Chapter 259: The Changes of the Heavens, All Parties Move, Shaking the World!!

In the immeasurable years, the traces of the years pass through the gaps, the heavens and the earth flow, and everything that gives birth to the world is included.

This is the beginning of everything, and it is also the end of everything.

Suddenly saw two figures supporting the void of the Dao Dao, rushing into this room space, causing the heaven and earth to change.

The body around Candle Nine Yin is extremely terrifying, and it is impossible to see the head and tail clearly, and the figure can be higher than the sky.

He slowly suspended above the endless void, and endless time flowed above his left hand, and everything that seemed to be conceived seemed to stop everything.

The space above the right hand is layered, and the weight is extremely heavy to imprison everything in it!

His figure rose high, and his eyes stared into the distance!

Boom boom!!!

The space crumbled layer by layer, a vast figure tore through the endless void, the invincible avenue was nurtured all around, and the peerless god above his head ~ Ding was buzzing madly!

The next thing I saw was that figure, holding the ding body with one hand, randomly smashing it, and in an instant, the layers of space disappeared, and the endless years were crazy and turbulent!!!

Candle Nine Yin’s face was solemn, his hands supported the layers of heaven, and time and space were instantly combined, turning into time and space confinement and frantically suppressing it!

However, the strength of the desolate exceeded his expectations, and the mere time and space confinement could not stop his steps at all, and countless time and space shattered!

He stepped on immeasurable years, as if he was an invincible figure walking on time, carrying endless mighty power to suppress in an instant!

For a moment, it seems that time has been turned back, and the immeasurable years of the feature film have begun to hum and tremble!

The 100,000-li space melted, and the red-golden space was constantly dissolved, and even time and space were refined in an instant!

Candle Nine Yin’s eyes burst out with two terrifying forces of day and night, bursting through the layers of space above the body!

The humming sound was incessant, so it finally stopped the other party’s figure!

At this moment, when Candle Jiuyin’s face was solemn, he looked at the great figure again, and only felt a little indescribable.

The other party was only a thousand years ago, and a thousand years of time was just a matter of closing their eyes for such an existence.

And the other party was already so strong that even he didn’t dare to be careless.

Even though he had known the horror of the Terrans, such an opinion was still difficult to hide the consternation in his heart.

The huge body slowly turned into a human body, he was dressed in a black Xuan robe, his eyes were black and white, and he ruled time and darkness.

Looking at the figure, he said slowly.

“Wild, this matter can be discussed.”

“Talk?! Break my rules and talk again! ”

The cold drink shocked, followed by a huge palm print.

Time is retraced under the palm print, the heaven and earth are reversed, and it seems that the positive piece of the heavenly dome is pressed in the palm of the hand!

Candle Jiuyin knew that the other party was not completely torn at this moment, but just wanted to vent, after all, the other party had words first, if there was no expression, the Terran was only afraid of majesty in the future.

Immediately, both hands slowly supported a piece of space-time.

In an instant, the heaven and earth supported by himself spread still, and everything seemed to be frozen!

Absolute ego time and space!

This is the time and space that he refined by himself, and it is also a world that he created, where everything stands still under his time and space attainments!

Including life!!


The two forces stir the years, and the power of time and space is incomparably strong, setting everything around, or sending all attacks to the past and future.


The god shook, emitting a sound of annihilation, the desolate eyes were silent, and the invincible avenue around him was extremely domineering, shattering, annihilating, and suppressing everything!

The battle between the two figures has attracted the prying eyes of countless top powers.

This is not a thousand years ago.

Thousands of years ago, the other party had just broken through, and in the face of the lead, Zhunti’s external avatar was still defeated by a fierce battle.

Even if it is taken by the introduction, the two Western Buddhas are only barely on the table in the eyes of these top powerhouses.

And the person who is doing it at this moment is the second figure of the Wu clan, Candle Nine Yin!

After thousands of years of precipitation, the wilderness has also become the top existence of the human race, and these two can be said to be the embodiment of the two major races of the real flood wilderness.

One side is the innate beings born from the flesh and blood of the ancestor gods at the beginning of heaven and earth, and the other is a rising star, although it has lost its destiny, it still has a terrifying luck blessing.

It can be said that the next attitude of these two major ethnic groups can even change the pattern of flooding and famine in the future.

The meaning behind this battle is no less than the Lich Battle of the past!

Di Jiang stood on the Wu Hades Divine Mountain, and behind him stood the ancestors and witches, he kept silent and quietly observed his understanding.

Compared to the remaining reckless brothers, they can be said to be extremely serious, and the rest of the ancestral witches are gearing up one by one, and once they see that the situation is not good, they plan to rush forward!

“So strong, but in a thousand years, I have already cultivated to such a level!” It’s no less than me! ”

“I’m afraid it’s more than that, the other party’s god is strange and abnormal, it is simply elusive, according to rumors, it can refine immeasurable years, so it must be true!”

“Hmph, what about Qiang?! If things change, follow me and hit them directly! ”

Zhu Rong said coldly, as a qualified reckless man, strictly remember to be reckless without using his brain!

Di Jiang on the side looked at this most unconscious younger brother and shook his head a little helplessly, at this time, the Wu Clan is not suitable for another war.

He believed that Jiuyin would do this well.

“It’s reached this level.”

Di Jun’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the battle between the two sides, the strength of Candle Nine Yin was no stranger to him, and he even knew very well that the two sides of the Lich Demon War fought a lot.

But this Terran’s ‘wildness’ is inevitably a bit excessive.

However, in a thousand years, he can still reach this point, although he can see that the other party still has some gap with Candle Nine Yin, but it is not big.

Hongjun was also observing this battle, and did not make a sound, on the side of his body, the void squirmed slightly, and the indifferent voice sounded slowly.

“He is very good, if you give death can bring me more understanding.”

He whispered to himself, as if he was talking to Hongjun and as if he was talking to himself.

“To be able to improve so in such a short period of time seems that his mouth is really unusual.”

Hongjun didn’t care about the other party’s words but said slowly, and a dim light in his eyes slowly flowed.

Kunlun Mountain, Nuwa, who was playing chess with the Queen Mother of the West, was slightly stunned, looked at the void in the distance, suddenly frowned and then stretched.

There was some relief and a hint of strangeness.

It’s a bit of a big change, but that’s good, at least…

“Don’t be distracted.”

The cold voice awakened her thoughts, and the red-clothed Queen Mother in front of her had a dull gaze, and her jade-like fingers picked up a chess piece and slowly landed on the chessboard.

Make a crisp sound.

Hearing this, Nuwa couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and looked at the situation of her army being defeated, and she was a little hesitant.

“Be decisive when things happen.”

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