A fantasy world.

The green dragon that covers the sky cruises in the sky.

A huge statue stands between heaven and earth.

Countless creatures dressed in barbaric clothes bowed down and bowed to the statue.

As if in awe of the only god.

The whole world is diffused with a thick breath.

A child, who looked to be only four or five years old, was bouncing and grabbing a dragonfly.

But with each leap, he was able to make the space around him tremble slightly.

Wu Wenqi put his hands behind his back.

The sky full of stars slowly rotated, and the great sun and bright moon appeared behind him like a dot.

With great majesty and might.

And his face was as impressive as that statue.

“Interesting, a school that is about to be expelled still wants to struggle and create a wasteland? Huh…”

Looking at Su Tian’s name on the list in front of him, he sneered.

The ranking of the Tianjiao List is based on the Creator God’s consideration of the development and improvement of the world, the perfection of the world, the strength of the creatures, etc.

In Wu Wenqi’s heart, Su Yang is just a lucky person who has created a new world by luck.

Such guys have been in the past few months, and there are several that have entered the top ten.

But now, they have all been obliterated among all sentient beings.

“Thirteen, it’s already your limit, if you’re lucky enough to enter the top ten, then I will tell you that for the Creator God, combat power is the most important…”

The province ranked second, Wu Wenqi was in charge of the fantasy world, born arrogant, irritable and warlike.


At the same time.

The changes on the Tianjiao list were also noticed by many geniuses.

A school about to be kicked out of the high school of the gods.

Actually hit the thirteenth in the ranking in half a day with an unstoppable trend.

Tread a lot of Tianjiao under your feet.

Tianjiao list chat room.

“Crouch! Really fake, I just let people inquire, that kid is a waste! ”

“How is it possible, the wasteland can squeeze me down??” The thirteenth of the original ranking list said with a grumpy face.

“It is indeed the Waste Realm, just now our headmaster talked to me, his initial world is the Chaos World.”

“Chaos World? The original wasted world, the rules are mixed, the world is disorderly, and that world is determined to be impossible to build the kingdom of God. ”

They did not doubt the impartiality of the Tianjiao List.

The strongest of the ten academies created treasures at the same time.

The audit standards left behind are all forged by the strong divine power of the major colleges.

There can be no bias.

In other words, this young man named Su Yang is under the standards of many strong people.

Reached thirteenth.

But they just couldn’t understand why a waste world could be in such a short period of time.

Achieve such results.

“He stripped away the rules and condensed them into living beings…” an extremely simple line of text appeared in the chat room.

As if pressing the pause button, the frantically flashing message on the screen stopped.

Then the next second.

Overwhelming 6666

“Demon, maybe our province and region can play a role in the top 100 in the country!”

“Envy is dead!!”

“Does the big guy Su Yang still lack pendants, the little woman will warm the bed!”

“The wise goddess has already begun to prepare for pregnancy.”

Exaggerated words of all kinds fill the screens of the chat room.

The rules are frozen, it’s crazy.

To know that the Creator God creates the world, he needs to carefully control the rules, for fear that the power of the rules that are out of control will detonate his own world.

And to make the law into a living being, this is even more unthinkable.

If one is not careful, he will detonate the world, and he will become an ordinary person at worst, or even lose his own life.

Being able to turn the law into a living creature is a monster in the understanding of the rules.

Even if I and others can think of it, I dare not do it.

These people looked at Su Tian’s ranking with a bit of envy on their faces.

Su Yang’s move can be described as starting a new path of creation.

Even if he can’t be completely successful, he will definitely be able to attract the attention of the ten major colleges.

And, follow this trend.

Su Yang may not be able to reach the top ten of the provinces and regions.

The bright future is enviable.

The people who can enter the Tianjiao list are very people, although there are also jealous of Su Yang.

Or think that even if Su Yang’s wasted realm succeeds, it can only stop at the middle gods.

But it doesn’t show up in the chat room.

It’s all crazy buckle 6.

It seems that they have all turned into Su Yang’s fan sisters.

And yet….


Su Yang looked at the page of the chat room in front of him.

The corners of his mouth smiled slightly.

Which one can enter the Tianjiao list is not a human spirit, in addition to talent and talent, human feelings are even more well-connected.

Don’t look at them all advocating Su Yang now, but how many of them are sincerely admired, and how many are killing?

There are even a few people’s remarks that compare Su Yang with the top ten Tianjiao on the list.

But for these, Su Yang didn’t care.

Rather, all words are weak and pale compared to strength.

He looked inwardly at the Chaotic World.

The fifth god and demon have also been born.

The nourishment of the Liquid of Origin is long-lasting.

In a short period of time, that force will continue to repair and strengthen the rules and heritage of the chaotic world.

Therefore, Su Yang was not in a hurry to obtain the divine source.

“God Su Yang, I want to give you a monkey!!! This line appears along with the chat room.

Even Su Yang was slightly stunned, and typed in the chat room with a speechless face.

“…… Is there a possibility that only you are a monkey and I am not? ”


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