Chapter 75 Hongjun was robbed, Daoguo was taken!!

“Humph! The side door is left and right, but this calculation is really ruthless, and the world is sacred as a pawn to enter the game.

He is indeed qualified to carry the Great Luo Daoguo! ”

The Queen Mother of the West on Kunlun Mountain snorted coldly.

The meaning of Da Luo appeared all around, sheltering the entire Kunlun Divine Mountain from any demonic thoughts.

Therefore, Kunlun has never participated in Hongjun’s layout. Hongjun’s eyes wandered.

He had already thought that the graceful figure would not be involved. But with these divine falls, it is enough.

“We are waiting for the desolate creatures to cease to stop.”

“Even the gods and demons don’t want to annihilate us!”


With a roar from Hongjun. Countless Innate Divine Spirits rushed towards Luo Qi one after another.

The avenue roared at this moment.

The killing intent stained the sky like blood.

The smoke of war seems to drown the entire flood.

Luo Qi’s whole body was burning, and the Avenue of Demons was strange and terrifying. Swallow a sacred avenue.

Then raise his eyebrows and the law of the ancestor’s operation space.

Refracting the origin of heaven and earth, causing the demonic energy to retreat a few steps. And that’s when it happens.


A figure that covered the sky rose from the ground.

The terrifying and barbaric aura was born from the chaos.

That familiar face is imprinted in all sacred memories. The twelve ancestors came from the true body of Pangu.

Carry the shadow of the Heavenly God Axe, and want to slay this demon ancestor who swallowed everything. Thundered!!!

The incomparably sharp edge seems to split everything in heaven and earth. This blow seemed to make heaven and earth greet together.

This axe once created heaven and earth in chaos.

“Please the Demon Ancestor to die!!!”

Within Pangu’s true body, the voices of the twelve ancestral witches turned into one.

Majestic and sacred. Bang!!

This axe directly bombarded Luo Yu’s body. Click!!

Luo Qi, who was bound by the Avenue of Space and could not be avoided. A bottomless rift rises from above. It was as if splitting him in two.

“Not bad, not bad, but…”

Luo Qi laughed angrily: “Not enough!” ”

“Avenue real body!!!”

With a whisper from Luo Yu, the Avenue of Demons seemed to turn into an endless abyss.

Extremely pure demonic energy seeped out from the abyss. And to the Demon Ancestor.

The Innate Divine tried to stop it, but they were horrified to find that their avenues had stalled the moment that demonic energy appeared.

At this moment, the figure of Luo Qi, a Taoist in black, disappeared.

In its place, there was a god and demon standing on top of the black lotus, walking with black qi all over his body, and his face was endlessly empty.

He just stood there, as if the desires of countless beings were gathered.

“Strike together and annihilate this way!!”

Hongjun felt a great crisis and united all the innate divine to strike together.

Mysterious avenues are entangled. Converged into the most terrifying Dao rhyme of heaven and earth.

Honghuang seems to have lost its color at this moment, and only this touch of Dao charm remains. Luo Qi, on the other hand, raised his hands high.

The Avenue of Devils turned into an endless black hole, wanting to engulf everything. However, Pangu’s true body is wielding a giant axe at this moment.

Go straight to Luo’s throat and cut off the skull.

Forced Luo Qi to be like a demon qi, turning into a big shield to try to block this axe. Thundered!!!

The most powerful and terrifying blow unfolded. A terrifying scene appeared.

Luo Zhu actually used the power of the Devil’s Avenue alone.

He abruptly blocked the blow of the Heavenly Divine and Pangu True Body. His mouth and nose were bleeding, and his Dao Yun was tyrannical.

Countless divine beings couldn’t help but feel fear when they saw his appearance. Is this a god and a demon!

Fighting all the sacred and rampant laughter in disapproval. And right now.

Two devastated great suns appeared.

Di Jun’s whole body burned with the Great Sun True Fire, and the terrifying flames burned through the void. Turned into shattered stars and fell in the sky.

He stands in the firmament, as if the heavens are the common lords. Clang! Clang! Clang!! Three bells in a row. The sound waves are coming slowly.

As if the avenue was suppressed, the avenue of demons actually began to tremble under the sound of that bell, and then shattered.

Open the chaos bell transformed by the Heavenly God Axe. In a flash.

Di Jun, Taiyi and two future Demon Clan Heavenly Court Lords have arrived. Two terrifying attacks shattered the void.

Hongjun and other divine also shot when they saw this. Cooperate with the true body of Pangu transformed by the twelve ancestral witches. Three powerful forces fell together.

Even the Devil’s Avenue could not carry its majesty. began to burst constantly.

“The Dao Demon Tribulation is finally coming to an end.”

The two true air currents behind him continued to rotate, one extremely deep, as if the truth of heaven and earth and the mystery of the universe were exhausted.

And the other is deep and obscure, as if to swallow everything in the world. This is the divine power that Su Yang obtained through this quantitative calamity.

Dao Magic Seal.

One thought of heaven and earth is right, and one year the sun and the moon are demons.

