Chapter 98: Six Reincarnations Appear, Da Luo Hong is endless!!

Nuwa has been creating the Terran since thousands of years ago.

Then he returned to the Daluo Heaven to comprehend the avenue of life. For Da Luo, all time is meaningless. If it weren’t for the Terrans in his heart.

Nuwa is afraid that she will wake up again, and the flood years have passed. The Queen Mother of the West issued an edict to the world that day.

Shelter Terrans for a thousand years. The millennium has arrived.

Nuwa woke up from the endless avenue.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw an abomination of the divine. She actually wants to make a move against such a cute Terran she created. You see the poor child, who drooled with fright.

Shi Haoshi wiped the saliva from the side of his mouth and said to the Flintstones on the side.

“I really want to know the taste of this divine statue!”

Then under the pressure of a black thread of flintstones.

Bowing slightly to the mighty Qingxi.

“Our Terrans, thank you Virgin!!”

The Innate Terran was at the moment when Nuwa’s voice sounded. It was immediately understood that this was their mother. It is the existence that allows them to be born in this heaven and earth. It is also sheltering their existence again.

Countless divine beings couldn’t help but change their faces, Nuwa was not just a Da Luo-level powerhouse.

It is also the emperor of the Taikoo Heavenly Court.

The current Demon Celestial Court is in full swing.

Heavenly Emperor Emperor Jun, Fuxi Great Sage, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and Demon Master Ancestral Dragon are all supreme existences.

These divine beings did not dare to act rashly.

The great magician can’t move rashly, what about ordinary creatures. Without exception, these great magicians have dependents.

Since you can’t make your own move, then let the dependents make a move. Nuwa saw that in the flood and waste, countless great magicians retracted their breath one after another.

She glanced at the Terran again, and then the Endless Avenue dragged her into a state of enlightenment again.

In Da Luo Tianzhong, Fuxi looked at Nuwa, who was once again in the midst of enlightenment, and sighed slightly.

Although the human race is established, and the road of Nuwa’s life is completed.

But it’s just the beginning of this mighty flood.

“Did Emperor Wa enter the avenue again?”

Di Jun’s hearty voice came from outside Da Luo Tian.

The emperor, who has now become a heavenly emperor, has become more and more domineering. Between the dragons and tigers, it seems that heaven and earth are in the palm of your hand.

“The little sister created the human race, and the avenue of comprehension of life cannot get out of the realization for a while.”

Fuxi said with a smile.

Then he looked at Di Jun, who was already sitting beside him.

“Is there something Your Majesty looking for Nuwa?”


Di Jun generously said his thoughts directly.

As the Heavenly Emperor of the Taikoo Heavenly Court, he practiced the path of the great sun, upright, bright and majestic, and suppressed all the heavens.

The style of acting is naturally as bright as the big day.

“The human race created by Nuwa is the protagonist of Heaven, with great talent, but at the moment it is extremely weak, if it enters my heavenly court.

I am willing to take the twenty-eighth heaven as the place where the Terrans breed and shelter the Terrans, you see! ”

If an ordinary demon clan heard these words, they would be extremely shocked. You must know that the demon clan establishes the heavenly court.

And the thirty-six heavens are above the flood and waste.

Endless Reiki is nurtured in it.

The thirty-six heavens came from the bottom up, and the heaven and earth aura possessed by each heaven was several times that of the flood.

Practicing in it can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

And the twenty-eight heavens are the heavens where the three hundred and sixty-five Zhou Heavens and Demon Gods of the Demon Clan are located.

The intensity of the aura is amazing.

Among the ten demon marshals, there were many demon marshals who wanted Di Jun to ask for the twenty-eight heavens as the habitat of their own race.

were rejected by Dijun.

And now, Di Jun actually opened his mouth for the newborn Terran to promise the twenty-eight heavens.

Betting doesn’t weigh too much.

Fuxi, who heard this, also looked slightly.

Then he glanced at Nuwa, who was immersed in the avenue of life.

“The Terran is the masterpiece of the little sister, and in the heart of the little sister, it is no different from her child.”

“When she founded the Terrans, she had hoped that the Terrans should continue to improve themselves!”

“If under the protection of the demon race, the human race will gradually lose his original edge, I think this is what Xiaomei does not want to see.”

Fuxi’s voice was warm and powerful.

Without the slightest concealment, he directly refused Dijun’s invitation. Di Jun’s eyes had a complicated look.

