Chapter 217: The Breath of Life, the Years of Cause and Effect! Hide the rhyme, drive the void!!

The puppet’s figure rose rapidly, and its own momentum also reached the level of true self!

Such a change in an instant instantly caused all of you to have a divine idea, and their faces were shocked, but they didn’t expect that someone would really make a move!

In an instant, the figure directly touched the strange dagger!


All kinds of powers were instantly blessed, and at this time, Han Lishi hid in the void, constantly shielding the detection of Ni Jing by these various wills with supreme means.

It also volatilized those two wisps of luck cause and effect to the maximum, and then suddenly soared into the sky.

The puppet is extremely fast, has the speed of the real self, and rushes to the divine at a good price!

The surrounding divine complexions changed slightly, and when they no longer held back, they instantly burst out one by one!

Between the Dao figures filled the heavens, all kinds of forces continued to permeate the sky, when chaos!

And the puppet was also directly killed into nothingness by many divine beings, and the strange dagger instantly fell into the hands of one of the hidden ones only for my peak!

The strange dagger in the palm of the other party’s hand, the momentum around the body was instantly transformed into extremely strange, and all kinds of Dao rhymes were completely hidden!

An indescribable force continued to hover, and I saw the other party holding a dagger and slashing at the divine in front of him!

In an instant, layers of space were separated, enveloping the sky in a strange way, and the strange power even drove the power of the void!

All kinds of horrors are displayed!

The Divine Heaven knew that he could not squeeze this space with his own strength, and they joined forces, and in an instant, brilliant energy slammed in all directions!

Space spreads and explodes like a spider’s web!

Only then did he get out of trouble, and then began endless fighting methods.

Although the peak of that true self is powerful and has the blessing of a strange dagger, how can it fight against tens of thousands of divines with its own strength?

The beaten mouth vomited blood, his flesh almost collapsed, and the strange dagger in his hand was naturally snatched by someone.

In this way, the cycle repeatedly, and the strange dagger kept taking off, and it was also contaminated with one breath cause and effect after another.

The duality of heaven and earth separated from the stalemate, and his eyes were cold and abnormal, containing killing intent.

I didn’t expect that someone would take advantage of their confrontation to secretly Chen Cang!

When even one by one rises into the air.

Di Yuan roared angrily, and the seventy-two earth chaos formations around him surged wildly, carrying terrifying qi and the power of the earth to shook up!


A large area of space was torn apart and shattered, the flesh of hundreds of holy spirits directly hit by this blow collapsed, the true spirit sank, and many Taiyi realms were swallowed up by nothingness.

Not to be outdone, Tian Yuan was also not to be outdone, wrapping the thirty-six Heavenly Gang Heavenly Curse Array around his body, supporting a snow-white long sword with the power of killing and killing.

The long sword pierces the blood of the infinite body.

The divine fall of the Dao is like raindrops.

Both of them are the peak of their true self, coupled with the protection of the supreme formation, naturally far from the peak of their true self.

And the two are the spirits of heaven and earth, and Belai has infinite power to control heaven and earth, but because the Queen Mother of the West is strong.

Directly controlling the power of the sky, most of the power of the sky fell into its hands.

The power of the earth is taken over by various forces and turned into territory.

The strength of the Diyuan cannot be withdrawn even if it is the authority of the Western Barbarous Land.

It can be said that these two brothers are unlucky to the extreme, and they can prove that there is no upper road, but unfortunately they were born at a bad time…

But even so, the two are far from being comparable to ordinary real themselves, and they have their own powerful power!

The subconscious tacit understanding of the two actually put the heavenly divine in one set, and they all retreated and did not dare to compete with it.

And at this moment, the source of the strangeness just fell on the hands of a figure, and the opponent was mediocre and mediocre, and the momentum was also mediocre, which was the most inconspicuous.

It was also because of his hands that the heavens were somewhat relieved.

This puppet of the Han Li clan fiddled with it, this strange dagger, with his Dao fruit being so suitable for this thing, it was simply made for him.

For a while, various thoughts could not help but arise, and then slowly struck.

Another strange dagger slowly appeared in the palm of his hand, and he hid the real strange dagger and wiped out the years just now with supreme means.


At this moment, the secret powers who were really watching silently wondered if it was the illusion that Tarn was distracted for a moment.

Although it is very subtle, it is still detected by them.

But the years are counted, but they are foggy.

The Queen Mother of the West has calculated for more than 35,000 years and found that it is all phantom qi and directly annihilated it with one hand.

Hongjun’s mind was firm, and he calculated until 105,300 times before he faintly realized that something was wrong, and retreated, his face ugly.

Di Jun’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he felt that he had withdrawn back for a while, and looked at the years again, still with a solemn face.

“Did you notice it?”

Fuxi on the side said slowly.

“Another hidden one was born, and it is unknown to us.”

“Shielded everything about their years, cause and effect even… The breath of life. ”

“Sure enough, the people in the shadows are also about to move.”

Di Jun said slowly.

And at this moment, Shi Haoshi also opened his eyes, and he naturally noticed it at that moment just now, but there was a trace of gloomy and cold aura in it.

It was he who felt this person, and then stopped paying attention.

“Hope you can do something.”

He whispered softly, and then picked up the god behind him and drank it again.

In an instant, the endless Dao rhyme spread out from his physical body, and it was extremely condensed like an endless abyss.

And the Demon Clan Dijiang also felt this breath, and Candle Nine Yin on the side shook his head gently.

He didn’t notice anything either.

Sure enough, the changes in the flood famine are getting bigger and bigger.

It’s just that who is the person who laid out this time?

Every mighty has suspicion in his heart, but at the same time he never shows it and silently deduces it.

And at this moment, two figures came from the air, and they shot one after another!

Among them-a person dressed in white, one pressed out, the void shattered layer by layer, and directly held the strange dagger in his hand.

Then the palm containing the power of destruction in his hand is to completely annihilate it!

“Brother Li Han!”

Tianyuan was overjoyed and extremely excited, but he didn’t expect that the other party would be willing to come to help him in such a tense situation!

Such camaraderie…

The corners of Li Han’s mouth smiled, and he was about to speak when a pair of hands directly pierced him through his chest!

Li Han’s eyes gradually collapsed, and the strange dagger in his hand also fell into the hands of another person.

“Brother Feiyu!”

Di Yuan shouted, extremely surprised, looking at Tian Yuan on the side and the dead Li Han only felt so happy!

“Ahhhh Dare to kill my mat friend! I’ll kill you!!! ”

Tianyuan roared frantically, and the infinite power contained in it, and directly rushed away!

Di Yuan was shocked, and immediately charged forward with the seventy-two Earth Flame Array, wanting to resist for his best friend!


The void pieces tore and collapsed, and an inhuman figure was charred all over, falling to the ground, and the strange dagger in his hand also landed on the ground.

“Brother Feiyu!!!”

The mournful voice reverberates through the heavens and the earth!

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