Chapter 66 Hongjun peeps at Da Luo, Pangu is obsessed!!

With the death of God’s rebellion.

Ferocious beasts that were originally scattered all over the flood wasteland. It’s like a spine has been pumped. Paralyzed on the ground.

The body constantly emitted bursts of black qi.

It was as if the former grievances of the gods and demons had been completely relieved at this moment.

And in the sky, the chaos torn out by the divine rebellion also disappeared at this moment.

The haze that weighed on the hearts of countless floods and desolate divine desolations dissipated along with the disappearance of the divine rebellion, but at this moment.

There was indeed not the slightest relaxation on the faces of all the Honghuang Divine. In its place, there was a solemn face.

Because, above the heavenly firmament.

Two extremely terrifying Dao rhymes are constantly spreading. These two forces are torn together.

I want to tear the heavens apart.

Hong Huang was strangely quiet at this moment. The wind that never stops, stops.

The clouds of peace and tranquility dispersed. Click!!! Thundered!!!

With the confrontation of Zulong and Yuanfeng.

The heavenly dome that was once supported by the opening of the sky Pangu seems to be divided into two halves.

Half of the flames burned in the sky, the law was furious, and even the heavenly dome could not avoid the endless flames.

And above the other half of the sky, the gloomy dark clouds are like the sky is about to fall, and dense thunder is rolling in the clouds.

The huge body of the ancestral dragon was hidden in the clouds, like a world-destroying divine dragon. These two had just finished killing the Divine Rebellion and became the most powerful divine beings in the flood wilderness. And right now.

It was actually because of just one look and one word, they collided together.

At this moment, their coercion even overshadowed the already dead Beast Emperor Divine Rebellion. Click!!

The two divine Dao rhymes collided unscrupulously.

The two are constantly devouring each other, trying to annihilate everything. The heavens are trembling, and the earth is wailing.

After the catastrophe of the fierce beast, the supreme divine no longer had any opponents for these two. A big war is inevitable.

Shi Qilin, who has always been known for being kind and auspicious Rui, actually did not have any persuasion.

Instead, he stood on the earth and looked at the-for-tat Ancestral Dragon Yuanfeng, without saying a word.

But it just stood there, as if it had an infinite sense of existence bursting out

Let the surrounding beasts who were terrified because of the battle between the two divine gods unconsciously knelt down in front of it.

“Shi Qilin, you are still buying people’s hearts at this time, and sure enough, you are not so simple!”

Zulong noticed this scene and thought to himself.

The strength of the three of them is not much different. If you start a war rashly, you are likely to end up losing both.

And Shi Qilin picked it up cheaply.


Thinking of this, Zulong snorted coldly and turned away.

The mighty heaven and earth are clear again, only above the heavenly firmament, there are also Dao Dao dragon scales engraved to show the majesty of the dragon.

Yuan Feng also knew what Zu Long thought in his heart, and took a deep look at the Qilin and led thousands of birds back to Fengqi.

Since then, the Beast Emperor God has been ruined, and the three families of merit have descended from heaven.

The three tribes of Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Qilin stood together, and because of their great merits, the power of the three tribes suppressed the entire flood waste.

Dominate the birds, beasts and scales respectively.

And in the shadows, one by one innate divine is indeed not willing to let the three races become bigger.

Hongjun, who was born in the remnants of the Immortal Dao, watched everything in secret. The meaning in his eyes is very deep, I don’t know what I am planning.

“Beasts, also want to become the protagonist of the flood wilderness?”

He whispered. But I didn’t notice.

Behind him, a pair of black and white lazy eyes are watching everything around him.

“That’s it, just because I want to be stronger.”

“You innate divine will become stronger and stronger, until Da Luo.”

Su Xiao smiled at Honghuang.

He found that with the death of the beast emperor god reverse.

The whole flood has been completely renewed, and the haze that has been covering the flood has dissipated.

The fierce beasts transformed by the flesh and blood of gods and demons have gone away due to resentment.

Huawei’s purest avenue flesh and blood began to give birth to new creatures from it

What cannot be formed will turn into laws and laws, and begin to integrate into this magnificent world, making the foundation of this world more powerful.

Su Tian’s gaze swept through the flood. Suddenly.

Everything in the flood was gone in his eyes.

On Kunlun, Fuxi, Nuwa are sleeping in the avenue.

