Tianhai No. 1 Middle School.

Tens of thousands of students stood nervously on the playground.

Some of them quickly looked at the books in their hands, desperately trying to remember more knowledge about the creation of the Kingdom of God.

Some sweat on their foreheads nervously, praying to comfort themselves.

Others are constantly familiarizing themselves with their own world, hoping to forget any details when transforming the kingdom of God.

Awakening Day.

This day will be the moment that will determine the fate of countless people.

It is also a day when classes are divided and Tianjiao is born.

“Not nervous ~ not nervous ~ I can!”

“It’s okay, my world has a good magic element, with a little guidance, you can definitely create a magical world.”

“Calm, calm…”

“Why do you think so much, even Su Yang’s waste realm has come.”

“That is, if I were him, I wouldn’t dare to come here.”

“Waste world, it’s really rare, and it can be considered a genius to some extent”

The students whispered while peeking at Su Yang in the crowd.

And in the face of all this.

Su Yang’s face did not change at all.

It’s still as light as ever.

For him, whether it is those malicious whispers or evil eyes.

It doesn’t matter anymore.

Language is always pale and weak.

The essence of the world is the law of the jungle.

In this world of the Creator God, this law is even more vividly reflected.

Therefore, he did not need to say anything.

He just needs to use his strength to make everyone….

Shut up!!

Thinking of this, Su Xiao walked towards his examination room.

Inside the examination room.

A teacher dressed in black stood on the podium and looked at all the students with a serious face.

“Awakening Day is the only opportunity for all students to become Creator Gods and the most important turning point in your lives.

I hope that you can show what you have learned today. ”

Su Day’s position is by the window in the penultimate row in the back row.

“Back by the window, the king’s hometown?” He rather strangely remembered the classic sentences in the two-dimensional element of his previous life.

It seems to be in an anime made by Fuso friends who have a good life in a small life.

The window seats in the back are reserved for the protagonist.

Wait until all candidates have done it according to the test number.

The teacher dressed in black slowly raised his left hand.

In an instant, an extremely powerful divine power burst out from his body.


Pillars of light emerged from the students’ seats.

Colorful and colorful, like a streamer.

“This feeling is divine source.” Su Yang looked at the pillars of light around him, feeling the vigorous and familiar power.

To be able to attract such a degree of divine source power, only by burning a large number of divine sources can the above gods create formations for guidance.

“It’s really a big deal, with the divine source as the array, forging the divine kingdom for tens of thousands of candidates for assessment, and only the country has such arrogance.”

Being able to use the divine source unscrupulously, Su Xiao would definitely not let go of such an opportunity.

“The exam lasts three hours, and within three hours, you can use the divine source at will, and during the exam, a tutor will check your performance and score you.”

“Now, the exam begins!” Falling with the teacher’s voice.

The originally vigorous divine source power has become even stronger.

Su Xiao’s eyes closed slightly.

Consciousness instantly appeared in that chaos.



All rules mix and annihilate.

Although the chaos at this time is still so dark and disorderly.

But the huge Pangu egg exudes a strong aura all the time.

The shadows of the gods and demons around them became clearer and clearer.

Among them, the breath of life gods and demons and death gods and demons is the most real.

It’s as if it will be completely transformed at any moment.

Su Xiao looked at it slightly.

At this moment, about thirty illusory shadows have appeared.

That is to say, in the current chaos, the incarnation of the laws of thirty avenues has begun to be conceived.

With a piece of divine source to do this, Su Xiao was quite satisfied.

Then, he stretched out his left hand.

Follow what you have learned over the past three years.

Urge the divine power in the body, shatter part of the divine source power, and merge into the chaos.

Elevate the home and heritage of chaos.



With a loud bang.

The entire Chaotic World began to shake violently.

The void is shattered, and the darkness is sorrowful.

Su Yang could feel that the aura of the entire chaotic world had become heavier.

If the power of a world is water in a cup, then the world is an instrument that holds water.

Only if the foundation of the world is strong enough can a powerful kingdom of God be created.

After a long time.

Su Xiao sensed that the chaotic essence had reached the limit of all his current promotions.

“Then next, it’s your turn.” Su Yang looked at the shadow that represented the law of the avenue.

Pangu eggs take an extremely long time and energy to conceive, and the time left in the exam is simply not enough for Pangu to be born.

Therefore, Su Xiao decided that for the rest of the time, he would accelerate the derivation of the Dao God and Demon.

The power of the divine source converged and formed in the chaos.

It was like a torrent rushing towards that divine and demonic shadow.

Life gods and demons!

Death gods and demons!

Nothingness and Devil!

Chaos gods and demons!

Space gods and demons!


One god after another was rapidly condensed under the blessing of the divine source.

The fluctuations, which were originally very weak, became more and more intense.

It seems to be condensed at any time.

But what Su Yang didn’t know was that in the real world.

His body seemed to turn into a bottomless black hole.

began to frantically devour the surrounding divine sources.

Even the divine source power of the surrounding students was being plundered by him.


Tianhai No. 1 Middle School General Observation Room.

A group of teachers in suits and leather shoes are seriously considering the creativity of each student.

“Bad, do not enhance the world’s heritage, take the lead in creating creatures, ignore the foundation, like an attic in the sky.”

“Fighting spirit, magic, aura, immortal qi, this kid actually doesn’t want to temper his power, but directly integrates into the world, doesn’t he want to blow up his own world?”

“Hehe, I saw an even more bizarre one, he actually made mermaids in the desert world, I was really convinced

What teacher can teach such a strange thing, let me see, damn it, it’s actually my student, stinky boy, you crap! ”

Under the complaints of the teachers, the principal Zhang Jingfeng walked behind Liu Yingjiao.

“Your class has a good seedling.”

With his finger, he clicked on Li Ming’s world projection.

In the midst of the ethereal qi, Li Ming came to the clouds.

Condescending, like a god.

As soon as the gesture was made, a rule emerged.

Make his world more breathless.

“It can almost perfectly derive the world of immortal cultivation, and it is considered a leader among this class of students.”

Zhang Jingfeng nodded with satisfaction.

“Thank you Principal for the compliment.” Liu Yingjiao replied with a smile.

“The quality of this class of students is much worse than before, and many of the unfolding worlds do not have any extraordinary power or technological attributes.

It is difficult for such a world to become the Kingdom of God, and even I heard that there is an abandoned world in your class, so what is the name of the student? Zhang Jingfeng looked at Liu Yingjiao curiously.

Even he had never seen the wasteland.

“That student, his grades are very good, I believe that even in the most ordinary world, he may derive the kingdom of God, but unfortunately…”

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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