Chapter 206 Nai He Bridge! Candle Nine Yin! Zuwu Avenue!!

Su Mingshi’s eyes looked around, here were all the true spirits of countless creatures, and they were panicking one by one at this moment.

Even if Hou Tu Niangniang established the six reincarnations, the collapsed true spirit could be revived again through the six reincarnations.

However, after the recovery, everything in the past life has been forgotten, and although the heavens are divine, who is willing to completely forget the past?

But in the face of the only resurrection, they have only this way, after all, there is no other way.

Su Mingshi looked towards it, and the six reincarnations at this moment completely showed their powerful heritage and momentum.

Not far away, there is a long withered bridge named Naiho.

The bridge body distinguishes good from evil and clear merit, and presents three life stones according to what the creature did before his death, and the latter can observe a lifetime.

Then put into endless reincarnation, those who add merit to their bodies, gain supreme creation, and the breath corrupts and sinks to kill the feller.

Then enter the ninety-eighteenth layer of purgatory and sink forever.

Gradually, the incomparably slender formation had gradually thinned out, and Su Mingshi’s gaze stepped forward, and suddenly seemed to feel something.

I saw a green-shirted figure behind countless true spirits, with a somewhat gloomy temperament, but he looked at him with a smile.

At this moment, Su Mingshi was like being struck by lightning, looking at that figure, all thoughts instantly came to his heart.

“Han Lishi…”

He was even so shocked that he couldn’t speak, and for a while he could only look at it like his brain was dead.

“It’s me, I, it’s coming to see you off.”

Han Lishi walked slowly, each step contained all kinds of rhymes, and everything was quiet for a moment.

Everything in the heavens seems to have stopped at this moment, even the six reincarnations are stagnant for it.

For a long time, the ten halls Yan Luo still felt this power with a solemn gaze.

“Such power… Above the true self… No… It’s the Tao. ”

One of them had a frightened look on his face, and the figure they naturally knew very well was for the Terrans!

But isn’t the Dao fruit of the Terran only the Eastern Emperor and the Shi Hao Clan?

Why another one!

At this moment, Han Lishi smiled, and then slowly stretched out his hand, randomly a rune seal, and merged into his body.

“With this mark, everything will not be forgotten in this life, see you in Su Ming’s thousand years.”

When the words fell, Han Li’s figure dissipated, and at this moment, the ten halls Yan Luo suddenly woke up one by one like a big dream and looked at each other with a glance that could not hide the shock in his heart.

They have already reached the supreme realm and peeked into the mystery of Da Luo, but why did they have a moment of trance!

Such a feeling even a mere Taiyi Golden Immortal would not have such a feeling, let alone them!

“There is a supreme strong person who made a move, extinguishing the long years of the moment just now.”

One person said slowly, they still completely forgot the scene just now, and Ben didn’t know what happened.

In the land of Wuzu, Dijiang and Candle Nine Yin are and a kind of ancestral witch perception avenue, and they have fallen into the realm of selflessness.

At this moment, Candle Jiuyin on the side frowned slightly, and at that ten-thousandth of an instant, he seemed to feel a subtle force.

If you feel it carefully, you can’t understand it at all.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Di Jiang on the side was also looking at the pool with a solemn face.

Apparently the other party has also noticed it.

“This kind of power seems to come from the six reincarnations mastered by Xiaomei.”

Di Jiang said slowly, since Xiaomei stepped into reincarnation for the recovery of gods and demons, she had fallen into a deep sleep of great creation.

It is impossible to awaken for the time being, but it is a pity that the power and merit of these six realms are all in the hands of the other party.

Even if they want to find it in the immeasurable years, it is extremely difficult.

“No matter how things have changed at this moment, the calamity of Terran luck has just fallen, and everything is too unknown.”

“Yes, it seems that someone has reached too long.”

The two said slowly, listening to several ancestral witches scratching their ears and cheeks on the side, like a book written by the sky.

Doesn’t it mean that it is good to feel the avenue together? Why did you start talking about heaven again halfway through?

They are too lazy to use their brains, and they are grumpy in addition to the avenue.

It can be said that except for Dijiang and Candle Nine Yin, the rest of the ancestral witches are simply iron-headed babies.

Also Bang Bang Bang.

At this time, watching the battle of luck between the Buddhist Sect and the Human Race, in the Supreme Heavenly Court, Di Jun’s eyes were deep and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

On his side, Fuxi sat cross-legged on one side, only to see a black pinch, looking at the chess game in front of him as if he was pondering the next move.

“Then what is the reason for the great day Rulai, are you not afraid of the cause and effect of the Buddhist sect?”

Fuxi looked at the mat friend in front of him and said slowly.

“If Da Ri Rulai had performed before, I might have made some moves, but at this moment, Taiyi Avenue has been completed and achieved the Eastern Emperor’s throne.”

“Just by the word “big day” and “he really thought that he could contaminate me, or who contaminated whom.”

The voice fell a white piece has already landed on the chess, seeing this, Fuxi has already understood, looking at the other party and smiling faintly.

Over the years, especially since Pangu preached, he had noticed that the other party had changed a lot.

Even the overall situation of the flood and desolation is not very concerned, and only the changes in the demon race will move.

“The one of the Terran Daoguo, do you have some insights?”

Di Jun asked, Fuxi naturally knew that what he was asking about was naturally not Taiyi, but which one mastered the Invincible Avenue.

Although the other party initially advanced to the Great Luo Daoguo, its combat power was extremely terrifying.

Especially that invincible avenue, the moment when the other party washed across the years in the immeasurable years and refined the Buddha’s incarnation was extremely shocking.

Especially the rhyme contained in it.

“Terrans should be prosperous.”

Fuxi said slowly, and did not have any euphemisms, his eyes also looked at Xiang Dijun, and then a son fell in his hand again.

“Terran Da Luo. Sure enough. ”

In the endless depths, Hongjun’s eyes opened, spanning endless years, and seemed to spy on immeasurable years.

At this moment, seeing countless world causes and effects manifest in his eyes, suddenly a vague figure slowly emerged.

Hongjun frowned slightly, with his strength at this time, it was easy to peek into the corner of the immeasurable years.

But at this moment, what he was peeping at was a hazy and difficult to detect.

Such a weirdness even he couldn’t help but solemnly.

Da Luo Daoguo already has the right to peek into the immeasurable years, observe the future direction, and even foresee the end of all the great worlds.

For Da Luo, the years basically have no effect, you can change the immeasurable years, they can naturally too, all kinds of plans are extremely far-reaching.

Such a hazy state is unheard of.

“To be able to cover my deduction with this… Did someone make a move or…”

“Endless years to shoot.”

He muttered to himself, only feeling that the premonition of the crisis since Pangu’s sermon had become heavier.

He can also feel that the flood famine at this moment is about to usher in another change.

“Damn it!!”

In the wild land of the West, two roars filled the universe and pierced through endless years.

In an instant, countless great worlds in the place where the sound wave passed collapsed!

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