"Big brother, i... can I ask you something?"

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yun's eyes lit up and thought that he would wait for you to say so!

"Come on, what's up?"

Chu Yun smiled and said, "I'm afraid there aren't many things I can't do in this Linghai huge city."

The little girl was more happy, but she paused and said, "but I want to ask you to do something outside the city..."

"All the same!"

Chu Yun nodded seriously.

The little girl was relieved and said, "I want you to help me find Shifu... Because she hasn't come back for a long time. Before, she would come back the next day every time she went out, but this time she has been there for three or four days and there is no news. I... I'm a little worried about her..."

Chu Yun heard the speech and said in secret that if so, only the little girl's master can be related to the reward at the level of local bait.

In addition, while the system releases the task, it also proves that the little girl's master does encounter some problems and needs external help, otherwise he won't give Chu Yunfa the task.

"Where did your master go?"

Chu Yun asked.

"Evil spirit mountain."

The little girl thought for a moment and said, "master and her friends often go to the evil spirit mountain. I listen to them and seem to be looking for something, but I haven't found it yet..."

Chu Yun touched his chin and looked up to the north. There was a cloud over the majestic mountains. The little girl's master didn't come back for several days. No wonder she was worried.

"I can help you find her."

Chu Yun pondered for a moment and said, "but do you know where she went? The evil spirit mountain range is very large. If you don't have a specific target and look for the past indiscriminately, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. You can't get anything. "

"Well... I don't know..."

The little girl was distressed, but after thinking carefully, she soon remembered something and said, "ah, by the way, I saw a map in master's room with many forks on it. It is where master has been. She always goes to places where she hasn't crossed yet!"

Chu Yun smiled, nodded and said, "good. Can you take out that map for me to see? If you can, bring me one of your master's personal belongings. "


The little girl blushed: "stickers, personal items..."

Chu Yunyi said, "I have a dog. I have a very sensitive sense of smell. If I have your master's personal belongings, it will be easier for me to find her according to the smell."

"Ah, so it is..."

The little girl nodded at once, and the chicken pecked the rice. Then she hopped to the back alley and said, "big brother, wait for me here for a while!"

Chu Yun nodded and thought that the little girl was really a little naive. If he was a bad man, the little girl had leaked out the bottom of her master.

Jianghu Xiake like the woman in red must keep a high degree of concealment about their whereabouts, because once they are discovered by the government, they will be surrounded and suppressed.

It's the same everywhere. Xiake, Xiake, you have a good reputation, but who doesn't carry a few lives? Whether the person killed is a good person or a bad person, the government doesn't look at this. If you kill someone, you have no king's law. If you catch it, you will get rid of you.

But the good thing is

Chu Yun is still a good man, and he has no plan to tell the story of the woman in red.

After a while, the little girl came out with a map and a plain white dress, and came to Chu Yun like a guilty thief.

Chu Yun took the map, took a look, and then took the clothes. He felt very soft and silky, with a gentle fragrance

"This is the dress that master wore when he came back last time. It hasn't been washed yet. Should it be ok?"

The little girl is a little embarrassed.


Chu Yun nodded and then said, "OK, I'll start now. Wait here for the news. In two days, whether I find anything or not, I'll come back to you."

"Big brother, please, you are a good man!"

The little girl clasped her hands with her fingers and looked at Chu Yun with bright eyes. The adoring eyes made people unavoidably floating.


On the way out of the city, Chu Yun unfolded the map, looked carefully, and analyzed where the woman in red might go.

The area of this map is very large, covering most of the south central part of the evil spirit mountains. I'm afraid the actual area is much larger than the whole Linghai giant city.

The map is densely marked with thousands of locations, of which 60% to 70% have been marked with a fork, representing that the woman in red has been there.

"With so many places and so much work, I'm afraid the woman in red has been looking for at least several years in the evil spirit mountain. What is she looking for?"

Chu Yun touched his chin. This question is not easy to answer for the time being.

According to the ink marks of the crosses on the map, Chu Yun can observe that the forks and forks in several places have only been hit recently, which means that the place where the woman in red explored earlier is here, and if there is no accident, her exploration should also go all the way along this line.

