Chapter 70 Mythical Concept, Queen Mother of the Great Rossi!!

“Taiyi Realm?”

Luo Qi felt the state of his body and couldn’t help muttering. In the chaos, there is no so-called realm division between gods and demons.

Whether it is peak gods and demons, or top gods and demons, it is just a name used between them to distinguish between strong and weak.

Gods and demons are born in the avenue, and as long as they exist, they will become infinitely stronger until they completely master their own avenue.

Therefore, even if it is as strong as the Heavenly Pangu, it is just a powerful peak god and demon in the eyes of the gods and demons.

However, with the opening of Pangu. Hundreds of races under heaven are contending, and heaven and earth are contending.

Under the newly born rules, the concept of cultivation and the concept of cultivation system began to appear in the flood.

Even if the Great Avenue Gods and Demons fall into the flood waste, they must follow the rules of this world.

And Luo Yu, who repaired his own mutilation from the avenue, was in the Taiyi realm at this time.

It is also the ultimate before Da Luo has appeared. In the ordinary flood that Su Yang had heard of in his previous life.

Taiyi is not an ordinary realm, and it is already the limit to be able to use a little of the power of heaven and earth and mobilize a little idea of the avenue.

But this is not the Da Luo Honghuang created by Su Yang. In the midst of the Great Luo Hong.

Taiyi, who has evolved an innate flame in his body, can deduce all avenues, peek through all material vitality, arrange the state of avenues, and play all sentient beings.

Those who are idle, can travel through the flood and desolation, and live forever, and the best of them, such as Hongjun’s generation, can hook the luck of heaven and earth, and can even become a world of their own

Even in a world of rules and order, precision and rigor and impeccable such as Da Luo Honghuang.

Taiyi is still the supreme power under the power of Da Luo who controls all time and space and can subvert the past and future.

And now, in the world of Da Luo who has not yet been born. Taiyi is the ultimate of everything.

“The world created by Pangu is really interesting, complete rules, precise order, all connected Tao, even…”

Luo Qi said while setting his eyes on the flooded wasteland.

“Even a speck of dust, a small flower, and a deep sea have the essence of condensing the world.”

That’s right, in the current flood and waste, all existing creations have the background that can evolve a world.

This is also the supreme foundation that Su Yang exhausted more than ten divine sources and laid down for Honghuang

The Da Luo Honghuang in Su Tian’s heart is infinite, like Da Luo is infinite, every flower here, every mote, it is possible to give birth to a world

Only such a magnificent world is worthy of the Da Luo in Su Tian’s heart.

However, the current flood is still far from it.

Although Luo Zhu sighed at the subtlety of the flood wilderness, he did not put it in his eyes.

For Him, this heaven and earth are just the world where he once fell for a son.

However, immediately after, his face changed slightly, and the Avenue of Demons reflected the entire flood.

During this period of time, all the rumors about the flood famine fell into Luo Yu’s ears.

Although He has been asleep for an unknown number of years.

But under the unremitting efforts of Hongjun and others, Luo Yu’s image in the hearts of all beings in heaven and earth.

He has become a god and demon who wants to destroy heaven and earth. In this regard, Luo Yu really did not pay attention to it.

Just like Pangu Obsession once said, the pride of gods and demons comes from the fact that the soul can only be called gods and demons if they ignore everything.


After Luo Qi swept into the flood waste, he felt an extremely powerful and familiar aura in the north of the flood waste.

It was a god and demon that had once stood in the chaos of three legs, forcibly balancing the entire chaos with the minimum number of gods and demons.

One of the most ancient gods and demons, the breath of reincarnation gods and demons. Three thousand avenues are connected to each other.

He could feel that the true spirit of reincarnation was sleeping in the avenue. But if you let His breath exist in the wilderness.

Then, it won’t be long before the obstructive reincarnation god and demon will appear again “hehe~”

“Don’t even think about it, old fellow, don’t bother me again!!”

Luo Qiu smiled slyly.

In the midst of chaos, he is not at enmity with samsara, but with all gods and demons.

For the Devil’s Avenue, he is not disorderly or orderly, let alone neutral.

Instead, he wants to assimilate, devour all avenues, and the first thorn of chaos! Airplanes!!

Next, in vain, he exerted force under his feet, and the Avenue of Demons burst out violently. Straight to the north of the flood waste, killed to the place of the Wu Clan.

He wants to crush that little breath of reincarnation and forcibly increase the sleeping time of the reincarnation gods and demons.

At this time. Among the witch tribes.

The twelve ancestral witches worshipped Pangu’s finger bones on a daily basis.

Subsequently, some future plans for the Wu clan were arranged.

