Chapter 153: Dimensional Technology, Copying Da Luo?!!

The fundamental reason why the empire of science and technology is powerful is that ordinary divine beings cannot master the ability of dimension and space until they reach the eighth or even ninth order.

And for tech empires.

From the fourth rank, there are weapons that can strike at dimensions and dimensions. Especially this dimensional science and technology divine kingdom like Li Mo’s.

Since the creation of the Kingdom of God, it has mastered the core called dimensional energy.

It can make all the machines in his god country have absolute control over the dimension.

That’s it.

Although Li Mo is only the third pick, he is also one of Qing Daoyun’s most optimistic players.

But for now. Su Day God Domestic.

The lazy creature in a red robe carrying a wine jug.

It actually completely opened up that spatial dimension so lightly. And it seems.

It’s even very relaxing.

“This creature is neither a regular incarnation, nor is it a son of his kingdom of God, and does not carry the full power of the kingdom of God.

It is actually possible to break through the level of dimensions so easily.

It’s beyond recognition! ”

Qing Daoyun said incredulously.

On the side, Elder Liu looked at his old friend’s unseen appearance with a light breeze.

I can’t stop being proud in my heart. He said lightly.

“Don’t put on that look like you’ve never seen the world, you’re the headmaster, pay attention to the image.”

Qing Daoyun heard Elder Liu’s words, and only then glanced at his old friend indignantly. This is an unobtrusive look.

In the whole world, only Liu Lao, an old friend who has been with him all the way since his student days, can see him.

“No, I can’t embarrass myself!”

Qing Daoyun muttered a sentence in his heart and then sent out a divine thought.

This scene in the battlefield was sent out.

Then he looked calm on the surface, but according to his understanding of him for so many years, Lao Liu, this black belly criminal, must be secretly cool.

Qing Daoyun couldn’t help but say.

“Lao Liu, I admit that Su Tian’s strength is beyond my understanding, but you don’t think that the third pick I personally selected has only this strength, right?”

Qing Daoyun glanced meaningfully at the battlefield. The corners of his mouth are slightly upturned.

“Although the Dimensional Science and Technology Divine Kingdom is rare, there are also one hundred and ten people in the Demon Capital Academy.

Its central thinking is active, and there are not a few talented people, so why did I choose Li Mo, a Mune boy? ”

Elder Liu’s eyes changed when he heard this.

He knew his old friend all too well, this guy had been a headmaster for many years. But the bones still carry the old tune.

Li Mo’s temperament is definitely the type that Qing Daoyun hates the most.

However, what kind of reason would make Qing Daoyun choose Li Mo. Both of their eyes were once again focused on opening up the battlefield.

Open up the battlefield.

The ancestor of Hongyun opened with one palm, and the originally collapsed space around him was instantly imprisoned and countless spatial dimensions began to show a kind of shackles.

The constant influx of killer soldiers were all imprisoned in place

“If only to fight with such creatures.”

“Then with the strength of Honghuang, there is no need to worry too much.”

Hongyun looked at the robots.

I thought of the Cthulhu creatures who had invaded the flood wilderness. Compared to the treachery and disorder of Cthulhu.

These creatures composed of strange gold elements, although the power system is exquisite and ordinary strength exceeds some of the flood desolate creatures.

But relative to Da Luo.

Quantity is the most meaningless existence.

Hongyun practiced saints, although the realm is powerful, but it is not good at killing. But you can also shackle these mechanical creatures at will.

If it is that Dijun, Luo Zhu and other Da Luo, who are good at fighting, come here. I’m afraid that by now, this place has long been reduced to a battlefield of killing.

“Let’s have a little time.”

Hongyun whispered, and the big sleeve waved. Airplanes!!

Quick as a wink.

A mighty and vast force erupted from all the years. That power is like a hurricane.

Disrupt all boundaries. Zizizi!!

A kind of killing robot directly collapsed to the ground. Loss of resistance.

And the red light in the eyes of the huge dimensional robot gradually dimmed. The energy source in the body is also withering away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everything seems to have settled.

But neither Su Yang nor Li Mo broke the link of divine power.


A chuckle appeared at the corner of Su Tian’s mouth.

It’s like I’ve seen something interesting.

“It’s really not that simple for students to be selected to participate in international competitions.”

And Li Mo is in his own nothingness.

Various information is constantly recorded on the virtual light screen.

“Extra-dimensional life, beyond the concept of fantasy life.”

“Master the conceptual system, the concept of the flow of time and space cannot be covered, and the existing theoretical knowledge cannot be handled.”

“Target object, Da Luo Honghuang, target level definition Da Luo.”

“Da Luo concept query result failed, define again, start the search engine of the heavens No. 3, exploration failed!”

Countless data links flashed in Li Mo’s heavy glasses.

“It’s hard to explain, but there really is a power that I can’t define.”

Li Mo muttered.

Then said in the direction where Su Yang was.

“You’re more powerful than I thought.”

“In order to show respect for you, I will use the strongest means to defeat your creatures.”

Li Mo said very seriously.

“If you can do it, you can try it.”

Su Yang chuckled. Li Mo’s fingers kept tapping on the virtual light curtain.

Finally press sharply.


The energy that had been extinguished suddenly exploded.

That power is not the restraint of converting energy, but an external tyranny. Hongyun was slightly stunned when he looked at this power that was beyond his grasp.

“Are there any other means?”


That power radiated tyranny.

The red cloud stepped out one step, the figure was in the end, and the indifference disappeared. The moment he left your robot.

Whoo-la-la! The mechanical energy burst suddenly. Turned into a pitch-black black hole.

It absorbed all the originally silent killer soldiers around it. A strange breath began to breed in the depths of the black hole.

Hongyun looked at the black hole with a strange look on his face. Subsequently.


Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!

A powerful heartbeat emanated from the black hole. That heartbeat seemed to carry some indescribable power.

The space that opened up the battlefield trembled together. Click!

A sleeve-length palm poked out from the black hole and pinched the black hole’s barrier.

With just a casual grip, the terrifying black hole was ripped off hard.

A pair of dark yellow eyes lit up in the black hole. With the ultimate indifference, he stared at the red cloud in front of him.

“Old Liu, do you know the theory of infinite parallel dimensions?”

On the training ground.

Qing Daoyun suddenly said.

“In the infinite dimension, there are countless me, and ‘me’ and ‘me’ are connected to each other.

Although this connection is weak, it touches the line of cause and effect, cause and effect are no small matter, and Li Mo’s dimensional technology can replicate any existence in countless dimensions.

In other words, he can create the same existence as the combat creatures. ”


A figure walked out of the black hole.

The body shape is the same as Hongyun, but it has a tyrannical aura that is completely opposite to Hongyun.

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