He and Fuxi are both Da Luo, and they both see that in the endless future, the human race has become the lord of heaven.

Crush all living beings in the flood and waste. But……

“That’s it, that’s it.”

“Our demon clan is not worried about what has not happened yet.”

Di Jun is the Heavenly Emperor, and he preaches Daluo with an invincible heart, and may the demon race be immortal for eternity, how can he feel powerless because he has glimpsed the future.

Even if it is reflected in eternity, I can hold the sky with only one hand! This is the dignity of the Heavenly Emperor.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

As Nuwa’s voice fell, the heart hanging by an innate human race could be regarded as having landed.

Only that Shi Haoshi looked a little lost.

It seemed that he felt a little dissatisfied because he had not tasted a single innate divine flesh.

“Has the One left us again?”

Among the first generation of Terrans, someone asked.

They could feel Nuwa’s breath dissipate once again. An inexplicable sadness surfaced in their hearts.

“Keep your head up!!”

“Our Terrans, starting from the end of the month, should be encouraged until one day, we will walk out of the protection of the Holy Mother and spread the name of the Terrans throughout the floods!!”

The words of the Flintstones immediately resonated with countless Terrans. Suddenly the idea of becoming stronger in their hearts was strong.

After dispersing, a group of Terrans began to cultivate one after another. And the Flintstones seemed to have endless meaning in their eyes.

He secretly called several Innate Terrans.

They are all Tianjiao characters in the first generation of the Terrans, and their potential is still above their own for thousands of years, and the Flintstones have been looking for a way out for the Terrans.

Finally, he discovered a small world outside the Kunlun Mountains. It is where the Queen Mother of the West once practiced.

After obtaining the consent of the Queen Mother of the West.

The Flintstones decided to let the geniuses of the human race escape into that small world to cultivate.

The flood famine is too dangerous.

Countless races are fighting in it, and now the Terran is too thin. It was too dangerous to be exposed to the eyes of the Innate Divine in this way.

Never bet on one thing.

So when the first dark night passes. The Terrans began to walk out of the foot of the Kunlun Mountains.

Towards the flooded wasteland, under the leadership of the Flintstones Dao. Fight with monsters.

and natural disasters both. Fight with the Hundred Tribes of the Honghuang Waste.

And so it appeared in the eyes of all the gods. But what these divine did not notice was.

Among these innate races.

One less gloomy figure hiding in the crowd.

Without the boy who shouted at the gods of the heavens to eat and eat. There is one less young man with a totem and a fate like a fog. Less…

A Terran flame began to hide in the darkness under the Flintstone’s scheme.

He believed that one day they would meet again.

And from then on, the prestige of the Terrans will suppress everything.

The fire of the Terrans blooms in every land of the flood. Not around the mountain.

Primordial sensing the birth of the Terrans.

His eyes peered into the void to look at those Terrans with strong talents. Abnormal oblivion in the eye.

“The talent of the human race is extremely high, and the starting point of birth is actually not weaker than my Pangu Authentic Sect.”

“Moreover, the bloodline is rich to three generations and four generations and the talent is endless!”

“More importantly, Nuwa has given such a amount of merit to the human race, and its potential is unheard of.”

“If you can establish a sect among the human race, and pass down the way of the saints, guided by the merits and luck of the human race, the saints can become a saint!”

Primitively thought of the way of the saints handed down by Hongjun. You can attain the path of saints with supreme merit.

This Terran cultivates intricately, and is guided by its own avenue.

If you can rule the human race, then the saint can become a saint. Just when primitive thinking about the Terrans.

“Second brother, what are you looking at?”

Tongtian’s voice sounded behind Primordial and he walked over with a big grin.

The Taoist robe on his body was draped haphazardly.

Primitive looked at his slovenly appearance, his brows furrowed slightly, and he opened his mouth to reprimand: “What kind of body do you look like!” ”

“As the authentic Pangu Sect, we deserve it…”

A lot of educational words blurted out.

If Tongtian in the original flood and famine would have been impatient long ago. But in the Great Luo Hong Wilderness, Tongtian has the protection of Taishang.

These two brothers, one with a red face and the other with a white face, have long since adapted to it. His mouth is full of primitive words.

Then he took advantage of the situation to change the topic and said, “Second brother, today’s eldest brother wants to talk to us about the way of Da Luo!” ”

“As long as you hear it well, the time lost in Hongjun is nothing!!”