It is in the middle of the flood wilderness, and it is independent in a space outside the flood waste. Born from the remnants of the space avenue, he raised his eyebrows and was cross-kneeling to comprehend the avenue. At the foot of the mountain, Hongjun traveled here, and his whole body was full of immortal energy.

These innate saints are constantly accumulating and strengthening their own strength. However, among them, the one that can attract Su Tian’s attention the most is in the west of the flood waste. That little bit of Pangu’s dirty blood turned into the Styx.

A black lotus wandered casually.

And the innate divine born from the River Styx looked at the black lotus. For some reason, a little thought of possession arose in my heart.

“From the first thorn of chaos to the first thorn of Honghuang, it is really extraordinary, Su Yang said with a little teasing.”

Then sit down cross-knee rarely. The whole body is stirred.

With the improvement of the strength of the various tribes in the Honghuang Wilderness, Su Tian’s strength is also improving together, but the strength is empty, if the foundation is insufficient, then in the future, there will be disasters.

Therefore, Su Yang needed to grasp this newly conceived power as soon as possible. Thundered!!

As his divine power unfolded, behind him, the three illusory shadows of the ancestral dragon, the yuan feng, and the first qilin all emerged.

Roaring the heavens with endless ferocity and terror.

Like a guard, he floated quietly behind Su Tian.

As the creator of the flood waste, he can master and use every powerful force.

And in this time of calamity, these three races are well-deserved protagonists. Or in other words, the Qilin family has withdrawn from the battlefield in the later stage, and the dragon and phoenix are the real protagonists.

Today’s floods are thriving, and all ethnic groups are crazy and desperately need strength. There are ambitious people who dominate the world.

His divine thoughts swept through the flood and desolation again, sweeping through countless ethnic groups.

“Such a world, the future, will be more brilliant.”

Su Xiao thought secretly in his heart.

Then I took out the challenge badge again.

He hadn’t forgotten the business, and it took five hundred points to exchange for the mythical concept of the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West, the Lord of Kunlun, the Five Punishments of Si Tian, and the Five Powers of Heaven, is the head of the fairies.

This mighty god is forged with a mythical concept. Then it is of great benefit to promote the entire flood famine to Da Luo. He looked at the dense array of names on the challenge list.

There is no single choice. Instead, random assignment was chosen.

“I don’t know if I can meet those guys who have a good little life.”

“I’m quite interested in their kingdom…”

Su Yang with slightly

A little evil thought. National Competition Judging Center.

On the dense screen, countless scenes of the God’s Kingdom battle of students appeared in it.

Countless powerful seventh-order gods were as nervous as lifeguards at this moment

Students in this grade are often young and vigorous, and if they hit the true fire, the kingdom of God will collapse and the fire of God will be shattered.

If it affects the future, it will not be good.

Qin Ming and the other chief leaders sat in front of a huge round table. Keep compiling the data in front of you.

The atmosphere is very solemn.

“Still no one can beat them?”

Elder Yuan asked.

Qin Ming couldn’t help but cover his forehead and sighed.

“The Mythical Divine Kingdom is too strong, and those exchange students deliberately changed their names to avoid our students who have the Mythical Divine Kingdom.

As if to deliberately undermine the confidence of the students, he not only ordered his subordinates to wreak havoc on the city in front of them.

There are even those who simulate our students’ divine kingdom on the spot and completely annihilate, and they do it within the scope of the rules. ”

Another person in charge, who had a bit of a polite atmosphere, continued: “Fuso’s Honda is the most excessive, and the students who were defeated by him have almost lost their original arrogance. ”

He clicks on a screen.

I only saw that the two worlds of the Kingdom of God collided together.

Like a god, Honda looks down on a world that has been flooded by countless demon gods.

His opponent slumped weakly on the ground.

“How is it possible, why, the creatures of your world actually have the power of gods!”

The student said silently.

“Stupid fellow, don’t you know that we have three million gods in Fuso, and in my Rizhao God Kingdom, three million gods are bred.”

Honda proudly looked at the student in front of him who had been beaten to powerlessness.

He continued: “It’s really boring to compare with you at your level, and I have been looking forward to it for so long, this is the highest level of Daxia?” ”

Honda said with a little sarcasm, and behind him, countless ugly-looking demon gods let out unbridled ridicule.

