The sword light fell, and Chu Yun dodged into the array.

Within the stone statue array, huge stone statues of Wudao mountain and sea burst open one after another, turned into rubble and scattered on the ground.


The beautiful eyes of the woman in red opened, and there was a surprised look in her eyes. Beside her, the five women in white who had achieved 10000 stone realm cultivation were even more surprised and speechless.

Although the stone statues in the boulder array are only powerful in the air, not real martial artists in the mountain and sea, their individual strength is also extremely terrible, which is by no means comparable to the peak of the general ten thousand stones.

There were five such stone statues, which were killed by Chu Yun's sword. The terrible sword was so sharp that they felt frightened just looking back.

"That's too strong..."

The women in white were surprised and turned their heads to their leader, the woman in red, but they didn't know when sister Yue made such a powerful friend.

Chu Yun stepped into the array and looked at the broken stone statues. The position of the tiger's mouth in his hand was still trembling and numb. He had just accumulated a lot of power, and the time to accumulate power was long enough, and he found a good time, so he could burst out such power. If it was in actual combat, he would not have such terrible destructive power.

However, it's good to break the array.

"Everybody, you can go out."

Chu Yun smiled.

The voice fell, and the women trapped in the array showed their happy faces one after another.

They have been trapped for too long, and now they can't believe it. This pestering array has been broken.


At this time, the roar of the boulder array rose again on the earth, and the five broken boulders in the mountain and sea came back to life again at an extremely fast speed.

Not only that, there are five giant stone statues again outside the array, all of which are the accomplishments of mountains and seas. If you add up, the number of giant stone statues in this array has reached ten!


Everyone was shocked, the surprise in their eyes faded, and a look of despair reappeared.

Chu Yun also frowned. Unexpectedly, this strange giant stone statue array will change the difficulty according to the strength of those who enter the array. A person who enters the array in the mountain and sea area corresponds to five times the stone statue, and his combat performance is also in the mountain and sea area. At the moment, there are five more giant stone statues.

"Rush out!"

The woman in red yelled and rushed to the periphery of the array. The five women in white behind formed a sword array to cover each other and follow her all the way forward.

However, the newly born stone statues of wudaoshan and Haijing are located at the edge of the array, and the five stone statues defeated by Chu Yun are revived faster than usual, so that they are only halfway through and are stopped by the sea of people tactics of the stone statues.

Moreover, because the number of giant stone statues in the mountains and seas increased, they faced greater pressure than usual. The two sides only had a frontal confrontation for a moment, and the women in red and five women in white could not help but retreat.

"This thing is too difficult..."

Chu Yun frowned and looked at the exhausted women and the huge stone statues. He was also very unhappy. He entered so handsome and failed to break through. Now it has increased the difficulty. Isn't it a sincere shame for him?

Although it is not difficult to kill the stone statue array with his strength, just like the woman in red, if the five women in white are not rescued, this decision is tantamount to abandoning the soldiers and protecting the car. It is too cold-blooded.

"Sister Yue, you go..."

At this time, a woman in White said sadly, her voice trembling slightly.

They have decided to give up. The array of five giant stone statues is enough to trap them and they can't escape. Now they have become ten giant stone statues. The difficulty is not as simple as doubling. When the number reaches a certain level, qualitative change will occur. At that time, it's impossible to say that even Su Baiyue, who is in the mountains and seas, will die in the array.


Su Baiyue clenched her silver teeth and said firmly on her pretty face, "if you want to go together, I won't give up on you."


The woman in white who spoke earlier was about to persuade again. A huge stone statue in the mountain and sea came across her side, and a huge stone sword swept at her waist. The terrible oppression burst out and brought desperate death.

But the next moment, the head of the giant stone statue exploded, and a flame surged out, cutting a stunning sword light from it, directly cutting the head of the giant stone statue. Long Yan burned on the stone surface, and the exploded stone was soon burned to ashes.

After receiving the fatal wound, the giant stone statue broke to the ground together with the whole body, disappeared into the array on the ground, and then resurrected elsewhere.

The woman in white opened her cherry mouth and looked at the back of the stone statue in surprise. She saw Chu Yun holding the sword with one hand, the Dragon shadow roaring around her body, and the terrible dragon inflammation covering the sword body, with a natural and unrestrained bearing.

"Don't give up in a hurry. This array may not be unbreakable, but we haven't found a suitable method yet."

Chu Yun said.

"Do you have a way?"

Su Baiyue turned to Chu Yun, who replied, "it's being verified."

