eliminate the sun family, but actually to rob the territory.

The city Lord's residence usually acquiesces to this practice. They only account for the majority, and the remaining small part is the one who contributes. This can not only reduce the loss of the city Lord's residence, but also attract other forces to participate in it, so as not to envy the interests but not get resentment.

Therefore, in the second half of the night, the forces of all parties beat the water dogs and encroached on the territory of the sun family one after another.

In the past, Yuanhe Zong was speechless in it. He often had to drink some soup and pick up some territory that others didn't want to occupy. If others hit back and wanted this territory, Yuanhe Pavilion usually had to let it out. After all, Yuanhe pavilion has no mountains and seas, so it can't beat others.

But tonight, it's different.

Yuanhe pavilion was the first to get the confirmed news. Under the leadership of two old shopkeepers, shopkeeper Yang and shopkeeper song, they sent troops, and then occupied a large part of the territory first.

When other forces arrived, the better sites had been occupied by Yuanhe Pavilion. Usually at this time, they would go up and rob Yuanhe Pavilion, but today they didn't dare to do so. They just looked at it and left in a hurry to rob other sites of the sun family.

The people of Yuanhe Pavilion stayed on the site all night and didn't see anyone dare to rob. Everyone was full of joy and excited all night.

For them, this is not only the happiness brought by seizing the territory, but also the pleasure of a loser's counter attack and elation.

Finally, their Yuanhe pavilion has this day, and their waist can finally stand up. If they grab the territory first, others will no longer dare to intervene!

It's like a serf turning over to be the master!

Of course

The people in Yuanhe Pavilion will never forget who brought this change.

Without Chu Yun, there would be no such today. Without Chu Yun, they would not even leave the cabinet tonight. They would only sleep in Yuanhe Pavilion, so as not to rob their territory and be robbed by others, which would only increase their cowardice.

When the people in Yuanhe Pavilion returned to Yuanhe Pavilion, it was noon the next day. As soon as the sky was bright, everything had settled. They held their heads high. Although they didn't sleep all night, they were full of energy and relaxed.


Chu Yun stretched out, stood in front of the window of the eighth floor attic, looked at the big army led by shopkeeper Yang and said, "come on, I have something to arrange for you to do."

"Yes, big shopkeeper!"

Shopkeeper Yang blushed and obeyed. He seemed afraid that Chu Yun would not have time. He jumped directly and didn't walk from the attic. He clicked on the eaves of the attic, jumped in from the window, and knelt directly on one knee after arriving at Chu Yun's study.

"All right, all right, do everything you can to fix these useless things."

Chu Yun waved his hand and asked shopkeeper yang to get up. Then he poured Lao Yang a cup of tea and said, "you go to guigen chamber of Commerce later and pack all the personal belongings belonging to the president of guigen chamber of Commerce, especially documents, skills and so on, and don't leave any of them."

"Guigen chamber of Commerce..."

Shopkeeper Yang nodded and immediately replied, "no problem, big shopkeeper. When we went to clean up the sun family last night, we specially went to guigen chamber of Commerce. Now it is our territory of Yuanhe Pavilion."

"Oh, Ho, I didn't expect you to have such foresight. It's good."

Chu Yun smiled and nodded.

"It's not foresight..."

Shopkeeper Yang smiled awkwardly and said, "two days ago, guigen chamber of commerce also imported a large number of minerals from us, which are very valuable. I mainly want to return these things to their original owners first."

Chu Yun couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech and said, "is it so useful to return the things to their original owners? Forget it. Go and bring everything. Don't forget to search the darkroom, cellar and other places where secrets may be hidden. If you find anything, take it back. "


Shopkeeper Yang immediately took orders and turned away.

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