Chapter 215: Great Horror! Peerless evil! Become the Great Sun of the Sun!!

The figures who rushed eagerly in the distance were not only Elder Liu but also Meng Ziqiu.

The two rushed up like burning eyebrows, and the moment they saw Su Tian, they carefully looked at it and checked it before they breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, fortunately, then the monster has not appeared yet.”

Elder Liu on the side breathed a sigh of relief, and then Meng Ziqiu, who looked at the side, suddenly said coldly.

“The sixth-order Void Scale and other dangers, fortunately, Su Yang has not used it yet, otherwise you will be a sinner who wants to study at the academy!”

For a while, the beard was blown and stared, and it could be seen that he was really angry with Gang.

Meng Ziqiu on the side should not be embarrassed to nod, did not break the law, the mistake of the staff is also his failure.

If he had been cautious and checked more, there would have been no such chaos, but he was glad that Su Yang did not cause it…

Suddenly, the figures of the two suddenly stopped, and just now all their minds were on Su Tian, knowing that this space seemed to be somewhat unstable.

They are all eighth-order divine residences, and they are naturally extremely keen to explore the surroundings, but with a little exploration, they have already rushed out everything just now.

Then the two looked at each other silently, as if digesting.

Then Meng Ziqiu on the side looked at Su Xiao and asked a little cautiously.

“That Su Tian, are you just now…”

Su Yang looked at the gentle smile still on the corner of his mouth.

“Haven’t the two of you already sensed it, so you have to ask me.”


Even so, the two of them could not hide the astonishment in their hearts, and they only felt that they had received a great impact, knowing that Su Tian’s realm was not a mere fourth order.


Fourth order!

How come this goods have suddenly reached the fifth rank again!

Without careful investigation, they didn’t find that Su Yang had actually advanced to a fifth-order divine residence at this moment, and this strong aura made even them can’t help but be shocked.

The secret path is incredible.

You must know that with the perception of their eighth-order divine residence, Su Yang at this moment is like a small sun.

Although the other party hid his strength in an inexplicable way, the two could still detect a hint.

It was this that made both of them change slightly, and the condensation of this divine energy and the essence of energy were already not inferior to the seventh order.

In other words, in the Demon Capital Academy, except for the director-level eighth-order divine residence, the rest of the teachers may not be able to beat Su Yang.

“You kid is really a… Perverted.”

“Although I don’t exclude compliments, there is no need to scold me.”

Su Xiao smiled faintly and didn’t care, and touched his nose.

But at this moment, the two people on the side have begun to look at each other, and finally seem to have made up their minds.

“Su Tian, do you remember what I told you about the National Youth Competition before?”

Meng Ziqiu said slowly, his tone extremely solemn.

“This is naturally remembered, of course, I believe that Liu Lao is in you and you will not lie to me.”

Su Xiao smiled lightly.

“You kid got into the money eye.”

Meng Ziqiu on the side was slightly stunned and reacted and scolded with a smile.

Then he said slowly: “Originally, I planned to wait for your strength to continue to improve and advance to the fifth level before letting you in.” ”

“However, your cultivation progress is too fast, and your strength at this moment is fully in line with the standards of the National Youth Competition.”

Hearing this, Su Tian, who was on the side, couldn’t help but change his complexion slightly, knowing that he was a fifth-order.

This is actually just meeting the standards, and Elder Liu on the side of this situation solved his confusion

“It’s not that your strength is low, but the standard of the national youth competition is too high, and if you want to participate in the strength, you must be at least the fifth rank!”

“And, if I’m not mistaken, this year’s National Youth Competition, there will be a few big family members.”

“There will even be people whose strength will reach… Eighth order! ”

“Eighth order!?”

Su Yang was slightly stunned, and then looked at the two people in front of him.

“That means that the enemy after me may even be your average level existence?”

“I’m afraid it’s more than that…”

Meng Ziqiu smiled bitterly.

“The two of us are not good at fighting, although we have eighth-order strength, but even in the eighth order, we are only mid-range.”

“That group of demons, but one is against the sky, and the kingdom of God cultivated is also extremely powerful.”

“So, come on Su Yang, it’s basically impossible to enter the top ten, but as long as you can enter the top hundred, or even fifty.”

“I promise you that there will be no less, and I will add a part in my personal capacity.”

Hearing this, Su Yang couldn’t help but look serious.

Then he held Elder Meng’s palm with both hands…

“Elder Meng, just say this, as a member of the Demon Capital Academy, I will go all out no matter what.”

“Of course, it’s not because of the five thousand divine sources you added, by no means.”

Seeing this scene, Elder Liu on the side was already not bad, and even looked at Meng Ziqiu on the side with some playfulness.

The other party’s face was obviously a little embarrassed, and then he nodded slowly.

Five thousand divine sources, this kid really dares to open his mouth.

Although it is distressing, if the other party can really enter the top one hundred or even the top fifty, even if it is given to him five thousand, what can he do?

In the Great Luo Honghuang, two figures stood on both sides of heaven and earth, respectively, mastering the power of heaven and the power of earth.

The powerful force constantly collided and rubbed through the void and emitted an extremely terrifying hideous aura.

Just like before, each collision qi would shatter a large space, tearing apart the heavenly firmament and the earth.

“Tianyuan, get out of here! Otherwise, I don’t mind slaughtering you directly! ”

Di Yuan’s eyes were fierce, his eyes were cracking, and his tyrannical emotions erupted instantly, and between his actions was an incomparably heavy earth power.

Tianyuan’s eyes were gloomy, there was no trace of jealousy, he knew the other party too well, and his temperament was tyrannical, like a powder keg.

It will blow up as soon as it is stabbed, and it is very easy to lose your mind.

With his wisdom, he will not play the other party to death!

Immediately snorted coldly, a round ball between the palms kept circling.

“The Buddha-figure spent tens of thousands of years refining the Heavenly Demon Array, and today it is justified by your blood!”

With a long roar, the ball in his hand fell directly, and then it spread out and rippled.

Each ripple continues to unfold, seemingly folding countless spaces.

Then thirty-six flags danced in the wind, enveloping Diyuan, and the supreme power of suppression instantly descended on the opponent’s body!

Boom boom!!!

The power of a series of triple suppression is extremely thick, approaching the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

In just an instant, the earth yuan was knocked down from the air, and the robe on his body was scorched black, and the severe pain touched the true spirit!


With a roar, I saw thirty-six flags dancing in the wind, and at the same time, a hideous crack above the sky bend slowly appeared, and a supreme force slowly emerged!

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