Tongtian said excitedly.

What he didn’t notice, however, was a hidden bitterness that flashed under the primordial eye.

“So good~”

The original mouth said so.

But in my mind, the teacher’s words clearly surfaced.

“Primitive you are the head disciple of Xuanmen, Pangu Authentic Sect.”

“You should flatter the saint fruit position, but your eldest brother and third brother have lost themselves in the pursuit of the realm of nothingness.”

“This time, you are out of the Zixiao official, return to their side, and be ready to help the master to correct the chaos!”

“If you can’t do it, I’m afraid you won’t be able to estimate the two of them for the sake of Shi and Queen Mother Xi in the future…”

“Big brother, third brother, you are on the wrong path, but it’s okay, I will find it for you!!”

Primordial thought in his heart.

Su Yang, who was in the void, looked at this scene of Buzhou Mountain. Rubbing his chin.

This is not as disgusting as imagined. But I really worry about my brother from the heart.

But unfortunately, he prides himself on being authentic and too proud. It is wrong to think that everything in the heavens is wrong except for oneself. Therefore, he became a pawn in Hongjun’s hands without knowing it.

But what comforted Su Xiao the most was this Terran. The innate physique is not weaker than that of the heavenly divine.

There is more of a heart that matches it. It is believed that such a Terran exists.

This great Luo Honghuang will become even more exciting. His consciousness slowly withdrew from the flood. Meanwhile.

The assessment of the God’s Domain battlefield has finally come to an end. The consciousness of the players gradually withdrew from the battlefield of God’s Domain.

Su Yang appeared in his room in the next second.

“Congratulations to all students, passing the second round of exams.”

“Now announce the first place in the second round of exams…”

Yuan Lao’s voice exploded in the hearts of all students across countless time and space.

“In the national provincial and regional competition, the first place in the second round of the exam is…”

“Su Tian, total points, 20,000!!!”

Accompanied by Yuan Lao’s voice fell.

Suddenly countless students couldn’t help but twitch the corners of their mouths. 20,000 points!

Look at the points on your account that do not exceed a thousand.

Countless students only feel that people have to die more than people, and they have to lose goods.

In this level of examination, the second and third places are already extraordinary.

But only the first is qualified to be widely informed. As Yuan Lao’s voice fell.

A light but established fact has indeed been passed down. Among the countless heavenly arrogance.

This boy who opened up the kingdom of God in the wasted world that everyone could not predict. Standing on top of all Tianjiao.

It has become a well-deserved first day of pride so far.

“You have a week to adjust, and after a week, there will be ten academy tutors to guide you.

They are all gods above the sixth order, and receiving their guidance will be of infinite benefit to you. ”

“And they’ll score your performance to complete the final exam.”

Yuan Lao’s last voice fell.

On the other side, Su Yang’s badge was completely exploded. Countless students want to add his contact details.

After all, a little friendship of Tianjiao of Su Yang’s level has endless benefits in the future.

However, Su Yang did choose shielding directly. All applications were rejected.

Now he has more important things to do. He opens the exchange mall.

Exchanged for the second miniature world and the world crystal wall. With his current points.

After redeeming these two resources, there is still a lot left. He spent some fractions to exchange a part of the divine source. To do what you need.

As for the remaining points, Su Xiao wanted to distribute them well. After all, there are not many opportunities to be able to freely exchange these rare resources. Seizing every opportunity to become stronger is king!

“My performance is actually not found by the academy, worthy of the ten academy.”

Su Xiao thought of his past life.

Participating in the national-level assessment, as soon as the examination ended, the major colleges threw olive branches.

And now his achievements are among the highest in Tianjiao. No one came to the door.

I couldn’t help but sigh that the Ten Venerable Academy was really calm. And what Su Yang didn’t know was…

Now. Located above the exam room.

Ten gods exuding a powerful aura soared high in the sky. Each of them exudes infinite divine power. In countless dimensions, some people sing his name. They are all eighth-order gods.

It is the cornerstone of the country and the important instrument of the country.

On weekdays, an eighth-order statue is very rare.

And now there are actually ten eighth-order gods gathered here. Their divine power collided in the void intentionally or unintentionally. Zizizi!!

The incomparably powerful divine power caused several deep cracks to appear in the void. In the dark gaps, the dimensional fault shattered in them.

There is endless time and space hidden in it.

And this terrifying scene is just the friction of their divine power.