In fact, it is said to be planning, but for the Wu tribe in this almost barbaric period, the so-called planning is nothing more than telling some little witches in the clan.

For example, give birth to more dolls, don’t go out hunting in the dark, don’t steal the eggs of the demon tribe and so on.

I don’t know if it’s because of Pangea’s heredity. The people of the Wu tribe are always extra skinny.

If it weren’t for the incomparably powerful Twelve Ancestral Witches, those little witches of the Wu Clan would not know how many times they had died.

Last time, the spirit of the ancestor on the sun star, Emperor Jun Taiyi, traveled into the flood and wilderness for the first time.

Although the two sides quarreled over who was the Pangu orthodox, it was generally more pleasant.


A certain bear child named Dayi tries to shoot Dijun with a slingshot, breaking this peace.

Since then, the Twelve Ancestral Witches have often done ideological work for their witch clans, but the basic meaning is that if you don’t have the strength, don’t die.

With the strength to wave casually.

Even Su Xiao inadvertently passed by the Wu Clan once, and when he heard their educational core, he couldn’t help but feel speechless.

It’s really Pangu orthodoxy, the horror of skin.

“Hongjun, do you all have any views on the Luo Qi gods and demons mentioned?”

Di Jiang, as the head of the twelve ancestral witches, was the first to break the calm and said.

Candle Jiuyin picked up a generation of tea on the table and drank it lightly, his eyes were ancient, as if there were countless past and future evolutions.

“The Avenue of Demons, moody, good and evil are indistinguishable, as the only god and demon in the flood and waste, among the countless futures I have observed, he is almost always on the side of the few, or rather, on his own side.”

Di Jiang nodded slightly: “That is to say, he may indeed cause harm to the world left by the ancestors.” ”

“But, as Hongjun said, it is not to annihilate this world.”

“That’s right, he is the Avenue of Demons, not the destruction of gods and demons, the destruction of the flood is not beneficial to him, although the demons are angry, but they are not fools” Candle Nine said lightly.

“Hongjun, there is a request, there is a big scheme!”

“Hongjun, there is a big demand, and even the Honghuang is calculated in it!”

Di Jiang and Candle Jiuyin said almost in part.

Di Jiang, the way of space, the ancestral witch of palm speed, the person who speaks among the twelve ancestral witches, the strength is supreme, and the mind is supreme.

The head of the twelve ancestral witches.

As the ancestral witch of time, Candle Nine Yin is in charge of time, and he can glimpse the past and future, and his words are extremely credible.

Among the ancestral witches, he is the most prestigious person besides Dijiang.

Almost without a word, the two of them saw through the fog deliberately laid by Hongjun. The eyes are dark.

This world was left by the ancestors, and as the bloodline of the ancestors, Dijiang did not allow anyone to threaten this world.

And Hongjun, not only has his shadow behind the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, but now he has spread Luo Qi’s name all over the world.

Ling Honghuang fell into the shadow of the Demon Ancestor. The demands behind this are great and the implications are widespread.

If the Wu Clan wants to enter the game, it needs to be done slowly. Di Jiang and Candle Nine Yin thought carefully. The Wu Clan must not be a knife in someone else’s hand!

And the rest of the ancestral witches you look at me, I look at you, and then they all hold their heads with their hands.

I understand, you guys continue. As a matter of fact……

Zhu Rong: “Gonggong, do you understand the meaning of Dijiang and Candle Nine Yin?” ”

Gonggong: “I don’t understand, but when I put on this pose, it seems that I understand.” ”

Luxury than corpse: “+1”

Xuan Xi: “Sister Houtu, let’s go picking flowers tomorrow.” ”

Hou Tu: “Okay, okay~”

The Wu Clan is a lot of simple-minded people, and the birth time is still short, but it is not surprising that Zhu Rong and they can’t understand the plan in it.

Dijiang and Candle Nine Yin Palm Time and Space. Therefore, the mind is as many as the stars. To put it another way.

The IQ of the twelve ancestral witches is currently grown on the two of them. The rest of the ancestral witches, you don’t have to say that you call them to fight.

If you use your brains, you might as well kill them.

After all, can you expect an iron-headed baby who is angry all his life and angry to use his brain?

“I will suggest again, the Wu Clan does not enter the game, I will wait for it slowly.”

“If Luo Zhu really wants to annihilate the flood and famine, we naturally can’t let it go, if anything else, the flood and desolation are rolling and the destiny of heaven is constantly flowing, and what is between Hongjun and him has nothing to do with us.

But the Wu Clan, like the dragon and phoenix, must not become a knife in the hands of the gods! ”

Di Jiang covered the coffin and said.

And the candle nine yin on the side is also slightly bowed.

