Chapter 125: Invasion of the Outer Gods! Cthulhu!!

Di Jun’s face was full of unhappiness at the moment.

There was a bit of warmth in his eyes.

He stands in the endless dark universe. Be the only light.

Then the power of the great sun broke out. Overturn the rules and regulations established by Hongjun.

Forcibly plundered half of this infinite universe in an almost domineering posture.

He is the Heavenly Emperor, with the power of the great sun to shine on everything, and the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor to suppress everything.

Where I am located, it is the land of the kingdom.

Even Hongjun can’t touch his power. The dark universe is divided into two halves.

Half of the endless sun shines.

And the other half of the originally pitch-black universe, with the appearance of Di Jun. The moment Hongjun’s power was threatened.

Start showing the full picture.

Countless immortals sang the praises, and immeasurable immortal energy emerged.

Hundreds of millions of worlds evolved in it, and Hongjun stood in all of them as the ancestor of all immortals and the origin of the Dao.

“Di Jun, this is a dispute between Taoism, why should you intervene, with your power, you can cut off the faith of this Buddhist sect at will.”

Hongjun looked at Dijun quite cautiously.

Although Da Luo is the ultimate of everything, there is an infinite universe difference between the strong and weak in Da Luo.

And Dijun, as the Heavenly Emperor, carries the concept of the Great Sun, and naturally stands at the apex of Da Luo.

The means of quasi-lifting and receiving are actually not advanced.

Based on the three sacred Da Luo Dao Fruits of raising their eyebrows, they have attracted countless Buddhist disciples who exist in the future.

Although this move of worshipping the great sun together and guiding the faith, although this move can enhance the luck of the great sun, for the Heavenly Emperor, this luck will not be put in his eyes at all.

It can be annihilated at the root of the causal line.

Di Jun didn’t want to mix this muddy water, and looked at how fragrant the battle of the Buddhist path was, whether it was Hongjun victory or raised eyebrows.

For his demon clan, the Heavenly Court is all beneficial and harmless.

But he is not the only one who is influenced by the Buddhist guiding faith.

Although Taiyi fell and his power was unified, under the consultation of Dijun and Nuwa, Taiyi was allowed to find his own Dao.

But Dijun is worried about his brother and the deepest part of the power, retaining part of the power of the sun to destroy everything.

But it was precisely this trace of power that became the reason why Di Jun had to come here at this moment.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

An innate human was chopping wood, and a rhyme appeared all around.

Although his cultivation is only a half-step Taiyi, his qualifications are not weaker than many Tianjiao of the human race.

“One, what’s wrong with you?”

The Terran on the side saw this friend who was a friend, and suddenly stopped his movements and couldn’t help but ask worriedly.

“I don’t know why, but there seem to be so many creatures calling my name.

But it’s already quiet. ”

One said puzzled.

The Terran on the side comforted: “Harm, most of it is auditory hallucinations, don’t think too much, you are the most talented and hardest working in our batch, maybe you have been too tired recently.”

Our Yaoyang tribe’s leader candidate must have yours! ”

Yi scratched his head and smiled gently: “Actually, I don’t really care.” ”

Then he ignored the twittering Terrans on the side and looked at the sun in the sky. Is that really an illusion?

“There is a nest, let’s go back.”

He suppressed the thoughts in his heart and said to his friend next to him.

And the young man showed a bright smile and said, “You should say that we go home.” ”

Have a nest as home. In the Pure Land of Western Bliss.

The Immortal Dao Universe is opposite to the Great Sun and the Sun.

“Thank you, the big day is coming…”

Zhunti and Ji Ling were just about to perform a Buddhist salute to Di Jun.

But I only heard Di Jun snort coldly. Thundered!! The power of the big day can be displayed.

Directly blast the quasi-lifting connection and fly out. There is a crack in the Dao in the face of the true self.

Then he didn’t even look at the three sacred figures such as raising his eyebrows. Big sleeves waved.

A furious breath of the great sun. Surging out.

Directly suppressed the three Da Luo who raised their eyebrows to the ground, and their bodies were like kneeling.

“Dijun, why not insult us like this!!”

Raised his eyebrows and roared.

As an innate divine and arrogant, he was born from a little spiritual light from the gods and demons. Where did you suffer such humiliation.

“Why this!!”

Di Jun said angrily.

It is true that Buddhist beliefs cannot lead themselves, but they can lead their younger brothers.

He used the Lich layout to drop the son with the death god and demon, and the real intention was to let Taiyi find his own Dao.

However, if the Buddhist Gate really arouses Taiyi’s true spirit, then all its own layout will be broken.

Taiyi was weak at the moment, and he couldn’t resist the traction of the Buddha Sect at all. In this way, he can only come here.

In this way, Zhunti and Zhun Ti led these two little True Self realms. actually pulled down the Demon Clan Heavenly Emperor into the game.

How Dijun is not angry.

“Hongjun, this scene is not my wish, but you must not destroy the Buddha today.”

Di Jun’s voice was tepid, as if telling some kind of established fact. The two look at each other.


The powerful Dao Yun collided wantonly in this universe. Over countless years, two figures of suppressing everything have emerged. An immortal aura is endless, surrounded by countless avenues.

One eternal immortality, suppressing everything in the heavens.

Under these two figures, everything seems so small.

Hongjun destroyed the Buddha because he had glimpsed the only future that could hurt his roots.

And Di Jun entered the game because at this moment, the concept of the great sun has been engraved in countless worlds.

He and Taiyi became the concept of that great day at the same time.

If you let Hongjun destroy the Buddha, you can get out at will, but Taiyi can’t. Therefore, the two top Da Luo collided at this moment.

Countless heavenly gods stared at them tightly, afraid of missing a single detail.

In this battle at the top, even if only a fraction is learned. It’s all profitable.

In the void.

Su Yang looked at the scene where Dijun and Hongjun collided. Smile slightly.

“It’s interesting, the entry of two top Da Luo, what kind of changes will be caused when they arrive.”

“What’s more interesting is that this quasi-mention and introduction is not simple, I am afraid that such a plan was made since the establishment of the Buddhist Sect.”

“My favorite thing is your point, planning everything, with ambitions beyond everything, only in this way can we create the most perfect Da Luo Honghuang.”

At this moment, Su Yang suddenly returned to reality.

Whispered to a corner of the room.

“Why bother, hiding it, is it necessary?”

“The same fourth-order gods, some can fight with everything, and some can only hide in the dark and peep into everything.”

Su Xiao said, and the corners of his mouth hooked up a little smile. Reached out and gently stroked the space around him.

“It’s really intimate, specially laid out the isolation space.”

A figure heard this secretly, and his eyes wrinkled slightly.

Then in an instant, a terrifying and strange aura erupted.

Unspeakable, inaudible, invisible, all the strangeness seems to be a derivative of this power.

Meanwhile. Above the flood waste.

A terrifying black hole emerged.

Countless tentacles surged wildly, and His concept was extremely obscure, as if it existed forever.

Begin greedy devourer Flood Desolation’s aura.

And if any god saw the existence of this creature, he would not be able to help but cry out in horror.

The king of treachery, the root of all treacherous worlds, is destined to stand above the haze of countless gods.

The god Cthulhu is coming to the flood without warning at this moment! Quick as a wink.

Many Da Luo’s eyes changed, and an instinctive disgust appeared under his eyes!

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