Chapter 223: Da Luo Returns, Beautiful Woman, National Youth Competition!!

Su Yang looked into the distance and slowly returned from his Honghuang Daluo.

At this time, it was close to the National Youth Competition, and Director Meng had already sent him the location he was going to, and today was not an official start but a basic familiarity.

Somewhat similar to looking at an exam room.

The national youth competition is divided into three games, the first is the elimination competition, everyone enters the void scale, this time the void scale level is positioned at level six.

There is no mandatory requirement, if you want not to be eliminated, there are only two points, the first is to pass safely to ensure your own safety, and the second point is to obtain at least ten fifth-order monster divine sources.

Of course, it can also be a sixth-order monster divine source.

There are only two very simple, which is naturally not difficult for Su Tian, and even a little simple.

But for others, it can be said to be quite harsh, after all, ten fifth-order monsters are a major test for everyone.

Although the participants are all elites of elites this time, it is also quite a test for them to defeat ten monsters.

After all, at the same level, there is a disadvantage to fighting it.

A few mistakes can be doomed, so this test is already very rigorous.

As for the sixth-order monster, in the eyes of everyone, it was the most top-level genius that could obtain it.

Su Yang came to a square around this time, surrounded by students participating in the competition, standing on one side of each side, and few people united.

After all, each participant has his own arrogance, thinks that he can suppress everything, and naturally advocates solitism.

However, there are also people who have united with each other and have formed a squad form, which shows that there are also many people who are very smart.

After all, it is much easier to avoid fighting alone and has more fault tolerance if you fight together.

Su Yang stretched, this time announced these, overall…

He might as well not come…

Although he was helpless, he naturally would not go back to immerse himself in penance, and he was still more relaxed and moderate.

Just take advantage of this time to relax, after all, it has rarely been like this since I woke up.

Most of the time and energy are spent in their own world, and their own time gradually decreases.

And several figures in the distance walked slowly, dressed in extraordinary clothes, each of them with a unique aura, which made people can’t help but look slightly.

The leader wore a purple and gold crown and a robe, dressed like a fairy world.

The people around didn’t care, after all, because of their own divine kingdom, they all had their own clothes, and no one cared about this.

However, on the other side, a person pointed to the lazy Su Yang on the side and said.

“Brother Zhang, it is the top genius recruited by this person Demon Capital Academy, and it is rumored that the other party once fought against the sixth order with the strength of the fifth order without defeat.”

Before, Su Yang had spread because of the void scale, although it was covered up and hidden a lot by Meng Ziqiu and Liu Lao, but after all, there was some permission and credibility, after all, who would believe that a fourth-order divine residence could kill a sixth-order monster!?

Even those who were on the spot were a little suspicious, under the deliberate rendering of the two big guys.

Naturally, Su Yang defeated a seriously injured sixth-order monster with fifth-order strength.

This also made many people have some recognition, but even this caused a heated discussion.

After hearing the other party’s words, Zhang Yunjin looked at the lazy white-clothed figure from afar, and a pair of pupils seemed to contain a river of stars.

“Although it is a sixth-order monster that has been severely damaged, it is not low, and it is worthy of being a person who is wooed by demons from that level with fifth-order strength.”

He said softly, not caring too much, his strength had reached the sixth order, there was no need to be in a fifth-order divine residence.

He needs to care more about the rest.

Those people who are of the same level as him must be a roadblock for him to compete for the first.

As for Su Tian, he could only barely let him look at him squarely.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, the people on the side thought that the other party was planning to recover Su Tian, after all, the other party was only a freshman.

What if such a person is a demon?

I am afraid that participating in the national youth competition is just being fooled to hone my temperament.

These people he knows too well, pretentious, thinking that the world is invincible to suppress one side, in the end is still not going to be cleaned up honestly?

“Don’t think of him, this time is my critical moment, if it’s because of your troublemaking, you know.”

It seemed that he sensed the other party’s intention, Zhang Yunjin’s eyes were cold, and in an instant, the other party was like falling into an ice cave, as if he had fallen into an endless dark abyss!

Such a terrifying scene made his fifth-order strength tremble slightly, and he only felt that he could completely kill him in an instant!

“Yes… I… I know. ”

He nodded slowly and there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhang Yunjin turned around and left, leaving the other party to stay in place, and his back was already soaked in cold sweat.

For a while, he only felt humiliated, he thought that all he did could make the other party understand what he meant, but the other party did not face him up to him at all.

Treat it like a dog, coming and going.

“Zhang Yunjin…”

He gritted his teeth and whispered, his fifth rank was actually frightened by the other party’s eyes.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t dare to take revenge, he doesn’t even have the qualifications, the other party is too strong, just like before, if the other party really has killing intent, his soul will be completely annihilated in an instant!

The gap between the fifth and sixth orders is not at all comparable to the fourth and fifth orders.

It’s a real qualitative change!

He couldn’t help but look at the white-clothed figure here, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.

Since it’s up to you, then don’t blame me.

He flashed a seeping smile that was chilling.

Su Yang on the side did not care at all and continued his dull leisure time.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong momentum rising from a distance, and the next moment it was beside him.

I only felt a fragrant wind hit, and then a Qingyi Qian shadow still appeared beside him, his delicate face was like a heavenly fairy, and a pair of eyes with a pair of smart and infinite connotations seemed to be unable to help but sink into it just by looking at it.

A pair of eyes looked directly at Su Yang like flawless glass, and Su Yang on the side who was so exposed was a little unsure.

He looked at the sugar gourd in his hand and slowly handed it over.


Forehead… What a view.

To Su Tian’s surprise, the other party did not move in the slightest, and the look in her eyes seemed to be difficult to move her.

It’s strange…

It’s as if something is missing.

“You’re special.”

The voice was gentle and long, cold and focused, as if she were herself.

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