The voice fell, and a huge stone statue slowly resurrected from the ground. It was the huge stone statue in the mountain and sea just defeated by Chu Yun. Chu Yun observed each other's body and soon brightened his eyes.

"Yes, there are flaws in this array!"

Chu Yun laughed.

Beside her, the woman in white looked away from Chu Yun, and then looked at the huge stone statue defeated by Chu Yun. After careful observation, she couldn't help but say with joy: "the volume of this huge stone statue has become smaller! It's a circle smaller than other boulders. What's going on? "

"Because when I defeated it just now, I burned all its head with Longyan. That part of the boulders did not fall on the ground and belong to the array. Therefore, when the array revived it, it lacked some materials and its body shape and strength were weakened a lot."

Chu Yun explained.

The voice fell, and everyone was pleasantly surprised, but soon cooled down: "however, we don't have the skill or martial arts to control the fire. We can't burn the giant stone like you. Can you really burn all these giant stone statues by yourself?"

"Of course I can't do it alone. Manpower will eventually be exhausted, but who says you're useless without fire?"

Chu Yun smiled and said, "as long as you don't let the body of the stone statue return to the ground after defeating it, it's not much different from burning it with fire. You can try to dismember the body of the stone statue and throw it outside the array. In this way, I see how it can revive!"

"Good idea!"

The beautiful eyes of the woman in white brightened and looked at Chu Yun with adoring eyes. Her eyes were full of shining stars.

On the other side, Su Baiyue had tried. Her long sword flew up and down, and several sword lights flashed, so she cut off the hands and legs of a giant stone statue.

Before these body parts fell into the ground and the array disappeared, Su Baiyue jumped up, flew a few feet and kicked these stones out of the array.


The giant stone statue that has lost most of its body dies and belongs to the array. When it is resurrected, its body shape has become extremely small, and even has lost its strength in the mountain and sea realm, and has become like a stone statue in the ten thousand stone realm.

"Really useful!"

Seeing this, the girls were overjoyed in their hearts, and then they learned something like a model.

After a while, huge stones and fragments piled up around the array. They were all removed from the stone statue. After they were thrown outside the array, those body parts would not disappear, but lost their spirit and vitality like ordinary boulders.

In contrast, within the boulder array, the power of those boulders has been continuously weakened. There are fewer and fewer boulders in the mountain and sea area. The only remaining ones are constantly falling, and gradually become the same as the ordinary wanshijing statues, losing their threat to everyone.

"There is such a solution. It's really fun..."

There was a great feeling in the hearts of all the women. They were trapped here before. They only thought about how to bypass the boulders in the five mountains and seas. They always thought about how to run, not how to break through.

During the war, even if the bodies of some giant stone statues were occasionally knocked out of the array, no one had the leisure to notice the details of the change, so they couldn't get out of trouble.

Gradually, in this array, there was no stone statue in the mountains and seas. Not to mention Chu Yun and Su Baiyue, even the five women in white could leave at any time.


No one wants to go. They still stay in this array and kill the giant stone statue wantonly.

"Ha ha."

Chu Yun smiled bitterly. He saw that these female heroes were taking revenge. They would not leave unless they defeated all the boulders in this array.

Sure enough, as Chu Yun guessed, when there were fewer and fewer boulders in the array and there was only one left in the end, Su Baiyue took a sword to break them, and then kicked all the broken stones out of the array while they didn't fall into the ground.

At this moment, even one stone statue in the stone statue array can't be revived. All the stones have been thrown outside the array. It's really difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice.


After solving the last stone statue, everyone present was finally relieved.

Su Baiyue's cultivation is high and there is still room for strength, but those women in white can't hold it at all. They sit on the ground one by two, sweating, and some even lie down.

They were too tired. After two days and two nights, they had no chance to rest. Now the array was broken, and they were like tight tendons finally loosened. They collapsed on the ground and didn't want to move a finger.

Among the five women in white, there is only one exception, that is, the woman saved by Chu Yun. At the moment, she still strongly supports her tired body, takes a deep breath, and comes to Chu Yun with a red face.

"Childe, thank you for saving your life, little girl..."

Before she finished speaking, the woman in white gave a cry of 'Oh', and was pulled back by Su Baiyue with her dress. She couldn't help protesting: "sister Yue, what are you doing, release..."

Su Baiyue reluctantly turned her eyes and said, "the origin of this guy is not clear. You have to accept the little woman's promise first."

"Nonsense, nonsense..."

The woman in white blushed more and hesitated: "who, who wants to promise each other by example..."

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