Out of the gate, Chu Yun came to a remote and uninhabited forest, took out the bluestone gate from the system space, and then walked into it.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Rhubarb, the spirit digger, was running freely in the medicine garden, playing with a beautiful figure. He didn't notice that its real owner had come in.

"Ah, here you are!"

Xiao Li was the first to find Chu Yun. Her body turned into a streamer and came to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun smiled and said, "good morning."

After coming to Linghai giant city, Chu Yun often enters the Qingshi gate to chat with Xiao Li and talk about things that are inconvenient to talk to people outside. When he enters the Qingshi gate, he can talk to Xiao Li without worrying about being known by others. Even if Xiao Li doesn't understand, he will listen patiently. It's really a perfect tree hole.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Rhubarb came to Chu Yun's feet, jumped up, jumped into Chu Yun's arms, stretched out his tongue and licked it. After a while, he licked Chu Yun's saliva on his face.

"All right, all right, do you remember me as the master?"

Chu Yun rolled his eyes and said, "I have something to do to find you. Go out and find someone with me."


Rhubarb tilted his head, and the dog's face showed a puzzled expression. It seemed to say that I was just a little dog who could find babies, and finding people was not in my business scope.

"If you can find a baby, you can find someone. Anyway, your nose is more sensitive than mine. You don't think about being lazy and go out to work!"

At Chu Yun's command, rhubarb had no choice but to sob, and could only succumb to obscenity.

"Will you be away for a long time?"

Xiao Li asked softly.


Chu Yun smiled and said, "two days at most. I'll let it come back when I have a rest."

"Oh, OK, then you go."

Xiao Li nodded.

Chu Yun touched his nose and felt more and more strange in his heart. It seemed that he was the owner of rhubarb. It seemed that Guan Xiaoli came to borrow a dog

"By the way, the two spirit seeds you sent last time have all grown into fruit trees and have produced several fruits. Do you want to bring some to eat?"

Xiao Li added that his body turned into a streamer and flew to the center of the medicine garden. On the periphery of Yanling fruit tree, there were two newly grown small trees. They were not big, only as tall as people's shoulders, but the whole body was very exquisite, with several shiny fruits hanging on them.

These two fruit trees are the rewards that Chu Yun received from the system after he completed the task of "investigating the disappearance of martial artists in Guan Linfeng".

One of them is called Liuguang fruit tree. The Liuguang fruit planted by it can remove the negative state of the martial artist after taking it. If it is bleeding, it will stop bleeding. If it is injured internally, it can recover. If it is cursed, it can remove the curse. In short, the effect is very comprehensive.

As long as it is debuff, there is basically nothing that it cannot be cleared.

And another fruit tree, called burning spirit fruit tree.

The spirit burning fruit planted by this fruit tree can quickly improve the warrior's combat power after taking it. It is like burning the spirit power in the body. It will burst out terrible combat power in a short time.

However, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, after the outbreak, it will fall into a weak period for a long time, and in the process of outbreak, it will cause certain reverse bite damage to the warrior himself. Therefore, it basically belongs to the special medicine that should not be taken easily unless it is a last resort.


Chu Yun imagined that if you eat the burning spirit fruit first, and then eat the streamer fruit after the reverse phagocytosis, can you use the effect of the streamer fruit to offset the reverse phagocytosis of the burning spirit fruit?

This idea is reasonably possible, but Chu Yun has never had a chance to test it. If he can, the value of these two fruit trees will be greatly improved.

The last of the previous three ground food baits, the reward for fishing, is a martial skill in the great and complete realm of ground food, playing star flash.

This is a concealed weapon means that can be used for long-range attack. When it is used, there is no need to have any concealed weapons in your hand. There is no need for darts, silver needles and so on. Just bend your fingers and flick, you can shoot a powerful spiritual power, which is very difficult to prevent.

Chu Yun's impression of it is the magic power of snapping fingers like a mysterious world, or the magic sword of one Yang pointing to six veins. In short, it is also very easy to use. It complements Chu Yun's short board, that is, the long-range attack ability is not very good.

However, this remote attack is not good. Compared with those martial artists who specialize in long-range attack means, Chu Yun's concealed weapons, crossbows, symbols and seal characters emerge one after another. The remote means can be said to be very terrible.

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