It seemed to fall on the student’s mind.

That student’s face was like ashes, he was also a generation of geniuses, and he had also fought among countless geniuses to compete for the opportunity of this competition.

But now, with a wry smile, he nodded to surrender.

I was expecting someone in my heart to be able to sanction this bastard who insulted Daxia.

“This guy is too much!”

“Murderous heart, he did follow the rules, but the harm to the players is in the heart.”

“If this continues, I don’t know how many students’ Taoist hearts will be harmed by him.”

The people in charge said indignantly.

I can’t wait to do it myself. But they all know it’s impossible.

They can even kill Honda with a single thought, but then what?

After that, in the entire international situation, Daxia will suffer an even greater crisis.

“I can only hope that there are students who can restrain him.”

Elder Yuan shook his head slightly and said.

“If it’s all at this level, then there’s really no pressure.”

“It’s too simple to destroy the Taoist heart of these students.”

Honda turned on the badge again in the void.

Random challenges are launched.

“Hope it’s fun this time.”

With a successful match notification.

He felt another void appear around his nothingness.

“Yo, greetings from the country of sunrise to the country of sunset!”

Honda’s tone was very respectful.

But there was indeed a bit of unspeakable provocation in the words.

“Sunrise? Huh~”

A slightly lazy voice came out.

“I really dare to say, a small island country, can afford to live, the light of the sunrise?”

“Baga! You are provoking me!! ”

Hearing this, Honda’s face suddenly changed.

The corners of Su Tian’s mouth smiled slightly. What a coincidence.

I actually met the Fuso people.

Then he didn’t have any need to keep his hands.

“No, no, no, don’t misunderstand, the weak provoke in order to make the opponent lose his mind, so as to better find opportunities.”

“But for the strong, provocation is the lowest and ridiculous means, so I am not provoking but telling a fact, after all, the guy who can’t even bear me at a glance is not qualified to be provoked by me!”

Su Tian’s voice was still not hurried, as before.

But the deep meaning contained in it is indeed engraved in Honda’s heart like a knife.

“It’s you!”

Honda was shocked when he heard this, and instantly knew that the other party was the guy who broke his own divine thoughts with the majesty of a glance that day.

“This guy is very strong, you can’t attack rashly!”

Honda thought to himself.

In Amaterasu’s kingdom, all the three million gods who had been preparing to go on the march stopped.

Changed to a defensive stance.

Until now, Honda can’t forget the eyes he saw that day.

What kind of eyes are that. Indifferent, deep.

It seems like an endless abyss, and it is like the eternal heavenly firmament. Honda, who has always flaunted its might in front of others.

At this moment, instead of attacking, he chose to wait for the other side to attack.

“Humph! Be able to beat me! ”

“I might as well tell you that I have now defeated no less than nine of your Daxia’s so-called heroes.”

“As long as I defeat you, I can advance to the next stage, you and I are not the same stage existence!”

Honda said with a slight swagger.

But Su Yang seemed to have lost interest in communicating with him. His eyes looked at two successive worlds.

Then his eyes looked at Honghuang.

Look at the great sun that shines on everything.

“Land of the Rising Sun?”

“Then you must love the sun.”

Su Yang said in a low voice, and the corners of his mouth showed a bit of teasing.

Above the flood and desolation sun.

Sitting cross-kneeled, Dijun and Taiyi are constantly realizing the true meaning of the great sun.

And then, as if he felt something, Dijun suddenly got up. Looking at the void of the great sun.

“There is a wandering blessed land cave sky that appears above the great sun? Interesting~”

Di Jun looked at the door of space with a slight nature.

In the flood wasteland, there are countless caves and heavenly blessings, and each hole has a world different from the flood waste.

This concept has been engraved in the hearts of all innate divine beings since the birth of the flood waste.

Over the years, I have also heard that many Taoists have traveled into Dongtian.

But I didn’t expect that this time, there would be a hole in the sky above the big sun.

“Brother Xian, it’s really boring to practice hard all year round, why don’t you take a walk for your brother?”

Di Jun looked at Taiyi, who was still sitting cross-kneeled, and smiled.


Compared with the majestic and sacred Dijun, Taiyi was even less silent, and a little tyranny flashed in his eyes from time to time.

The sun shines for nine days, reflecting the majesty and greatness of all things, and there are also thousands of miles of red earth, and the tyranny of the sun’s flares.

