"With your crooked melons and split dates, it's good to dance guns and stick in front of your aunt and grandmother. It's shameless. Come on, come on, aunt, I'll give you one hand..."

The delicate voice was clear and gentle. Before entering the lobby, Chu Yun naturally appeared the image of a pretty girl in his mind.

When I walked in, I saw that in the lobby, Liu Chuang was surrounded by more than a dozen guys, eyeing a girl in a yellow skirt.

The young girl was slim and slim. She was only 17 or 18 years old. She tied a long knife with a scabbard around her waist. The blade was red and showed its edge without exposing the blade.

"Grandma's, little Niang pi..."

Liu Chuang's teeth were itching. Beside him, several Yuanhe Pavilion workers had injuries on their faces and bodies. Although they were not heavy, they all looked blue and blue. Obviously, the girl was very particular about her hands. She didn't lay heavy hands. The purpose of her moves was to blow other people's faces.

A group of people held each other until Chu Yun and shopkeeper Yang came in.

"Stop it all."

Chu Yun frowned slightly and stopped Liu Chuang and the guys of Yuanhe Pavilion who were preparing to do it again.

"Big shopkeeper, why are you here..."

Liu Chuang's heart sank when he saw Chu Yun coming, and then his face changed slightly. He had just become a shopkeeper, but something had not been settled for Chu Yun to see.

Chu Yun stepped forward, took a look at those black and blue jobs, and then took another look at the girl with big eyes open, looked at his yellow skirt curiously, and said, "what's going on here? Why did you start? "

"Big shopkeeper, the girl came to the door and said she wanted to buy your poem. The man at the bottom thought she was fooling around, so he wanted to invite someone out, and then the smelly girl started!"

Liu Chuang grinds his teeth.

The girl in yellow skirt stared at her big eyes and said in a charming voice, "you're the one who's fooling around!"

Liu Chuang smelled the speech and was about to scold back, but Chu Yun raised his hand to stop him.

"All right, all right, stop arguing."

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "shopkeeper Liu, take these guys down. I'll deal with things here."

"It's... From the big shopkeeper."

Liu Chuang took a deep breath and left with a fist. Before leaving, he looked at the girl in yellow skirt angrily, but the latter made a face at him without stinginess.

It's also very simple. When the girl came to Chu Yun to buy poetry, the clerk in the store naturally wouldn't agree to such a request. Instead, he said he wanted to "invite" people out. In fact, he was kicking people out, but he didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble and be easily solved by the girl in yellow dress.

Chu Yun wants to deal with this matter. To tell the truth, there is nothing to deal with. Harmony is the most important thing in business. The girl in yellow skirt doesn't have a heavy hand. The guys in the store don't have that eyesight. They can only suffer losses and learn a lesson.

So Chu Yun looked at the girl in yellow dress. After considering her words, she was ready to let the other party leave by herself. Even if this matter was over today, unexpectedly, the girl spoke first.

"Are you the Chu Yun who wrote 'thousands of grinding and thousands of blows are still strong, and let you wind east, West, North and South'?"

The girl in yellow skirt looked at Chu Yun, raised her snow-white neck, conveniently picked up the long knife at her waist, held it flat in front of Chu Yun, and said proudly, "my name is Lin yu'er. I like your poem very much. I hope you can write one for me and take my knife as the title. If it suits my heart, I will forgive you today."

Chu Yun couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech.

"You came to Yuanhe Pavilion and hurt the guys in my Pavilion. Although they kicked out the talent first, you still have some responsibility. I haven't investigated you yet. You even want me to write a poem to ask for your forgiveness?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

Lin yu'er tilted her head and asked in a reasonable tone.

Chu Yun shook his head, but he didn't want to say more to this little stupid girl who was too self. He said, "thank you for liking my poetry. Bye."

With that, Chu Yun turned and left.

Lin yu'er snorted and stepped forward, but with a mysterious step, he crossed Chu Yun's body and came to him.

Chu Yun raised his eyes and saw Lin yu'er holding her arms and looking like a cow hide. He posed in front of him in a natural and unrestrained posture, raised his head and narrowed his eyes, as if waiting for his exclamation of this body method.

"You're going in the wrong direction."

Chu Yun naturally won't be surprised. The spiritual step of cultivating to a great and complete state is rare in the eyes of ordinary people, but he can't rank at all.

So Chu Yun stretched out a finger and touched the shoulder of the girl in yellow skirt. Immediately, he pushed the girl out gently towards the gate of Yuanhe Pavilion.

"... huh?!"

Lin yu'er opened her eyes in surprise. She didn't see how Chu Yun did it, so she felt something happened to her shoulder. Then half of her body was numb, and then Chu Yun pushed her to the door.

When she recovered, Chu Yun was about to go out of the lobby.

"Don't go!"

Lin yu'er was in a hurry, but he was also unconvinced. He rushed towards Chu Yun with a big step. At the same time, he pulled out the long knife at his waist, chided and cut in the direction of Chu Yun.


The fiery red blade crossed a bright arc in the air, and the hot blade set off a rolling heat wave, in which the sharp meaning of the knife also followed.

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows. From the power of the knife, he saw that the girl's cultivation was not shallow. She was a beginner in the mountain and sea, which surprised him.

You know, even the youngest mountain and sea strongman of the Yuan River sect, young martial uncle song Daotian, didn't cross the threshold of the mountain and sea realm until she was 20, but the girl in front of her was only 17 or 18 years old. This talent is enough to refresh the history of the yuan River sect.

Looking at the whole Linghai giant city, it is estimated that there will be no such genius.

This knife cut at the door in front of Chu Yun's body. If Chu Yun took another step forward, he would be cut by the light of the knife. As long as he didn't move, he wouldn't be hurt.

But Chu Yun will not stop.

I'm kidding. Are the things in the pavilion smashed without money? Let the crazy girl cut it off. How many intact objects can be left in the building of Yuanhe pavilion?

Chu Yun whirled around. A golden light flashed in his eyes and looked at Lin yu'er's eyes. In an instant, the yuan spirit of the martial arts in the perfect state of Di pin shocked the soul pupil and directly shook in Lin yu'er's sea of spirits.


Lin yu'er's body trembled, and it could be seen that her own soul strength was not high. In the face of Chu Yun's soul shaking technique, she didn't have much defense. However, a string of gem necklace worn around her neck played an unexpected role and dispelled a large part of Chu Yun's soul shaking attack.

The grade of protective treasure with this effect must not be low. From this point, it can be seen that Lin Yuer's origin is absolutely extraordinary.

Chu Yun frowned slightly, but did not hesitate. Although the effect of Yuan Ling shaking the soul pupil was dispelled, it still made Lin yu'er's attack slow.

Seizing this opportunity, Chu Yun flexed his fingers and fired a bullet, which was also a martial art bullet in the great and complete state of the land. A streamer like a meteor shot out of Chu Yun's hand.

Hearing the "clang" sound, the light from the bullet star touched Lin yu'er's knife light, and then both collapsed.

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