Chapter 227: Ten Thousand Beast Dynasty Sect! The visions are endless! The power of the punishment of heaven!!

“Heh, what if you fight again?!”

Xuan You snorted coldly, and the injuries around his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I saw him wave his big hand, and the longbow from before reappeared.

Hideous abnormality, just appearing is to trigger the vision of heaven and earth, countless fierce beasts look up to the sky and roar, shaking the heavens and the universe.

Like a Ten Thousand Beasts Dynasty!

“If so, then fight again!”

The Yellow Emperor also did not show weakness at all, stepping out of the void and shaking, and the space was annihilated.

At this moment, a dragon roar came in the distance, as if it had infinite power contained in it.

Seeing this, he couldn’t help but change his complexion slightly, although he was not afraid of the dragon clan, but for now, he and the Yellow Emperor were already in-for-tat, and once he was sat on the fisherman, it would not be worth the loss.

“Hmph, then I’ll fight again next time!”

The cold shouts crisscrossed the sky, and the next moment his figure had fled into endless nothingness.

Seeing Xuan You leaving, the Yellow Emperor retracted his momentum, and then knelt on one knee.

At the same time, cracks spread wildly above the body, and the depth of the gap was enough to see the bone!

You can even see the beating heart.


At this time, the strong men of the Yellow Emperor tribe finally arrived, and when they saw this scene, they were shocked one by one, and hurriedly helped the Yellow Emperor up.

One by one, their faces were shocked, obviously they were still evenly matched before.

“I’m defeated…”

The Yellow Emperor said slowly, hearing that everyone did not change color.

“Xuan You’s physical body is too strong, even with my imperial qi, it is difficult to hit it hard, and it can only be injured.”

“And I have been seriously injured by the other party, if it weren’t for the slight retreat just now, plus the aura of the dragon clan, he would never leave.”

The Yellow Emperor said in a deep voice, and then took out a Saint Pill and put it in his mouth, and the cracks spreading on his body weakened slightly.

But even that is just containment.

“Go back to the tribe first.”

The random Yellow Emperor crossed the void with the help of everyone, returned to the tribe, and then entered the retreat to heal his injuries.

Everyone saw this slight discoloration.

Obviously, even they did not expect that the other party would be so powerful that even the leader could not defeat it.

“Maybe we can ask for help from Emperor Yan.”

One of them said slowly.

But before the words fell, he seemed to realize something and kept silent.

Emperor Yan and Emperor Huangdi are both the two emperors of the human race, and they are listed side by side, and once one of them shows weakness, it will inevitably change the situation that was originally balanced between the two.

There is also some kind of friction for even tribes.

After all, in addition to defending against external enemies, the internal integrity of the human organization is not necessarily complete.

“So. We have to wait for later. ”

Several people sighed and looked into the distance.

The Land of Nine Li.

Xuan You stepped on the void for a hundred thousand miles, his face was a little angry, and then slowly took out the longbow.

Although it is still terrifying and hideous, there is a crack slowly spreading, but the crack is very small.

I’m afraid it will take thousands of years to repair, but I don’t need to worry too much about it.

However, the next moment his brows frowned, looking at the hideous footprints around the Jiuli tribe.

“Father line?”

Although some wondered how this gang came, it still rose into the sky.

In the camp, a hundred-tall Kuafu’s family ate a lot, and each bite could eat hundreds of thousands of pounds of terrifying food.

And the people of the Jiuli tribe below offered meat one after another, and the friendship of the landlord was exhausted.

“Nice and good! It’s cool! Lao Tzu is choking to death in the tribe! This is the first time it has been so painful! ”

The leader kept roaring, eating a large bite of meat, his face full of intoxication.

His name is Kua, he is the third brother of Kwa’s father, and he is also the leader of Kwa’s line today, and his earth-shattering power is extremely terrifying.

Mountains and rivers can be destroyed with a wave of your hand.

A burly figure below, dressed in pitch black battle armor, holding a spear and shield in one hand, couldn’t help but shake his head lightly when he looked at the frenzied eating.

“Brother Punishment! You eat too! Your meat tastes great! ”

Kua Xi said, grabbing a large handful of roast meat in one hand, steaming hot and oily.

Punishment Tian’s eyes did not wave, holding the shield in his hand, and in an instant, the shield became several feet large, carrying the other party’s meat.

Then he summoned a group of Jiuli tribes to start distributing food.

At this moment, suddenly the void shook, and a nine-zhang figure above the first place slowly appeared, dressed in blood-colored armor, carrying it with one hand.


Punishment Tiantian immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.

He was eight feet tall, only a little more than the other party, but he was extremely respectful.

“Punishment day.”

Xuan You put one hand on his shoulder, and then looked at the figure who was eating happily.

“Why did you kid come here!?”

At the beginning, he had played with his father and knew the smell of heels behind the other party’s butt.

Why doesn’t this guy stay among the Wu tribe and come to his Jiuli tribe?

Could it be that he planned to break out of the world with him at a glance?

“Big brother… I…”

Kwasha swallowed, and the meat in his mouth kept chewing in his mouth.

“Yes yes… Patriarch asked me to help you. Hmm~”

“Why cover my mouth?”

Xuan You looked at this other party with disgust, good guy really dares to say anything, you are even more reckless than your brother…

Then he said coldly: “Okay, I know, and you are waiting here for the time being to find you if something happens.” ”

After speaking, he directly kicked the other party 30,000 miles away and smashed a mountain.

“His mother’s… Lao Tzu doesn’t have much food, and he still eats! ”

After saying that, he looked at the few shivering and praising his father on the side, and then looked at the punishment sky.

The other party naturally understood the meaning, but after a while, the mountain in the distance collapsed.

For a while, the sun was much brighter.

In the camp, the punishment day came slowly.

“Will the leader gain anything from this campaign?”

“Not much, the Yellow Emperor is very strong, but it is difficult to kill him if he hurts him. And he didn’t force me into the Jedi, unable to comprehend my Dao Fruit as a whole and shook his head, with a little helplessness in his tone. ”

Hearing this, the punishment heaven on the side also froze slightly and began to think.

“Maybe the leader can try the Yandi tribe.”

After thinking for a while, Tiantian said slowly.

“Let’s hear it.”

“The two emperors of Yan and Huang are the top powerhouses of the human race, since the Yellow Emperor is not there to try the Yan Emperor, I heard that the Yan Emperor is old, maybe the accumulation is stronger, and maybe the leader can return with a full load.”

Listening to the advice of this punishment day, Xuan You nodded slowly.


Jing Tian said in a deep voice: “If this is the case, it is possible that the two sides will unite, so I will wait for Jiuli Fear.”

“Don’t worry, even if he unites, I’m not afraid of coincidence!”

Xuan You slowly got up, and the arrogance around his body was like a bottomless abyss.

Seeing this, the punishment day knelt on one knee, and the armor around his body was rattling.

“The last general is willing to go with the leader to the soup to the ground!”

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