Dijun and Taiyi walked towards the so-called Cave Heaven and Blessing Land with a little nature. And that’s what is about to appear in front of their eyes.

Three million gods in the concept of Fuso mythology.

“So bold, only two creatures appeared, and they dare to come to my divine kingdom!”

Honda’s eyes rose with a bit of disdain.

“If you only have this ability, then they will be shredded by my three million gods, and your kingdom of God will also be injured because of your arrogance!!”

Honda whispered, his eyes extremely cold.


“That’s fun.”

Su Yang sat on the rocking chair and supported one hand on his chin.

He looked at Teijun and Taiyi, who were about to appear in Amaterasu’s country. It’s like waiting to see a unique conference.

Compared to his indifference.

The entire referee bench really exploded at this moment.

“How did I go to this kid’s world like this!!”

“Oh my God!! With such abundant aura, the creatures of this world are also extremely powerful, and almost half of them have reached the third-order standard. ”

“How did he do it, how could he open up the world in the midst of chaos!”

“Where have all those powerful rule creatures gone!”

As the world of Su Day unfolds.

The teachers who were already extremely concerned about Su Yang instantly had countless questions to ask. But right now, the most important thing is the enemy that Su Yang is about to face.

“Old Qin, do you know what’s going on?”

“Yes, old Qin, do you know!”

Everyone’s eyes were on Old Qin’s body.

And Qin Ming was obviously a little confused by the world in front of him. The laws of this world are endless, and countless creatures are born in them. In the sky, sometimes nine dragons fly together, sometimes phoenixes sing for nine days.

There are powerful races that open the way and build tribes. There is an innate divine sitting and talking, dashing and arbitrary.

It was a world of difference from the chaos they had seen.

“I don’t know…”

He couldn’t help the corners of his mouth twitching.

“It’s not important, what matters now is that such a world has no less power than the mythical world!”

“If the whole army attacks, maybe it will really be able to defeat Amaterasu! The people in charge said excitedly. ”

Immediately afterwards, their expressions followed the figures of Dijun and Taiyi into the spatial passage.

It gradually became ugly.

“Two!! He should know what he is facing! ”

“Only two divine creatures have been lured over!”

“Is this kid going to give it away?”

“Or is he a walking half a million!”

The leaders were obviously very excited, and finally saw the opportunity to suppress the Fuso students.

Actually buried like this??


Suddenly, Yuan Lao’s quaint voice sounded, suppressing the void, and the coercion of the eighth-order Creation God broke out.

It made everyone instantly quiet.

“Look down, Su Tian’s son, it’s surprising to come quickly.”

Elder Yuan continued lightly: “Moreover, throughout the beginning of linking the Tianjiao List, he has never failed!” ”

When everyone heard this, you look at me, I look at you, and they are indeed shocked, no matter how surprising and shocking Su Yang did, and even felt that it was impossible to do it.

But in the end, he never failed.

Everyone’s attention was on the world of Amaterasu. As if wanting to see what was extraordinary about these two creatures, Di Jun and Tai strode in the spatial passage. One is domineering and extraordinary.

One has a wandering figure and a domineering look in his eyes.

Dijun and Taiyi are both true spirits born above the great sun incarnated by Pangu.

It is also the first two great sun golden crows in heaven and earth, which bear the merit of opening the heavens in Pangu, and they also have the merit of illuminating the flood and desolation.

Shine on the eternal flood and desolation, and come to the world of the heavens.

In terms of the current flood and waste, its strength is only inferior to the Ancestral Dragon, Yuan Feng, and Shi Qilin who are in the limelight.

“Hey, why is this blessed land so lonely?”

Dijun stopped, and he had already walked to Amaterasu.

He frowned slightly and looked at the world around him, which was full of war and gunsmoke.

Everywhere is the traces of war and the wreckage of living beings.

Taiyi looked at the sky behind him, looking at the slightly evil sun, and a little displeasure rose in his eyes.

“The Great Sun, shining in all directions, suppressing the nine heavens and ten realms, why is this kind of thing qualified to hang in the sky, weird?”

His voice was not loud.

But as if with some kind of magic power, there were waves in the middle of the air.

“Strange, really strange, why am I so unhappy about this place?”

Dijun fiddled with the folding fan in his hand.

