Chapter 266: The Night Accompanies the Beauty, Famous All Over the World!!

The terrifying power collapsed, and Su Qingyun drove a slight forehead.

Su Yang looked at the other side, constantly repairing her body with the avenue of life.

Under the suppression of divine power, Su Qingyun was all around, and faintly wisps of blood continued to seep out of his pores.

Like the coquetry of white jade, it is like ice cracked porcelain at this moment, and cracks are spreading one after another!

Her physical body can’t bear it!

Su Tian’s eyes were solemn, looking at this world, and then she pointed her finger on the other party’s shoulder, the humming sound continued to sound, and the avenue of life instantly circulated in her body!

Powerful power boils.

Finally, with Su Tian’s continuous help, he finally barely carried this big world.

The two were fully combined, and the rift above Su Qingyun’s body also slowly retreated, and the holy light once again shone.

The two looked at each other, and both involuntarily raised a smile at the corner of their mouths.

Su Xiao let out a long sigh of relief, and then dragged his tired body and slowly sat down cross-legged.

He also suffered a lot of injuries in the previous battle, and the use of the Divine and Demon Avenue made his physical body almost collapse, if it were not for the continuous supply of life from the Avenue of Life.

I am afraid that at this time, he has long been seriously injured and in a coma.

Su Qingyun stayed quietly by the other party’s side and took the initiative to protect the other party.

The space has collapsed, and since the Kingdom of God has merged with her body, the space carried by this side has finally collapsed completely with the loss of the pillar.

Su Qingyun picked up Su Xiao and directly led the other party through the layers of space.

The night is dark, and the bright moon is empty.

Like a pure god king, it exudes an indescribable luster.

At night, the beautiful figure helped this young man, walked through the bustling downtown one after another, and then came to his room.

After all, he didn’t know the other party’s room, so he just took it directly to his room, and this scene was seen by many people.

Su Qingyun did not have the slightest cover, Su Tian’s injuries could not be fake, if it was imposed to cover up, it would make people suspicious.

Even so, it is better to calculate it, so that it is not bad for her or Su Yang.

However, she didn’t know that tonight’s events had been completely transmitted.

The first beauty of Kyoto and Su Yang helped each other back to each other’s boudoirs, behaving intimately…

Various rumors of Su Yang and Su Qingyun have emerged, and countless people are stunned and angry at the same time!

Su Qingyun’s appearance and strength are top existences, and the number of people who admire her is innumerable.

Even including strength reaching the seventh rank, or even higher!

In this national youth competition alone, there are several strong people!

With their news, I am afraid that they have already known.

“What did you say?”

In the cultivation room, the white-clothed figure suddenly opened his eyes, bursting out of infinite coercion, and the terrifying momentum instantly fell.

The entire cultivation room began to groan viciously, trembling slightly.

In the distance, Lin Xuan stood not far away, bowing down to answer.

“Tonight, someone saw Su Yang and Su Qingyun helping into Su Qingyun’s room. And there was more than one witness. ”

Wang Yi’s eyes were sharp, like a bloodthirsty and hungry wolf, and his eyes were covered with blood.

Huanghuang’s momentum is not concealed, and it instantly repels the other party’s body by dozens of zhang!

And this is only caused by the coercion of the momentum!

Lin Xuan looked up in disbelief, knowing that he had already reached the sixth-order peak level, and even fought against a seventh-order powerhouse for three thousand moves without defeat.

But at this moment, Yuan Ji just exuded momentum to shock him back!

Such a terrifying force, I am afraid that the other party’s strength will improve again!

And no less!

“Good, good, good!!”

“It’s so good! Su Tian, tomorrow’s battle, I will kill you! ”

Yuan Zhu’s eyes were cold, he had always treated Su Qingyun as his possession from beginning to end, and with his strength and background, not many people dared to oppose him.

If the reason why the other party did this is because of the previous broadcast station, then he will let the other party know what is really death-seeking!

After a night, finally Su Yang slowly resolved his injury, and in addition to the report given by the other party, his understanding of the avenue has made a lot of progress.

It can be said that it is very good.

However, when I opened my eyes, I found that this did not seem to be my room, and I could smell an intoxicating fragrance on the tip of my nose, which seemed very familiar.

However, this room is clean and tidy, and there is no half mess.

At this moment, a fragrant wind hit, and an intoxicating Qian shadow Shi Shi came, it was Su Qingyun, her white robe showed her originally tall figure to the fullest, and her face was extremely beautiful and reverie.

She handed the porcelain cup in her hand to Su Tian, and when she touched it lightly, she could feel the rich life qi and the vast flow of divine power.

“This is the Heavenly God Liquid, which is extracted from the Heavenly God’s own inner divine power.”

She didn’t explain much, but Su Yang could also feel the usefulness of this thing.

Just such a cup is enough to compare to a hundred divine sources, even.


Su Yang raised his head and drank it, and immediately said that he would refine this power.

“This thing is good, it can be worth five hundred divine sources, you only need to give me another two thousand and five.”

The energy of this heavenly divine liquid was somewhat beyond Su Tian’s imagination, extremely rich, and it was able to continuously strengthen his acupuncture points.

Faintly, he could feel that his dozen acupuncture points were faintly loosened a lot under the washing of this force!

It can be said that the precious level of this thing is comparable to the distant flying divine source.

“Of course, if there is still this heavenly divine liquid, five more cups will be enough.”

Su Yang said slowly, but Su Qingyun on the side was slightly stunned and then smiled bitterly

“This is a heavenly divine liquid, even if it is at my level in the imperial capital for five months, it is only half a cup, and you have drunk all of my life for more than a year.”

“And this thing rarely circulates in the market, and there is no Heavenly God level existence to sell this thing.”

“Even if there is, most of them are in short supply, and there is no market.”

Su Qingyun said.

Hearing this, Su Xiao also understood, after all, he also knew that this thing contained such energy, which was an unusual thing.

“No, this is the reward promised to you.”

Speaking, Su Qingyun waved his hand gently, and instantly thousands of divine sources appeared in front of his eyes, each of which was constantly shining like a star, as if the sky was full of stars and rivers in a dream, even if Su Yang saw so many divine sources, he couldn’t help but breathe a lot heavier, but he didn’t expect that the other party was still a little rich woman.

But the next moment, an even more intense force was slowly released, and in an instant, the big Luo Honghuang in Su Tian’s body actually emitted an extreme sense of horn touch!

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