The two brain-level figures nodded together, which was equivalent to the twelve ancestral witches making a decision together.

However, just when they decided that the Wu Clan would not participate in this demon battle… Thundered!!!


Between heaven and earth, a mighty demonic aura unabashedly attacked towards the Wu Clan. The tyrannical rhyme stains everything like ink.

Everywhere they passed, all those who were contaminated with demonic energy were full of desire, their eyes were scarlet, and they fell into the demon path.

“Luo Qi!!”

Di Jiang instantly felt Luo Qi’s breath. The twelve ancestors and witches are united in the same breath.

All get up. Bang!!

The Twelve Laws are in full swing.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a barbaric and ancient breath burst out. As if bringing everything to the endless years of war.

“Don’t let him enter the land of the witch clan, otherwise it will cause panic among the children!”

The twelve ancestral witches came out at the same time.

Dijiang Space Avenue operates.

In the land of the Wu Clan, 100,000 miles away. Above the firmament, stop Luo Qi.

“Pangu’s flesh and blood?”

Luo Yu tilted his head and looked at the twelve ancestral witches in front of him, his nose twitching slightly.

It’s like smelling Pangu.

“Senior Luo Qi, I don’t know what it is to go to my Wu Clan with such a posture!”

Di Jiang said without humility or arrogance.

“Everything that Hongjun Daoist preached, my Wu Clan did not have the slightest involvement, and the Wu Clan did not want to be contaminated with what you waited for.”

“So, I don’t know what Senior Luo Qi’s intentions are!”

Luo Qi tilted his head and scanned the ancestral witch one by one, and finally his eyes stopped on the youngest Hou Tu of the grade.

“Hey, Hongjun? That kid who is tainted with a bit of the breath of the end of Pangu? ”

“Boring guys.”

“I came this time, just for one thing, I’ll leave after I’m done…”

Luo Qi looked at Hou Tu with interest.

Di Jiang looks

When it came to Luo Qi’s eyes, his face suddenly turned unkind, and he blocked in front of Hou Tu.

The tone was grim: “I don’t know what happened to the seniors?” ”

“Oh, a little thing, I want her life!”

Luo Qi stretched out his finger and lightly pointed at the back soil.


The whole flood was eerily quiet, and the zerg and beasts that originally screamed on the earth were quiet at this moment.

It was as if I sensed that something terrible was about to happen.


A smile did rise on Di Jiang’s face.

Yet the next second. Thundered!!!

The twelve laws, the twelve heavenly and terrifying aura were instantly tyrannical. North of the flood, above the sky.

It was as if an eternal giant had emerged again.

Although the twelve ancestral witches are all half-step Taiyi, they are connected by the same qi and blood.

The avenue mastered is even more exquisite, and even the strong people of the Taiyi level have suffered a lot of big losses in their hands.

After the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, although the Wu Clan did not make a statement, many powerful people understood what terrifying strength the Wu Clan had.

And Hou Tu, as the last of the twelve ancestral witches, was born, and the youngest ancestral witch can be said to be loved by his brothers and sisters.

Even Zhurong, who has the hottest temper, does not dare to speak loudly with his delicate girl.

And now.

You, a god and demon who has just been resurrected, actually said in front of the twelve ancestral witches that you want the life of the back soil?

“It’s really worthy of it, the strongest iron head baby!”

As soon as he stopped cultivating, he noticed Su Yang who had changed in the flood waste.

Shinjoon couldn’t help but smile.

He knew that Luo Qi would never let him down. He is like a catfish in the catfish effect. It will always bring surprises to the flood.

“This time I asked for the life of Hou Tu in front of the twelve ancestral witches, and next time I won’t have to play in front of Di Jun and say to play with the sun.”

“Probably not…”

“It shouldn’t be so iron…”

Thinking of Luo Zhu’s record of grabbing the Heavenly Axe and playing the Great Tribulation of the World.

Even Su Yang was a little suspicious. Either way, though.

Due to Luo Qi’s recklessness, the Wu Clan, who originally planned to stay out of the matter, was forced to participate in this Dao Demon Battle.

And all this is what Su Yang hopes to see the most.

One family? Don’t even think about it, a hundred schools of thought are what Su Yang wants to see, even if he reaches the realm of Da Luo, he can’t really dominate the entire flood wilderness.

Da Luo Honghuang, Da Luo Honghuang.

Only Da Luo is qualified to be a chess player, but the heavens and the earth are so great that there are thousands of living beings. The more chess players, the better.

Su Yang looked at his points, although he did not participate in the exam very seriously.

But he now has a thousand points. Successfully qualified.

What’s more.

His points can already be exchanged, the mythical concept of the Queen Mother of the West. The points redeemed will not affect the assessment points of the provincial competition. Su Yang clicked to open the exchange mall.