As the spirit of the great sun and the body of the golden crow, he is the future emperor of the demon clan, and his status is noble.

Even the fierce beast only made him feel too ugly and obstructive, and never aroused a sense of disgust.

Under the big sun, everything shines, and Dijun’s character is as tolerant as the big sun. But now, step on this land.

Feel the breath of this land and watch the sunshine of this land.

For the first time since his birth, Dijun, who had been in charge of the power of the sun, had a sense of disgust for the first time.

“Fuso, it’s really disgusting.”

Taiyi casually raised a palm and moved it with disgust. Innately sacred, born to know, as soon as this world appeared, Fuso’s name appeared in their minds.

“Humph!! Go on, shred these two guys, and enter that world to do everything you want!! ”

In the void, Honda looked at the lofty posture of Teijun and Taiyi.

I couldn’t help but snort coldly.

He gave a direct order to the gods in his divine kingdom. Next second.



“Delicious food!!!”

Dense monsters continue to appear in Honda’s kingdom. They are like demons, but they carry the word god.

Looking at Taiyi and Dijun, it was as if I had seen some delicious food. Roared and roared and rushed up.

The sky is obscured by countless winged gods.

The land is filled with countless gods who are famous among Fuso. The gods of grass heads, sea lords, and curtain gods roar with greed and desire. Frantically rushed towards Dijun and Taiyi.

However, in the face of those Fuso gods who are constantly rushing. Dijun and Taiyi seemed to have no sense. Still standing in place, looking at the surroundings. The displeasure in my heart deepened.

“It really exists, so there is no background, no avenue exists.”

“This trip is boring, and it’s not even as pleasant as talking with the children of the Wu clan.”

Dijun played with the fan in his hand and looked at Taiyi, wanting Taiyi to corroborate his words.

And Taiyi still looked like an iceberg and said, “It’s not that you have to come and see it, big brother.” ”

“Hahahaha!! Don’t say that, say so about me, the eldest brother will also be sad! ”

“Oh, so last time Xihe didn’t let you go to Taiyin, were you also sad?”

The two chatted casually under the siege of three million gods. Next second.

Whoo-la-la!! Crash!!

Millions of Fuso gods completely drowned the two figures.


Looking at everything that happened in God’s country, the corners of Honda’s mouth couldn’t help but smile.

“Hahahaha!!! What, I thought you were amazing, it turned out to be just a guy with a wine bag and a rice bag. ”

“Next, I will thoroughly make you understand the gap between us!”

Hear Honda’s arrogant words.

Su Xiao smiled faintly, as if he saw a sister insect provoking in front of him.

Even if you step on it, you will feel sorry and stain your shoes.

“Then, now counterattack the other side’s world!”

Honda proudly ordered to his own god creature.

However. Amaterasu in the country.

The gods who drowned Taiyi and Dijun were frozen by some force.

Stayed put. Can’t move a minute.

“All said, we and Taiyin Star are both Pangu orthodox, naturally we should be closer!”

“Brother Xian, you have to believe as a brother!!”

“Okay, I believe it.”


Under this strange scene, the joking voices of Dijun and Taiyi sounded strangely

Next second. Metaphor!!

An extreme light lit up throughout Amaterasu. Whoo-la-la!!


The so-called three million gods had almost no ability to resist under this terrifying force.

Under the terrifying scorching heat close to the surface temperature of the sun. Three million gods and grass mustard are indeed the same.

Under the power of that twisting together, it all turned into flying ash.

Di Jun was like an unreliable big brother who was busy explaining the relationship with Taiyin Star to his younger brother.

And Taiyi hung on an iceberg face, indeed with a bit of a teasing big brother’s smile in place.

Both of them seem to be unaware of everything that is happening around them and never make a move.

Only, the folding fan that had been played with by Di Jun in his hand fluttered in mid-air.

It exudes a tyrannical atmosphere.

Then it quietly fell into Di Jun’s hands, as if it was not it that had annihilated everything before.

Emperor Jun, Si Tian’s Great Day, stars are horizontal, for the Demon Clan Emperor, Fuze Honghuang, a fan that can be played with by him.

How can it be something simple?

“How, how can it!!!”

Honda looked at the changes in God’s country, and his pupils involuntarily widened.

He could hardly believe his eyes. Three million gods alive.

