Chapter 181: Su Tian’s Death? It’s just torture!!

I heard Su Xiao ask.

Meng Ziqiu’s face immediately flashed a trace of embarrassment. Academy for fairness.

The resources distributed to each department are roughly the same. Even if the combat department is more popular now.

Resources obtained.

It’s just two or three percent more than their theory department. And they have few theoretical departments.

Under huge resources.

Naturally, each person has a larger share.

As a result, it is now even extravagant to open up a single classroom. But this kind of words that cause us to be too rich because we are too short of people is difficult to say.

And this situation can only last until the end of this year.

“Boy Su, the old man is not polite to you, so let’s tell the truth.”

“Because the Theory Department has the fewest applicants among the four departments every year.”

“The other three departments have made requests for reallocation of resources more than once.”

“And this year, the president decided to make a reform to reduce the resources of our theory department to about 70% of the previous year.”

“In this case, even if our theory department has few people, I am afraid that we will not be able to support the huge expenditure of this single classroom in the future.”

Saying that, Meng Ziqiu couldn’t help but reach out and touch the wall of this single classroom. A reluctant expression also appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Su Xiao also knew that the other party must have asked for himself.

Otherwise, why would you have to give him the benefits of hundreds of divine sources as soon as he came up? And, as he expected.

This incident should be related to the international youth tournament in the near future. Sure enough.

Just when this thought just came to Su Tian’s mind. Meng Ziqiu’s sigh was heard in his ears again.

“Boy Su, you are now also a member of our theory department, so I won’t hide it and say it directly.”

“The principal, because he considers the rash reduction of resources, will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among some students.”

“Therefore, it is proposed that as long as someone in the theory department can achieve a good result in the top 100 in the international youth competition, it will increase the resources of our theory department for nearly two years while maintaining the original distribution plan, two percent!” Su boy, can you imagine what kind of concept this is? ”

Su Xiao shook his head. Sit aside.

A look of non-concern on his face. Let Meng Ziqiu see.

I couldn’t help but think of what Elder Liu had said to him earlier today.

“Ahem. As the head of the Department of Theory, I am now officially announcing here that as long as someone can compete for this glory for our Department of Theory, I will take half of the annual share of resources of the Department of Theory…”

Meng Ziqiu glanced at Su Xiao secretly. Seeing that the other party seemed unmoved.

He immediately gritted his teeth and changed his mouth: “Yicheng!” Reward 10% of your resources as a reward for your contribution to our Department of Theory! ”

The voice just fell.

Meng Ziqiu felt someone grab his hand. Next second.

The previous Su Tian, who looked indifferent, as if he couldn’t lift his spirits for anything, appeared in front of him with a serious face.

“Director, I don’t think it is important whether resources are resources or not, what matters is my heart that wants to protect the dignity of the theory department.”


Good realistic child.

Meng Ziqiu’s face twitched slightly.

Just about to pull out his hand, he heard Su Xiao continue: “Director, take the liberty of asking, what is the concept of Yicheng resources you just mentioned?” ”

Su Yang’s Da Luo Hong Wilderness, the background has not yet been completely paved.

The amount of divine source required is amazing.

Although the school’s monthly subsidy is very generous, what is more important to Su Yang now is time.

And now.

There is a way to earn a lot of divine source before your eyes.

Naturally, he can’t miss it, not to mention that he himself has to participate in this youth event. A department’s resources.

Even if it’s only one percent, it’s definitely a staggering number. Come to think of it.

Su Yang couldn’t help but become a little expectant. International youth events.

I wonder if I can meet an opponent who is comparable to my own divine kingdom? If so, what would it look like?

“Eh……… That’s fine, I’ll go first, and you can familiarize yourself with the classroom here. ”

Speaking, seeing that Su Tian’s mind didn’t seem to be here. Meng Ziqiu turned and left.

It’s just that when I was about to walk out of the classroom, I suddenly remembered and put two void scales on the table next to me.

This stuff. Although the theoretical department is not used.

But there are always one or two left in the warehouse for emergencies. Originally, he was not going to take it out.

But that day, I heard the reckless man of the combat department mention Su Tian’s achievements. I felt that this thing might be more suitable for him than the divine source. So he took it out of the warehouse.

It’s just that I never had a chance to give it to him.

“How can the two void scales be used as a deposit to offset the resources of my theory department?”

After all, there is no other than the divine source in the void scale. Good luck.

You can also get a lot of high-level or top-level resources.

Compared to the divine source that is almost all regarded as the universal currency of the creation god. Those resources are undoubtedly more precious.

What’s more, it is not realistic for you to really let one of the department heads take out hundreds of thousands of resources to reward a student.

It’s not that he can’t bear it.

I was worried that this would cause trouble to Su Xiaozi. That’s right!

As the head of the theory department, he was naturally obliged to make the students of the department love each other.

It is by no means the lack of resources of the theoretical department that this policy is made. Well, that’s it!

Not long after Meng Ziqiu left.

Su Tian, who came back to his senses, also picked up the void scale placed on the table.

It looked similar to the one that Elder Liu gave him before. I just don’t know what level it is.

“Void scale, it’s a bit interesting, I don’t know which world will it lead to this time?”

With that, Su Yang picked up the Void Scale. Brilliant divine power poured into the scale. Subsequently.

The pale golden scale is glowing with fluorescence. Outlined a door to the Endless Void for him.

“Pale gold?”

It seems that the level of the void scale this time is higher than that given to him by Elder Liu.

Silver white to light gold.

Could it be the fifth-order void scale? Come to think of it.

Su Yang immediately stepped into it.

There is also a little more expectation for the monsters that may appear inside. But don’t want to.

His figure had just entered the gate of the Endless Void.

An incomparably strong and violent aura struck from the void at the other end of the gate.

Followed by.

The tyrannical dark shadow suddenly arrived.

Along with it, there was a red breath with the smell of blood. A monster with a red body appeared in front of Su Tian.

The scarlet magic turned into thunder and cracked.

Look at the appearance of the monster, like a huge incomparable lizard.

And the aura emitted was not inferior to the Blood Moon Wolf King who had been killed by himself by half a point.

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