Without hesitation, he chose the mythical concept that everyone regarded as only useful for collecting.

Queen Mother of the West. In the next second, a small jade pei exuding a mythical aura appeared in Su Tian’s hand. Above this jade pei, carved is a fierce beast with nine leopard tails. He held this jade pei.

The mind moves slightly. Emerging above the flood. Stand on top of Kunlun.

Condescendingly look at Kunlun.

Fuxi protects Nuwa, who is still in gestation.

The two most important innate divine beings for the protagonists of heaven and earth in the future have not yet completely appeared.

And in Kunlun.

It was as if the aura of the entire Kunlun Co-Lord was still being nurtured, but it had not yet shown its true form.

Su Yang took out the jade pei with one hand. Boom ~ the divine fire in the forehead is bright.

The divine power continued to disintegrate the jade pei in his hand. Time was in front of him.

A sacred and domineering aura rushed towards him.

“Yushan is the residence of the Queen Mother of the West. The Queen Mother of the West is like a human, with a leopard’s tail and tiger teeth and a good roar, and a shaggy hoopoe, which is Si Tian’s strength and five cripples”

The so-called Yushan is the so-called Kunlun Mountain.

The power of heaven represents all the power of Si Ze, and the five remnants of heaven represent the most terrifying limit of all living beings under heaven.

In the world, the head of the goddess.

It was not in that ordinary flood that Hongjun sat down and Mrs. Tongzi, the so-called queen mother.

The true Queen Mother of the West is the strongest and most crazy among the countless innate sacredness. And the Queen Mother of the West, which is constructed with mythical concepts, exudes an indescribable aura of fear.

Born too much, open your eyes and make heaven and earth change color.

“Wake up, the true master of Kunlun Mountain, awakened…”

Fuxi, who has the appearance of too much gossip in his eyes.

Look at the gloomy sky and the constantly trembling Kunlun Mountain. Whisper softly.

The next moment. Thundered!

Kunlun heaven and earth, millions of sentient beings, the spirit of the world and the mountains, as if celebrating together.

Goddess of the heavens, all the divine beings incarnated by Yin Qi were touched in their hearts, and saluted slightly to where Kunlun was.

A graceful and noble figure stepped down from above Kunlun. In the eyes, there seems to be the tyranny of the sky.

Da Luo Honghuang, the lord of the sacred mountain Kunlun, the Queen Mother of the West has appeared! And this is no ordinary Queen Mother of the West.

Before the mythical concept fully appeared, Su Xiao planted the concept of Da Luo in the heart of the Queen Mother of the West.

That is to say, she was born to know the meaning of Da Luo.

And not those who raise their eyebrows and only know the name of Da Luo without rhyming with true meaning.

Even, even Hongjun, who painstakingly pondered Da Luo’s true intentions, was only equal to her understanding, and it might be half a point inferior.

“The family is big, the peony is alone, how boring it is.”

Su Xiao said playfully in mid-air.

In his eyes, above the long river of years.

On the originally empty chessboard, there were already several more figures.

Luo Yu, who woke up in an endless slumber, although he did not know it, did land on the border of Da Luo.

Misunderstanding Da Luo, painstakingly managing everything, but also mistakenly bumping into the majestic Hongjun of Ming Da Luo.

Sleeping in the avenue, under the guidance of obsession, you can attain the Pangu of Da Luo Daoguo at any time.

And this was born in the mythical concept, born Taiyi, sitting on the Western Queen Mother of Ming Daluo.

These four beings are the chess players closest to Da Luo.

In the original flood and waste, the situation of Hongjun’s family being the only one was completely broken. And whether it is the Twelve Ancestral Witches or Emperor Jun Taiyi, Fuxi Nuwa, or the rest of the Innate Divine.

They all have the qualifications to carry the Great Luo Dao Fruit.

Da Luo is one, the only, the beginning of everything, but not the end of everything.

The plan in Su Yang was only when the first Da Luo appeared, and everything was just beginning.

With the birth of the Queen Mother of the West.

Originally thirty-three heavens away, Hongjun in the Purple Sky Palace suddenly opened his eyes. He felt it.

Above the years when there were only three people confronting, a shadow appeared in the sky. That shadow is extremely domineering.

“Kunlun Divine Mountain, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I should pay a visit!”

A gentle breeze.

In the next second, Hongjun, who was originally sitting cross-legged, disappeared abruptly. And immediately after…

Above Kunlun, a very majestic aura suddenly exploded. Dao Ancestor Hongjun, crashed into the world!!

This book is updated with 15,000 words every day, and it is updated from time to time to ensure that the brothers will be happy.

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