In the blink of an eye, he was completely evaporated by that terrifying power. Not even the proof of its existence has left a single trace.

How could such a means be mastered by a mere third-order being. And it seems that the other party has not even made a serious move.

“Nope! I still have a chance that three million gods is nothing more than one of the mythical concepts of Amaterasu’s kingdom. ”

“Truly powerful gods have their own unique concepts, and I want to trigger Amaterasu’s thoughts right now.”

Thinking of this, his whole body burst out of divine power, the demon smelting divine fire in his forehead floated, and the fireworks seemed to be a hundred ghosts walking at night.

Scarlet divine power continued to pour into Amaterasu’s world.

In the sky, the dark red sun emitted bursts of light, and faintly opened his eyes.

In the referee’s room.

The people in charge who were just going to celebrate Su Yang.

At this time, they all looked at the screen with a worried face. True.

Three million gods were instantly evaporated, such a terrifying power.

It should have been able to sweep many worlds and destroy the mythical concept of Fuso’s three million gods.


As seventh-order powerhouses, they knew the most terrifying mythical concept in Amaterasu.

It is Amaterasu, the light of heaven, for the great sun.

Fuso calls itself the Land of the Rising Sun because of Amaterasu.

“The third-order creation god can use a hint of Amaterasu’s mythical concept.”

“But that is Amaterasu, representing the power of the god of the great sun, and is one of the strongest mythological concepts!”

All the referees looked at the screen nervously.

These two creatures dressed in imperial clothes have done a good enough.

But they are facing the great sun, the sun that shines on everything. The person in charge couldn’t help but feel a pity that such a powerful creature of the Kingdom of God was about to fall.

“Here it is!!!”

Everyone’s eyes were firmly fixed on the screen. Only see.

Above the firmament of Amaterasu’s kingdom.

The eerie sun opened a one-eye.

The terrifying flames instantly rained down. Call~

Where the flames passed, even the space was slightly distorted at this moment. It was even burned out of a few cracks.

“See, the power of the sun~”

An ancient voice seemed to come from before the Endless Age.

Terrifying sun flames rushed towards the two from the sky. It’s like a small sun.

However, it is like the end of the world. Dijun and Taiyi couldn’t help but slightly hook the corners of their mouths.

They looked up at the sky, their figures rising.

What’s even more terrifying is that the power that can annihilate even space can’t touch them in the slightest.

“You just said that you want us to see, the power of the sun?”

“Even if you are fireflying, you dare to call it a big day!”

“Dare to compete with the big sun!”

Di Jun’s face was majestic and solemn, and such a filthy thing actually dared to take the big sun

“Well, then let you know what the big day is!”

Since the birth of heaven and earth and the consciousness of human beings, a great sun has hung high in the sky.

It shines on everything, and it shines forever, whether it is past, present, future, it is there.

The warmth of the day makes the living creatures grow.

But what if there are two big days at the same time? Thundered!!!

Above the sky, Di Jun and Taiyi simultaneously displayed their true bodies.

They were born from the true spirit of the sun, made the great sun their home, and realized the way of the great sun. And as the first golden crow in heaven and earth.

They have the same power as the Great Day. Yao warms everything, anger destroys heaven and earth. With the rise of these two great suns.

The scarlet sun was completely annihilated from its light.

And in an instant, the entire space of Amaterasu was evaporated by fifths

Shine the sun, panic and fear.

The king of the flood desolation million demon tribes, suppressing all the great sun, completely descended on this so-called sunrise country.

“You guys love the sun.”

“Then why, when the sun rises, I feel your fear?”

Su Yang’s voice was not loud.

But it sounded like Honda’s heart. Feel the power of those two rounds of the big sun. His body was soft on the ground.

Two rounds of great days kept popping up in his heart, as if it was the end of everything.

“I throw in the towel!!!”

He roared with all his might, and his eyes were bloodshot

Almost instantly, his divine space shrank by one-fifth again. If you don’t admit defeat and let the sun be tyrannical, the consequences are unimaginable. He quickly chose to throw in the towel.

Then, his arms fell weakly. In the void that keeps leaving.


Su Yang’s voice sounded again. No mockery, no ridicule, no harsh words. There is only a faint boring sentence.

It’s like.

All the efforts Honda made were to make him funny. But he ended up with only boring comments.

Honda’s consciousness refuses to stay in nothingness. Every second he’s here.

