Chapter 208: The Destiny of Heaven! Immortal! My name is Ara!!

With the passage of time, the battle between the Terrans and the Buddha Gate has long become a matter of conversation in Hong Wilderness.

After all, imagine a creature that was born for only 10,000 years, and thus defeated a Buddhist gate, and even appeared two terrifying powerhouses at the level of an island country, no matter who could ignore it!

At this moment, in the Terran Temple, there is a Chao clan talking with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

The Chao clan had a hunch that although Taiyi had already preached the Dao Fruit at this time and became the Eastern Emperor of the Human Clan, it was because of the sensitivity of the other party’s identity.

At this moment, he may really need a serious negotiation.

And looking at the True Human Clan, the only one who can go deep with the Eastern Emperor without showing deliberate is him.

Although Shi Hao’s cultivation is equal to Taiyi, it will inevitably seem a little abrupt if he is allowed to come, and Shi Haoshi is not suitable for this kind of thing at this time.

“There is the Chao clan, I should understand that I have not changed, I.”

“It’s always been one.”

Donghuang Tai looked at the Youchao clan with a smile on her face, and the smile on her face was so familiar.

In such a scene, the Chao clan couldn’t help but look at each other, and finally turned into a long roar of pain.

In fact, compared to everything before and at this moment, he didn’t want his friendship with Taiyi to be broken.

After all, in a sense, the two of them really grew up together until this moment.

In the depths of the endless years, Shi Haoshi straddled the endless years, and countless traces of the years frantically impacted his physical body.

Every contact collision has a heavy charm that constantly reverberates.

Endless years passed by his body, but they did not hurt the other party in the slightest.

A scene of the Terran flashed through Shi Hao’s mind, and for a moment he seemed to return to the moment of breakthrough.

The birth of the first Terran, he derived the immortal avenue in the hope of immortality.

In the end, it burned everything due to the destiny of the Terran race, completely dissipated, and opened all the shackles for the entire Terran race.

Then came the endless years of human conquest, although the human race had immortal arrogance, but the time for cultivation was too short.

To this day, there are too few and too few who can survive, and childhood friends have basically dispersed.


He whispered softly, as if he was muttering as if he was asking about his own heart.

“How can you be truly invincible?”

“Invincible and flooded, all invincible in battle!”

“But even so, is it invincible?”

“Then cross everything, cut everything, push everything!”

“One day, I will grow to be truly powerful, not afraid of everything, and can suppress everything with the power of one person!”

“So… Invincible. ”

“In this way, when immortal and immortal, suppress everything.”

Countless thoughts and thoughts reminisced in his mind, scene after scene.

It seems to be crossing endless time and space, tracing back one figure after another, and he has seen many figures exactly like him.

Standing tall heaven and earth the universe is immortal.

But I also saw many creatures like him sinking and suppressing.

There is a scene of annihilation and destruction, and his figure has fought for endless years, and is pursued by several terrifying beings across endless years.

The years have passed, blood has been shed, and the body has been shattered again and again.

Er, everything wears out.

Shi Haoshi opened his eyes and saw the endless void flowing through the immeasurable years, and an illusory and real figure loomed in it.

He was dressed in white, unpredictable, unpredictable, and seemed to be the end of everything.

“It’s called… Invincibility. ”

In an instant, the endless mighty power above Shi Hao’s Zhou Tian’s body spread wildly, and the raging qi waves instantly cleansed one year after another.

In an instant, his figure directly stepped out of the endless years.

In an instant, it appeared above the endless heavens.

He turned his back to all sentient beings, his eyes contained endless years, and then he pointed lightly, boom!!

The whole flood kept tumbling, as if it was resonating with it.

The first to notice this terrifying aura was the Terrans.

I only felt that a supreme mighty force washed from above the heavens, turning into countless drops of divine breath.

Like jade descending in the open air to moisturize the earth.

Countless human races were contaminated with divine aura, and the aura around them continued to grow, and they had traveled a hundred or even a thousand years in an instant!

There was a chao’s eyes in surprise, looking at the heavenly firmament.

“Such a powerful invincible aura, his artistic conception has improved, I am afraid that he has reached the peak of the middle stage of Dao Fruit, even…”


Donghuang Tai’s eyes were solemn, and his feelings at this time were more intuitive than all the creatures of the race.

At this time, Shi Haoshi was like an incarnation of a brilliant avenue in his eyes, as if invincibility was itself.

This kind of fearful breath is no different from the original big brother.

“From now on, my name is…”


“Today, the Heaven and Earth Dojo, let the human race Tianjiao enter it, enlightenment, I am invincible avenue!”

As soon as the words fell, an incomparably magnificent dojo suddenly strode out from the endless void, and it seemed that it had fallen for endless years.

It contains a lot of terrifying power, surrounded by invincible will.

Just feeling this breath of all races can’t help but rise an invincible will, as if seeing it at this moment.

He is already like that figure, with his back to all sentient beings, and he has an invincible heart!

“Congratulations to the Terrans! For Araga!! ”

The Chao Clan stepped on the top of the Terran Temple, and the huge Terran flag in his hand fluttered in the wind and stirred the heavens!

“Congratulations to the Terrans! For Araga!! ”

Countless Terrans shouted in unison, their faces were extremely excited, and they entered the dojo to feel the invincible avenue!

And at this moment, the Terran influence was felt by the entire flood waste.

Countless powerhouses looked slightly startled, and then looked at each other.

From now on, I am afraid that there will be more powerful forces that are at their level.


Di Jiang’s eyes sighed, as if he was feeling, and I have to say that such abnormalities have not appeared for many thousands of years.

The emergence of a prosperous family seems to announce to the flooded beings.

Without that Flood Desolation Destiny, my Terran race could still reach the top of the Flood Desolation!

In the Endless Heaven Firmament, Di Jun looked at the figure, and his gaze gradually became solemn.

Free and invincible all centers, as the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Clan, seeing the complete bending of the Terran race today, there is no mood wave.

In any case, as long as there is it, the demon clan will always stand on the top of the heavens.

Chi has such confidence and has such strength.

There is no fear of any change, even if this is the future destiny, being alone can also be single!

“The prosperous life of the human race has ended, and it depends on who will rise and fall in the future flood and desolate heaven and earth.”

Fuxi took a sip of hot tea, his eyes did not contain the slightest emotion, as if everything had little effect on him.

All he wanted, besides his own sister, was the white clothes.

In any case, this is the trend of the times.

It is also a fate that will never change.

“Fight, only in this way can you shape the most magnificent Da Luo.”

“You can really show your avenue.”

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