Pangu still had a hearty smile on his face.

But raise your fist high.

But it burst out with a powerful force that had never been seen before.

This pure power rages out.


With this punch swinged.

Even the surrounding space was faintly moaning.

It was as if he couldn’t bear the power of Pangu.

A strong sense of crisis instantly emerged in the heart of destruction.

Avenue of destruction emerges quickly.

The power of the dark brown avenue turned into a shield to resist Pangu’s punch.


Hideous in pure destruction.

Although it turns into a shield.

But above that shield.

But it is an extremely terrifying destructive force.

If the ordinary road is unfortunately contaminated with this breath of destruction.

Even the Great Avenue Gods and Demons will not feel good.

Even the gods and demons of time and space did not want to be contaminated with this breath of destruction.

However, Pangu looked at the shield of destruction.

The smile on his face did not diminish.

Waving fists.

It’s a little faster.

His eyes were resolute and his eyes were fixed on destruction.

The fist slammed down.

The next moment.


Like thunder, a roar sounded in the chaos.

Many avenue gods and demons felt an extremely powerful avenue venting their power.

It seems to be telling the gods and demons of the entire chaos.

He appeared….

This punch hit the shield of destruction.

The avenue bursts.

Cover everything.

Although the Demon God of Time and Space did not understand why Pangu suddenly made a move.

But he was extremely worried about Pangu for the first time.

They all know the power of the Great Avenue of Destruction

“Pangu, it’s too reckless!” The road behind the time god and demon emerged.

He is ready if Pangu is wounded.

The time of Pangea was adjusted to the preparation before the injury.

However, the smoke from the collision of the avenue dissipated.

Time and space saw an incredible scene.


Before their eyes.

The God of Destruction Demon was half kneeling, and the shield of destruction that had originally emerged had been broken.

Dense cracks spread all over the body of the God of Destruction and Demon.

It’s like a cobweb.

“Impossible, your avenue, how can it be so strong.” Destruction muttered.

He is proud by nature.

In the midst of the whole chaos, only death could convene Him.

But not even death can easily overcome Him.

But right now.

This god and demon with a hearty smile.

It’s such a simple punch.

It broke its own path.

Even his own body cracked.

“Everything that is impossible is just a lack of strength.” Pangu retracted his fist and saluted the destruction.

After colliding with the Avenue of Destruction, His Avenue of Power was a little stronger than just now.

Destruction stood up with a gloomy face.

It’s all cracks that heal slowly.

He looked at Pangu’s body and bowed slightly.

“Thank you Daoyou.”

At the moment when Pangu’s punch just fell.

He understood a truth.

Everything that cannot be destroyed is due to the lack of power.

If the strength is enough, the heavens and all realms, and the three thousand avenues can be destroyed.

“It doesn’t have to be, it doesn’t have to be.”

Pangu looked at the destruction, a little embarrassed.

Quickly dodged and did not receive this salute.

After all, I just beat the other party.

The gods and demons of time and space were just about to step forward and say something.

And yet….

The faces of the two gods and demons changed greatly at the same time.

“Pangu Daoist, go quickly!!” The space god and demon shouted.


Above the chaos.

A huge millstone overlooks everything.

Tyranny, annihilation, death, brokenness, destruction and all kinds of disorderly forces operate in it.

All things in the heavens and all beings in the dimension seem to be annihilated under that millstone.

Chaos first killing spirits.

The Great Mill of Extinction has appeared.

And its appearance also represents.

The strongest gods and demons in the disorderly camp, the most ancient gods and demons.

The gods and demons of all ends….

Death Comes!!!

Sure enough, before the Great Tribulation of the World, a divine and demonic shadow with a bull’s head emerged.

He looked indifferently at Pangu below.

“In front of me, openly hitting my Taoist friends, his behavior should be damned!!”

The next moment….


The Great Mill of Chaos roared.

Many avenues are twisted.

Time and space gods and demons connected their own avenues for the first time. 、

But the horror is.

With the operation of the Great Mill of Extinction.

There was a marked stagnation in their speed of manipulating the avenue.

Although there is less than one suma.

But for combat at this level.

Enough already.

The Avenue of Death is blessed by the Great Tribulation of Extinction.

Blatantly falling.

The dark power of death floated unrestrained.

Where it passes.

It was as if even Chaos was dead at this moment.

Even destruction will lead to complete death under this.

However, in the face of such a strong attack.

Pangu actually does not hide.

A light rose in his eyes.

The Heavenly God Axe in his hand suddenly raised.

“Good to go!” Pangu laughed as if he had seen a big kid with fresh toys.


In vain under the feet.

Chaos shook in a trance under this foot.

His power grows stronger.

The breath on his body is also becoming more and more tyrannical.

He looked at the death gods and demons that made the gods and demons of time and space extremely jealous.

The smile on his face did not diminish.

Don’t retreat.

Holding the Heavenly God Axe, he brazenly killed the God of Death and Demon.

Innate spirits? Attack first?

Coincidentally, I don’t know that the Great Tribulation of Extinction is compared to the Heaven-Opening God Axe that can split chaos and open up the world.

Who is stronger? Who is weak?

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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