It was as if they could see the figure of a young man in white. The boy lazed in the rocking chair.

Sadistic watching him struggle, surviving, looking at him thinking he had found hope. Then press your fingers casually, and all hope is dashed.

The shadow of a dream demon continued to haunt Honda’s heart. It made his whole body tremble at this moment.

In his heart, Su Yang was even more terrifying to him than those two rounds of big suns.

After getting the points to get the hint.

Su Xiao carefully recalled the other party’s divine kingdom. Compared to the flood wilderness, Amaterasu is in the kingdom of God.

It’s just too weak. No wonder.

Dijun and Taiyi will think that Dongtian is a broken Dongtian. According to the battle this time.

Su Xiao can be sure of one thing.

That is the creature of the flood that he has given high hopes. In terms of potential, it will not be weaker than the Chaos Gods and Demons.

With the emotional flood of life, in addition to the understanding and pursuit of the avenue

It has also become more resilient and stronger. This is the key to opening up Da Luo in the future.

“Hey, someone spied the parallel flood and touched the edge of the concept of Da Luo, who is it!”

Su Yang felt it.

A certain timeline of the parallel flood of self-created is peeped. This proves that there are creatures in the flood and desolation who have touched the realm of Da Luo. The time flow rate of the flood is hundreds of millions from the outside world.

At this time, in the midst of a flood.

The tripod situation has been broken. Dragons and phoenixes are opposed.

The north and south of the flood wilderness were divided into two camps. The power of Zulong and Yuanfeng suppressed everything.

Even the First Qilin could not fight it.

The major forces and innate divine in Honghuang also have the intention of taking sides. After all, although the flood is vast and magnificent, its cultivation resources are limited.

If you want to improve your cultivation faster, whether it is a spiritual treasure or a spiritual object, it is indispensable. If they stand against each other in the battle of dragons and phoenixes, then the benefits will be enough for them to benefit for a lifetime.

But so far.

It is true that the Lich and Lich races have not taken sides. The Wu clan is not far from the north in the name of protecting the ancestors.

And Dijun and Taiyi avoid this great battle in the name of the Avenue of Enlightenment. However, Su Tian’s mind swept through the entire flood waste.

But found that this touched the mind of Da Luo.

It was actually not the most powerful ancestral dragon, Yuanfeng.

It is also not the most orthodox Twelve Ancestral Witches and Emperor Jun Taiyi.

Even Sanqing is still in the hazy stage, and his cultivation is not at the Golden Immortal level.

“It’s actually you. No, it should be said that it is really you. But Su Xiao finally found the existence that triggered Da Luo’s thoughts. Hongjun. ”

The gods and demons of the avenue were all killed by Pangu and fell into the flood waste, improving the background of the flood waste. And Hongjun is a flash of light before the gods and demons of the Avenue of Immortals sink.

For gods and demons, even emotions can have their own way. What’s more, it is the aura of this immortal god and demon.

After Pangu opened the sky, this spiritual light incarnated as Hongyu.

He began to continuously improve his cultivation in the fierce beast calamity and the confrontation between dragons and phoenixes. And today he found a treasure.

“Finally found you, Creation Jade Butterfly.”

He looked at the creation jade butterfly that emitted a little blue light in his hand.

A smile on his lips.

From birth, he knew that there was a great change in his life.

That is the Jade Disc of Creation, and this feeling has been lingering in my heart since birth. Over the years, in order to find the jade disk, he searched all over the flood wilderness. Finally, when he was just thinking about why he felt this way.

The mistake actually touched the edge of Da Luo’s thoughts, and triggered the creation jade disk.

He holds a jade disc in his hand.

All the things of the past are in my mind.

Everything that has been done, under the blessing of the creation jade disk, look at it again. There are indeed many different tastes.

But apart from the joy of getting the jade plate. He also had a feeling of even greater longing.

“Da Luo, what is Da Luo, what is the true self, what is Da Luo Daoguo!”

Hongjun thought about a certain concept he had just touched.

I can’t help but want to find the answer from these countless spiritual treasures that are the fundamental of creation. But only one sentence was obtained.

Da Luo, the flood can be palmed, not Da Luo, they are all empty!

“Is it necessary to master the flood famine to be able to preach Da Luo?”

Hongyao pondered this carefully.

