Chapter 158: Emperor Jun Mad Demon, Control the God and Demon!!


Di Jun looked coldly at the Taoist in front of him.

There was a bit of indescribable meaning in those golden and brilliant eyes. Tens of thousands of years silently.

Suixian Dao is still alive. But there is no room for control. Among the heavens and the sacred.

There are countless divine beings who take this opportunity to use the immortal path as a guide. Seek the truth of yourself.

And all this is secretly observed by Di Jun and other strong people. Di Jun and the others were shocked by what Pangu said that day.

And they have retreated, comprehended the avenue, and constantly explored the depths of Da Luo. If it weren’t for the message of the ten thousand realms in this starry sky.

Di Jun and other strong people will not appear easily.

Hongjun’s information, although they did not deliberately explore. But I also paid attention to a paragraph.

Some divine immortal seekers, there are also their shadows behind this.

For thousands of years, the Immortal Dao has been unimpeded, and before the Dao Fruit Strong appeared in this Dao, several Immortal Dao True Self Strong were born.

The Da Luo statue that was annihilated just now is one of them. The fairy path is transparent and parallel.

The original immortal road is infinitely forward, all the way unimpeded, without any obstacles.

It is the fastest avenue for preaching the Da Luo Zhenme. But with the emergence of Hongjun.

The immortal path true self powerhouses only felt a boundless haze descending from the avenue.

On the road before the fairy road, an insurmountable mountain appeared out of thin air. Or rather.

Even the concept of immortals reflects his figure. Hongjun.

Dao ancestor, immortal god and demon, supreme true immortal, its Dao root, for my only immortal. All immortal beings, Da Luo, real me, all immortal Dao, all sit down for Hongjun.

“Fellow Daoists, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Hongjun’s voice was extremely peaceful.

But wherever his eyes passed, none of the countless true self-powerhouses dared to look at him. They all avoided his gaze.

Among them, those who wanted to seek the sacredness of the immortal path were even more nervous, as if some kind of foundation for enlightenment was held in someone’s hands.

Boom!! Boom!!

This feeling became more and more intense, and the true self reflected on everything seemed to begin to shatter slightly at this moment.

The tragic situation of the previous Immortal Dao Da Luo is vividly remembered. Finally.

A Da Luo could no longer bear this unspeakable despair.

A hint of struggle flashed under his eyes but was soon covered by bitterness.

“Meet Daozu!!”

With this Da Luo True Self bowing down, there are five True Self powerhouses bowing down at the same time.

“Meet Daozu!!”

“Since you have become enlightened, there is no need to be polite.”

“You’re welcome~”

Hongjun chuckled and his big sleeves swung.

Then, a mighty force directly lifted those true self bodies.

Even they couldn’t feel where that power came from.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun, since ten thousand years later, reappeared in the starry sky, and in a word, suppressed many Da Luo.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, Dijun Daoyou.”

Hongjun looked at Dijun with a smile on his face, as if he was looking at his old friend

It was as if it was not him who had been hysterical and wanted to drag the whole flood to the bone.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“I didn’t expect you to still look like this!”

Di Jun said coldly. He didn’t have any good feelings for Hongjun, the old Yin Bi who plotted against the heavens

“You haven’t changed.”

Hongjun said meaningfully.

Then sit cross-kneeled.

In an instant, immeasurable immortal light converged in the starry sky, and a star composed of pure immortal Dao appeared at this moment.

With the Dao Condensing Star, even the Dao Fruit cannot be easily done. No superfluous nonsense.

No one mentioned Hongjun’s fault. And so he sat among the mighty.

The clouds are light and the wind is light, and the strong need not say more. Only the moment it appears begins.

Hongjun had already proved that even if the True Immortal World fell, he was still the supreme Dao Ancestor.

Da Luo years, strength is respected.

“Daoist friends please speak~”

Hongjun smiled at Di Jun. And although Dijun’s face is not good.

But I didn’t entangle myself too much with him.

“First, for the attitude of the ten thousand worlds contending, the ten thousand worlds are transcendent, and the heavens are the only one.”

“We know in our hearts that among the heavens and all worlds, among the countless powerful worlds, only one world can transcend.”

“For us, they are all enemies, so if they encounter them, they will be annihilated, and if they can, they will go deep into the borders of the enemy and suppress everything.

Give the other party two choices, or surrender…”

Di Jun’s voice became more and more cold, and the bottom of his eyes seemed to explode as if two rounds of tyrannical sun exploded.

“Or return to the ruins, annihilation!”

He snapped.

Nuwa, who heard this, frowned slightly.

She is the fundamental concept of the Creator of all heavens and all things, and all beings are equal in her eyes.

Da Luo is good, walking beasts, although there are relatives and alienation.

But for her, who has realized the avenue of life, all the places of life are living beings, and annihilating everything that is contrary to her avenue.

“It’s not that the strength is strong, you have to fight, the strength of Hongyun Daoyou, you know, but have you ever seen who he has been an enemy?”

Nuwa said with disapproval.

This is not her soft-heartedness, but the instinctive resistance of the Avenue of Life.

Hongyun, who was suddenly named, was originally drinking tea and fishing with Zhen Yuanzi in the corner

Hearing his name and feeling the gazes of many Da Luo, he felt a little uncomfortable.

“Hongyun, now you also have such a cultivation.”

Hongjun looked at Hongyun with a little emotion.

Hongyun, on the other hand, looked complicated.


He whispered.

No matter what Hongjun’s purpose was, his path of saints was indeed detached from the fruit of saints.

“Emperor Wa, I understand what you mean and understand your compassion as a creator, but have you ever wondered what the flood and desolation look like in the eyes of those worlds?”

Di Jun’s gaze looked into the endless void.

It was as if they had glimpsed countless powerful and prosperous worlds, and they wandered through endless years.

No one knows who they will meet.

“In the era of the battle of all worlds, every world is a beast ready to move, and you never know what kind of world you will encounter.

Even if they have good intentions, if they are afraid of our strength, will they take action against the flood waste?

No world can judge the good or evil of the other. ”

Di Jun said with a bit of deep meaning.

“There is no possibility of gambling, there is no fluke, even we must be cautious, we would rather annihilate everything than allow any risk to exist, until the flood is beyond it!!”

Di Jun’s words, if Su Xiao heard.

Will definitely clap your hands and applaud.

Unexpectedly, this Dijun actually comprehended the Honghuang version of the Dark Forest Law. When the rest of Da Luo heard Di Jun’s words, they nodded in approval.

Even killing in the midst of the flood is everywhere. What’s more, there is really no one to break in the battle of ten thousand realms. Although Nuwa couldn’t bear it, she didn’t say anything more.

“Then the second point is.”

Seeing that all the Da Luo agreed with his point of view, Di Jun nodded with satisfaction and continued.

“I want to strip out all the true spirits of gods and demons that are still sleeping and re-enter the reincarnation!”


This sentence is like a thunderclap that destroys the world.

Many strong people even couldn’t help but stand up directly.

Looking at Dijun’s eyes, it was like looking at a madman.

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