Chapter 202: Deducing Heaven and Earth, Barbaric Mighty! Refining immeasurable years!!

At this moment, the great catastrophe of the human race has basically ended, and in the land of Great Qin, Zhou Heng and the First Emperor joined forces, and countless divine ones were wiped out.

The true spirit collapsed and fled.

Such a terrifying scene is simply better than the scene when the gods and demons of death created and returned to the ruins.

Zhou Heng single-fingered the sky, and the power of endless rules intertwined, forming a huge stone monument.

The stone tablets are engraved with obscure characters, which are difficult to see and elusive.

In addition, there are all kinds of scenes of possession, the first birth, weakness, resurrection, and growth of the human race, to this moment.

The stone stele hummed, emitting a sound of calming the world, and then the scene of the two people killing the heavens and the sacred at this moment was engraved.

“Oh, what is this, this emperor has never seen it.”

The First Emperor looked at Zhou Heng, and at this moment, the other party was in the same rank as him, naturally he could not move the previous title.

They are already equal.

“I call this thing, immortal monument.”

“Immortal Monument?”

“Yes, I have traversed the floods and wastes, evolved the heavens and the earth, and since the birth of the human race, all of them have been carved up.”

“The future is also a monument to the entire human race.”

Zhou Heng said slowly, with endless confidence in his tone, as if he had witnessed the arrival of that day.

“So good.”

The First Emperor nodded slowly, even he couldn’t help but feel such means.

Maybe you should also leave some endless peeping treasures, no matter what the years are, even if you can still keep the human race safe in the end.

This thought slowly imprinted in his heart.

At this time, the situation in Daqin had been decided, and the serious injuries of the burning lamp retreated, and the dead and wounded of the heavenly divine death.

In this war, the plan of Buddhism to seize the Terran automobile transportation was not only frustrated but also lost a lot of money.

“The rest, it’s up to them.”

Zhou Heng looked at the immeasurable years and couldn’t help but speak.

The same goes for the First Emperor.

After all, the confrontation there is the real deciding factor.

As long as it is defeated there, even if the rest of the Terran is defeated, there will not be much damage.


Once defeated, I am afraid that the human race will forever become the extract of Buddha’s faith.

Everything turned into a puppet.

“Kill Kill Kill!!!”

In the depths of the immeasurable years, Shi Hao’s eyes have already been red-eyed, and the divine peak above his head has evolved thousands of times.

The terrifying invincible will gushed out from the center of his eyebrows, and every time he exerted the power of the avenue, his combat power would increase by a degree!

At this moment, he stepped through the immeasurable years one step, and the power of terrifying years was frantically eroding his physical will.

But he turned a deaf ear.

The long sword in his hand slashed down in a daze, and it was difficult to see the extreme.

The avatar outside the body is also left and right at the moment, and it is stretched.

Shi Hao’s attack at this moment was disorderly and chaotic, but because of his invincible avenue.

Each attack is constantly superimposed, and under the backlog, even random chaotic attacks have the shocking power to wipe out everything.


Shi Haoshi roared a huge divine peak, ascending into the sky, directly salvaging the immeasurable years, and then pushing sideways with a terrifying palm!

This palm pushed out of the immeasurable years around the body for a moment!

In the distance, Donghuang Taiyi and Ti Zhun couldn’t help but look sideways, such an attack was so fierce!

The avatar that was led was directly hit into the divine dome, and the attacked body drive collapsed and shattered.

I had to use great means to accumulate the backlog, and this immeasurable battle has long been the first time it has been like this.

Shi Haoshi was in immeasurable years, and the eroding power of time could not stop his figure.


Both palms slammed into the divine peak, the dull voice echoed, and the Dao time and space collapsed.

At the same time, endless flames spread out from his palm, instantly turning into barriers and sealing the other party in it!


He roared, and the supreme power around him was running wildly, and the power of the terrifying avenue surrounded him.

It is actually to refine the incarnation of the lead together with the immeasurable years!

“This guy…”

Such a scene even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi on the side was slightly stunned.

I didn’t expect the other party to be like this, which for a big Luo Daoguo, the feeling of abrasion is far less than humiliation.

Put the external incarnation of a Da Luo Daoguo into the ding and refine it as if cooking food.

Not to mention the Da Luo level, even Taiyi will be angry and want to vomit blood.

But seeing this, he also knew that it was time to end it.

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Zhunti on the side, and his hands grasped the endless years.

Suddenly, Zhunti only felt that endless space seemed to be imprisoning him!

“I am the Eastern Emperor and hold the authority of heaven and earth.”

When the words fell, the endless years of space were squeezed one after another, and the terrifying power even this avatar of Zhunti was faintly torn apart.

He clasped his hands together as best he could, and golden blood fell from his lips.

“Tianlong Vientiane!”

In an instant, an endless reckless and mighty force broke free from the endless space of years, and above the immeasurable years, one after another terrifying and hideous figures slowly took shape.

The pure figure of the Heavenly Dragon covered the immeasurable years, hovering in the supreme place, and shattered the void with a neighing sound below.

A colossus covered in golden armor rushed step by step, and the terrifying figure was no more than the size of a dragon with a long nose.

“Like a dragon elephant, divine power is like hell!”

Seeing the endless terrifying figure running wild in front of Chi, Donghuang Taiyi smiled contemptuously.

It seems that he has been asleep for too long, does this Junti really think that a mere doppelganger can compete with himself?

I saw the Eastern Emperor walking leisurely, dressed in a robe, with a handsome and resolute face.

A big sun mark slowly appeared at the center of the eyebrows.

Although he incarnated as a human race, his former power has never disappeared!

“The great sun does not die, only I am eternal.”

The words fell into the endless void shaking, and an incomparably shining sun rose into the void from behind him.

Immeasurable years have been filled with this terrifying destructive force and trembled constantly.

It seems that this round of big days can burn out and evaporate immeasurable years.

Under the sun, everything is inevitable.

The hideous dragon elephant let out its last roar, followed by a mournful cry.

The body evaporates and burns inch by inch.

Completely annihilated.

Zhunti, on the other hand, was pale, although Chi knew the authority of the Eastern Emperor.

But before that, the other party’s cultivation was only true self, and at this moment, he had only initially mastered that the Eastern Emperor ‘had such terrifying power!

Such a horror really terrifies the heavens.

The sun slowly fell, and everything was completely annihilated at this moment.

That avatar also turned into ashes.

And at this moment, Shi Haoshi had already ended the battle, under a roar.

The ancestor of the Buddhist sect, his face was unwilling to be humiliated and was transformed into endless essence energy.

Shi Hao lifted the Divine Peak to synergize this supreme power to be refined for immeasurable years, and swallowed it down.

One bite is half into the belly.

Then he looked at Donghuang Taiyi on the side and gently pushed Shending.


Donghuang Taiyi’s face twitched slightly, and then slowly waved his hand.

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