Although the dragon and phoenix are strong, if he strategizes in it, he may not be able to muddy this water.

And I’m not alone.

The innate divine born from the spiritual light of the gods and demons was not himself. Raising eyebrows, breaking branches, killing the sky, etc.

They may not help themselves in normal times. But.

Hongjun showed a meaningful smile. If you tell them the so-called Da Luo thought. If you don’t believe me, you can’t get these old fritters. Come to think of it.

Hongjun stopped enlightening the creation of jade butterflies, but began to initiate one divine thought after another.

“Raise your eyebrows, do you want to know what Pangu’s intention is to open the sky? Do you know why Pangu, the same gods and demons, are so powerful, why they can cover everything, because of everything?”

“Da Luo!”

When Pangu touched Da Luo’s true intention, Hongjun didn’t know it, he just felt that he was also the incarnation of gods and demons.

Pangu is more powerful than everything, just like it is clear that everyone’s level ceiling is a hundred levels, but you Pangu has no upper limit.

After destroying the three gods and demons, there is still the strength to open up a new world.

This kind of added up, can’t help but let Hongjun associate Pangu and Da Luo

And even if Pangu has nothing to do with Da Luo. Hongjun also has to let them have a relationship.

Otherwise, how to let your old buddy help yourself.

“Heavenly Daoist.”

“Folding Mei Daoyou.”

One after another, the divine thoughts flew out.

The word Da Luo began to circulate frantically in the Innate Divine Circle. The Dragon and Phoenix War is extremely tense at this time, and war will break out if you are not careful.

And in the shadows, these innate divines gathered together to secretly plan everything under the guidance of Hongjun.


It was as if it had been placed on a huge chessboard. But there is not a single player on the entire board.

If you don’t become a big Luo, it will be difficult to fall into the end.

Only one day someone can prove Da Luo, then this game of chess really gives birth to chess players

And Su Day.

He is the rule-maker, the mastermind of the game, and he is not involved. Indeed, it is the greatest beneficiary of everything.

“It’s a little interesting, although your original intention is not so, you really promoted the concept of Da Luo.”

Su Yang watched Hongjun constantly plan the entire flood wilderness because of a misunderstanding. A smile on his lips.

Meanwhile. In the midst of a flood.

Hongjun appeared in the Ancestral Dragon Hall in the form of a white-clothed Taoist. Countless words of war will come out in my heart.

But for some reason, it was a shiver.

“Did any hidden power notice me?”

He whispered in his heart. But his face was indeed unmoving.

“Ancestral Dragon Daoist, the heavens are here, why don’t you take charge of Honghuang!”

“In terms of strength, you are crowned with the flood, our innate divine is all on your side, God is against Huo Shi, you are the first divine that should be robbed.

In this flood, let you be the co-master! ”

Hongyu’s words were wild.

The indifference that should have appeared in Zu Long’s deep eyes was covered by a haze.

The clarity in my heart also gradually dissipated.

“As it should be!! Today, as Daoist friends said, all dragon clans obey the order!! ”

“The scales of the world, chase the flood together!”

“If there is a violation! No mercy to kill!! ”

Roar!!! Roar!!!

Accompanied by a dragon’s roar.

On Fengqi Mountain, the nine phoenixes come to Yi, and the phoenix rings for nine days. Countless supreme powerhouses stood out proudly.

Birds are popping up to cover the sky.

And on Fengqi Mountain, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the wind and clouds with a smile.



“You and I have been entangled so far, and now the flood and desolation will change, today we will divide the high and lower to see who can dominate the heavens!!”

“That’s exactly what it means!!”



Accompanied by the roar of the ancestral dragon, Yuan Feng hissed. Flood desolation robbery, dragon and phoenix robbery!! And the ancestral witch hall.

One of Pangu’s hand bones was collected by the ancestral witches for sacrifice. However, with the rise of the dragon and phoenix war.

A faint consciousness emerged on that hand bone.

“I actually have a chance to see the world.”

An ancient and vicissitudes of voice.

It seems to have crossed the entire flood waste, slowly rippling from the end of the long river of years. All the witches of the entire tribe fell to their knees in the clouds.

While urgently discussing the battle of dragons and phoenixes, the ancestral witches of the Wu Clan all stood up in an instant.

Abnormal excitement in the eyes.


“The ancestors are reborn!!!”

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