This divine ability can directly intervene in the other party’s rules, assimilating and devouring all the divine power in his body.


It was the strongest means that Su Yang had mastered so far. Previously mastered the image of the dragon and phoenix unicorn.

Although it looks majestic, it is actually an empty shelf in front of a person’s manifestation.

Being able to improve Su Tian’s divine aura is just that it doesn’t have much effect

But this magic seal is different, its power is terrifying, it can temporarily turn the cultivation of a third-order creation god into a temporary void with a single thought, and use it so far.

In the flood and waste, the more strong people there are, the more waves rise, and the stronger Su Yang’s divine power comprehends.

He turned his eyes slightly and began to delve into the magic of the Dao Magic Seal. And at this moment in the midst of the flood.

The Demon Ancestor’s true body was almost shattered. But beneath his tyrannical figure.

With three terrifying Dao rhymes, he annihilated several divine statues. Ultimately.

There was a momentary pause in the Avenue of Demons. Hongjun seized the opportunity.


He blatantly appeared in front of Luo Qi. The avenue is simplified, and heaven and earth are swords. A blow penetrated Luo’s body.

The merit of planning for tens of millions of years poured into Luo Qi’s body like a blazing sun. Begin to tear apart everything about this god and demon.

“Hahahaha!!! Boy, you’re ruthless enough! ”

Luo Qi was still laughing at the end, and he whispered in Hongjun’s ear.

The Avenue of Demons has quietly dissipated at this moment and returned to heaven and earth.

Countless divine bloodstains, panting and watching Luo Qi’s body continue to annihilate. The Twelve Ancestral Witches were already unable to support Pangu’s true body.

And separate, land.

Dijun and Taiyi are weak in their whole bodies, and they are no longer as strong as they were at the beginning. A big war, Luo Zhu’s own strength, made the world divine fear. His gaze swept over the heavens.

A strange smile suddenly rose at the corner of his mouth.

“The vast world is not thinner than me!”

“You want to preach the fruit?”

Luo Qi smiled strangely, he looked at Hongjun, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more rampant.

Finally, he said word by word to all beings in heaven and earth: “The Dao rises and falls, the Dao does not rise up without demons, and one day I will return, destroy all sentient beings, annihilate all Dao fruits, and swallow the three thousand avenues of the world.”

I will return, wait for me! ”

Next second!

Without waiting for Hongjun to kill him, Luo Qi’s whole body began to shatter.

He actually sacrificed himself to cast a permanent curse on all things and curse the entire flood. According to Su Tian’s words.

It is worthy of being the first iron head of chaos. Bang!!!

After the death of the demon ancestor, the merits of heaven and earth rose and fell. Liquidate everything.

The Demon Ancestor is benevolent to the creatures of heaven and earth, and sends the heart of heaven and earth. Killing should have been tainted with countless karmic fruits.

But the Demon Ancestor wanted to annex the Three Thousand Avenues, which was extremely evil to all beings in the flood wilderness. Therefore.

Heaven and earth reckoning. Merit rains down. Soo Tomizawa.

All the creatures involved in this great war began to bask in merit.

Their aura is getting stronger and stronger, but they have obviously been promoted to the peak of Taiyi, and their strength is constantly increasing.

But the realm can’t advance by half a step in any way. And only Hongjun.

Without saying a word, he stood in place.

Look at the heaven and earth that are constantly repairing and the merits that come. Boundless heavenly machines appeared in his eyes.

“Why does merit come from?”

“Why did the Heavenly Dao come about?”

“What do you mean by rewarding and punishing heaven and earth?”

He whispered, step by step towards the sky. Walk towards the Purple Sky Palace.

With every step, his steps are imprinted on the space. Even more amazing things.

With every step he fell, it was as if he appeared in the past and future at the same time.

“Da Luo Dao Guoxian!”

Su Yang instantly appeared in the flood wasteland. He stood in the void and watched step by step ascend to the sky. Leaving footsteps in countless parallel time and space.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Do I exist in the future, in the midst of chaos?”

Hongjun was walking, and he finally walked back to the Zixiao Palace.

Returned to his own Taoism.

Look at the countless avenues he once wrote. Finally, laughed.

“It was me, it’s me now, it’s me in the future.”

“The gods and demons in the chaos are me, and the Hongjun in the flood and desolation is me!”

“It turns out that everything is me.”

With his laughter.

In the Zixiao Palace, countless avenues sounded in unison, and heaven and earth were breathless. In the past, the future, and the present.

On the long river of time, countless shadows of parallel time and space appeared. In the end, only Hongjun was left.

“Da Luo Kecheng~”

He whispered, the realm of Da Luo lies in infinity.

That day, the first Da Luo Daoguo of Heaven and Earth was about to appear in his body. Right now!

“So, you are me too, and I am you!”

The voice of the Demon Ancestor appeared in Hongjun’s ears.

That Innate Great Luo Dao Fruit broke in vain and split in two. Then, Da Luo collapsed, and time and space roared.

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