“Is this the top ten of this year?”

“The top ten in our province has finally started the Sky Arena, and the time has come to open your eyes.”

“Are you also a Tianjiao who came in just to see the excitement?”

“Yes, what’s the matter, I can’t fight anyway!”

The square is surrounded by students who are also dressed in black robes.

They are all members of the Tianjiao List.

For the fairness of the list, they are entitled to witness the final trial.

“It’s a privilege to be here.”

“Oh my God, if I can participate in the trial, even if it is cannon fodder.”

“Don’t even think about it, we are not on the same level as them…”

Everyone looked enviously at the ten figures in the middle of the square.

I can’t wait to replace it.

Being able to stand there represents honor and supreme glory.

What they don’t know, however, is.

This represents an opportunity of supreme glory.

This position is a position in which countless people have made great contributions.

Su Yang almost didn’t participate because he missed a line of rewards.


Above the square.

A figure emerged.

Qin Ming’s body exuded strong divine power.

The supreme majesty burst out.

It swept through the square like a flood.

Countless Tianjiao were silent for an instant.

“Because someone has just linked to the Tianjiao list, and has been in the top ten of the leaderboard in a very short time.”

“So it may not be clear what the final trial is, so I’ll announce the rules again.”

While speaking, Qin Ming’s gaze swept over Su Xiao nonchalantly.

“The final assessment is to check whether your combat strength meets the top ten standards.”

“This trial not only tests the combat strength of the Kingdom of God, but also examines the personal combat strength of the Creation God, so it is divided into two routes.”

“The first is to erase all the evil spirits that invaded, the line of faith requires them to sacrifice foreign races, and the free route needs to allow the creatures of the kingdom of God to destroy themselves.”

“The second: After completing the Divine Kingdom assessment, the Creation Gods can freely challenge and redeploy the ranking with the battle results.”

As the name suggests, the line of faith is to let the creatures in God’s country believe in themselves, worship themselves, and rely on the power of faith to enhance their strength.

This method is generally preferred by Western creation gods such as the Angel God Kingdom.

And the Free Divine Kingdom is Su Tian’s kind, completely so that the creatures of the Divine Kingdom do not know about his existence.

Left to its development, such a kingdom of God has an extremely high ceiling.

But if the living creatures go off the wrong route, it will be difficult to correct.

Not as stable as believing in the kingdom of God.

Su Xiao nodded slightly as he listened to these rules.

This assessment is very reasonable.

As the Creator God, both the creatures and personal combat strength in the God are very important.

The kingdom of God is strong, but the Creator is weak, which will lead to the inability to carry the power of the kingdom of God and eventually return to ruins.

And the kingdom of God is weak, but the Creator God is strong, it will give the Creator God a weak heart and abnormal strength.

These two assessments can simultaneously examine the full quality of the Creator God.

“Then what entered your world this time are five first-order evil spirits and one second-order monster!”

As Qin Ming’s words fell.

Suddenly there was a storm.

“Sleeping!!! Is it so exaggerated, five first-order evil spirits and one second-order monster! ”

“I heard the senior say before that the final trial is extremely perverted, but I didn’t expect it to be so exaggerated!”

“Why don’t you envy them all of a sudden?”

“If you can’t bear it, I’m afraid the world will go straight to ruins!”

on the square.

Everyone was shocked.

Because these are alien races that are about to enter the realm of the Examiner God.

Not ordinary creatures.

Their rank is not different from that of the creatures of God’s kingdom.

It is equivalent to the strength of the Creator God.

That is to say, five first-order creation gods and one second-order creation god enter your divine kingdom.

It’s like getting an adult to go to kindergarten to box.

Many people put themselves in the position of Su Xiao and others.

There was a look of despair on his face.

“I’ll go, fortunately I’m squeezed down, what kind of trial is this, this is my life!!” Wang Yi in the crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

For the first time, I thanked Su Tian.

If he hadn’t squeezed himself down and faced such a perverted assessment.

I don’t even know what to expect.

“I thank you, Su Tian…” Wang Yi thought in his heart.

Then he heard.

“Hey, isn’t that Wang Yi?”

“It seems to be, it’s the unlucky ghost who immediately assesses and then gets squeezed out.”

“Thank you sister!!”


The center of the square.

Wu Wenqi, who ranked second, heard this desperate difficulty in graduate school.

There was not the slightest look.

With a bit of unspeakable disapproval.

It seemed that this test was nothing more than that in his eyes.

His attention was more on the tenth place.

Although he was covered by a black robe, he knew it.

Standing in that position was the guy who made himself angry.

“Boy, don’t go back to the ruins in this trial, carry the personal battle, and then, let me tear you to shreds!” He said unruly.

And Su Yang looked at Wu Wenqi’s mouth twitching slightly.

“I said, did you guy graduate from elementary school?”

“Hmph!” Wu Wenqi snorted coldly, and made another note to Su Xiao in his heart.


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