It’s hard to imagine what it would be like if a big war broke out between them.

“Hehe, I haven’t seen you for a long time”

“Some people don’t even participate in the annual general meeting of the Ten Statues Academy, but now they have come to the door by themselves!”

There is a supreme strong person who speaks out.

“Don’t say those useless, you and I have the same purpose, I will make it clear!” This student is extremely talented and should be admitted to my imperial capital university! ”

“Imperial Capital University? Hehe, the academy that does not know how to be flexible at all is destined to be eliminated, and my Mordor Academy is the most suitable place for him! ”

“Huh!!! This son is a student in charge of the province and region of my Demon Capital Academy, and several of them have stretched their hands too long! ”

The words of the ten strong men were full of gunpowder. The surrounding space burst into grief.

“In that case, when his assessment is over, let’s each rely on our abilities!”


The ten strong men all let out a cold snort and then all disappeared above the firmament.

It’s not that they don’t want to recruit Su Yang now.

Instead, looking at the other party’s posture, he would definitely not let himself see Su Yang easily. In this case, it is better to wait until Su Yang completes the assessment.

Su Xiao didn’t know all this. Now he enjoys a rare tranquility.

As the students discuss what house to join in the end. He lay lazily in the small courtyard of nothingness.

Enjoy your afternoon comfortably.

Neither the second world nor the world crystal wall is the time to use. Therefore, Su Yang was not in a hurry to integrate it into the Kingdom of God.

At the same time, there was a flood. Inside the ancestral witch hall.

The twelve ancestral witches have lasted for thousands of years.

Finally, the complete path of reincarnation has been deduced from countless possibilities. Take the six reincarnations as the core.

Add the mighty power of the Dijiang River to open up infinite space.

Open up an independent space similar to the thirty-six heavens. Create eighteen layers of hell in this world.

Discern the good and evil of the true spirit.

For the evil one to fall into endless hell, according to his own evil consequences.

And come to the corresponding hell, and suffer endless torture until the evil fruit is dispersed. The true spirit purges and removes all cause and effect in its past life with supreme might.

to enter into samsara.

Suppress the root of the six realms with the true intention of reincarnation, and carry the great power of reincarnation in the creation of the future soil.

In addition to the eleven ancestral witches, suppress all true spirits in the heavens.

Supplemented by the countless great witches of the Wu Clan, all races that live by devouring true spirits are under various schemes.

Countless avenues are intertwined with reincarnation avenues. A perfect prototype of the reincarnation world is born. This is a world different from the living.

It is the land of the dead. It is the return of all the dead.

It is to give the heavenly spirits a chance to live again.

“Such reincarnation can be achieved!”

Hou Tu looked at his brothers and sisters who had been working hard for thousands of years for him.

There were a little tears in her eyes.

“Haha!! Why should the little sister make such a little daughter gesture! ”

“Our twelve ancestral witches, with the same qi and branches, naturally help each other!”

“Yes, little sister, why should you be like this!”

“Now that the reincarnation avenue is complete, you should be happy!”

The rest of the ancestral witches persuaded Hou Tu one after another.

After a long time, Houtu finally stabilized his mood.

“Well, in that case, from now on, we will help the little sister create reincarnation!”

“As it should be!!”

The rest of the ancestral witches responded one after another.

“As for Xiao Mei, what you have to do is to use the avenue of reincarnation to attract the true spirits in heaven and earth from now on, and want them to enter it at the first time when reincarnation is established.”

Lead the first reincarnation to begin, and after that, the reincarnation can be endless!


The twelve ancestral witches have a clear division of labor.

The rest of the ancestral witches except Hou Tu began to bless Dao Yun on Di Jiang’s body

Help it open up the world of reincarnation.

And the back soil runs the reincarnation avenue with full force.

In the heavens and the earth, the endless true spirits of the mighty flood and desolation were indeed shaking at this moment.

As if guided by some kind, he began to gradually wander towards the location of the Wu Clan.

However, this action attracted the attention of the two great magicians. In the River Styx.

The endless sea of filthy blood is churning, and the murderous aura is endless. The ancestor of the Styx River opened his eyes slightly.

He felt that the true spirits that had been floating in the River Styx were gradually leaving. These true spirits are the foundation of the Asura clan to become stronger.

It is also the team he prepared for Luo Yu.

“Wu Clan?”

The ancestor of the Styx River looked in the direction of the Wu Clan, his eyes were uncertain.

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