Chapter 270 Terrans, here! The heavens resonate! Demonstration Honghuang Daluo!!

The two giants of the flood wilderness, who were originally very hostile, turned out to be a strange tacit agreement to point the spearhead directly at the man in white at this moment, and it is not surprising that such a change has changed, after all, the original Hongjun plan to pit the dragon and phoenix clans is indeed very miserable.

Jiang Ziya also couldn’t help but smile bitterly, his intention was indeed to dissuade both sides, this time, there was no need to persuade at all.

Direct transfer of contradictions.

“I know that the two ethnic groups have had some disagreements with my religion in the years, but if there is another war at this moment, I am afraid that the rest of the races will bargain.”

Jiang Ziya said slowly.

His presence, as he said, is a signal.

All the major ethnic groups in the flood wilderness are already on their way.

And the two of them themselves do not have much hatred, but it comes from the competition in the bloodline.

The overall situation is naturally clear, and the sensitivity of Jiang Ziya’s identity at this moment is naturally that the battle spirit of both sides has been reduced a lot.

However, the armistice is classified as an armistice, and Jiang Ziya is not colored at all.

Jiang Ziya was not angry, nor did he have the depression of a hot face against a cold ass, but still calmly returned to the immortals.

“Ziya, you are too reckless, the battle between dragons and phoenixes is just the ambition of each other’s righteous heaven and earth, and the Dao ancestors were just using their hands to balance the world.

And if it weren’t for the Dao Ancestor’s move, the two would inevitably cause great changes in the flood and desolation, and it would be the Eternal Sin Clan! ”

Shen Gongbao, who was on the side, looked at his senior brother and couldn’t help but say, his senior brother is good at everything, but this heart is a little too kind.

Listening to the words of the junior brother, Jiang Ziya was also gladly taught, and did not have half of the senior brother’s frame, and still smiled slightly.

Seeing this, Shen Gong Leopard couldn’t help but shake his head, after all, his senior brother didn’t listen to it and couldn’t help but recall the magnificent sound in his ears when he left the immortal world.

“Ziya is good in nature and has a lot of indecisiveness, you should make up for his weaknesses for your junior brother.”

Senior brother, only the Dao Ancestor is the only Dao in the Honghuang, and only the Dao Ancestor can truly make the Honghuang but all the disputes.

Shen Gongbao looked at Jiang Ziya and said slowly in his heart, and then looked at several figures not far away.

These people are all human races they are looking for during this period of time that may be the reincarnation of gods and demons, and after this period of getting along, some of them have been somewhat loosened, and they have faintly acquiesced to their Dao.

But there are still some who are not moved, but they do not come for preaching, so naturally they do not care about these.

What they want is the cause and effect that this god and demon owe them when they are weak!

As long as this cause and effect is owed, it will naturally be understood when the other party recovers in the future.

After all, cause and effect are together, thousands of thousands, no one can ignore, even if it is ignored, it is just a strong confidence in its own strength, which can suppress the backlash brought by cause and effect.

And the gods and demons are the embodiment of the Dao, almost the Dao, and the possessor of this point is not known to the profundity, so naturally he will not be willing to be contaminated with this cause and effect for a long time.

This is a chess game of Daozu, and the necessary moments are enough to decide everything.

However, his gaze only turned over these human overpasses, and then looked at a figure in the distance.

The other party was dressed in white, his face was ordinary, and he looked ordinary, but just standing there seemed to blend into heaven and earth, even if he didn’t care about his cultivation, it was difficult to detect.

This feeling of unity between heaven and man.

He is not a human race, although the gods and demons are reincarnated into human groups, but many of them are not really turned into human races, and there are always one or two who turn into others.

And this type of gods and demons is particularly weird, not that the robes are stronger than the gods and demons transformed into the human race.

Rather, it means that even when the pools are sleeping, there is a causal avoidance, and their Dao helps the pools to evade some, such as the plans of the powers of the heavens.

In their scheme, the gods and demons were supposed to reincarnate the human race, which was manipulated by the Hou Tu Niangniang and even the other party.

But is it really so easy to manipulate them?

This man in white may be one of them, but the other party has never shown the slightest desire from beginning to end, and even joined them without the slightest words.

Even he was waiting for them there, as if he had long known that they were coming, looking at the people around him, feeling the power of the immortal path flowing in their bodies, and couldn’t help but raise a trace of arc at the corner of his mouth.

He could also feel that the immortal cultivator named Shen Gong Leopard was looking at him just now, but he didn’t care.

“Avenue of Immortals.”

Interesting and interesting, I didn’t expect that after sinking, a wisp of obsession could reach such a point…

Pangu, is this the world you have to open up at all costs, it’s really interesting?

In the immeasurable years, a great figure slowly opened his eyes.

The eyes have the power of the great sun and the moon, running through the ages, and it seems to see the figure in white.

“Long time no see, sen.”

“You too, the world is interesting.”

In the distance, the heavenly dome shook and more than the heavenly gods looked at a huge millstone directly crushing the layers of heavenly firmament.

The avenue of war was running wildly, and a middle-aged man in black armor, with a millstone on his head, slowly walked out.

Majestic and heroic, his face is resolute mixed with a strong fighting aura.

Daqin, Baiqi!


The long sky is raging with a fierce wind, and its black hideous temperament is engraved with a golden long dragon that is extremely powerful!

Bai Qi carried the flag with one hand, planted it above the void, and the power of the avenue around him was rolling wildly!

“Daqin, the wind is rising!”

Boom boom!!!

The sky rolled, and the figures above the void slowly walked out, and a huge god crushed out of the void, extremely vicious.

There was no one in the car, a man in black and dragon robes, sitting on the roof of the car, holding his forehead and squinting, as if the entire sky could not make him raise his eyes.

First Emperor!

The powerful momentum caused the heavens to roll away, and the heavenly gods gave way one after another, not daring to look at it.

Such a power is so powerful that it is not inferior to some innate races.

However, without waiting for everyone to rest, immediately after, the yin and yang of heaven and earth frantically converged above the bend!

In an instant, a huge yin and yang pattern with a radius of three thousand li continued to hover, and countless qi machines were disturbed.

Counting until the figure slowly emerged from the yin and yang qi, Su Ming looked ahead, swept over the various tribes in the flood wilderness, and then looked at the First Emperor on the side.

The two looked together, and they both nodded slightly.

“Yan Huang, here!”

“Yan Huang, here!!”

The strong people of the Yanhuang and Huang departments behind him all roared in unison.

Immediately there was the silence of Juran, and the next moment, the two departments of Daqin and Yanhuang would emit a heaven-shaking sound!

“Terran, here’s it!”

The majestic voice stirred the sky and bent the world, and countless flood and desolate races changed color for it, so in such a battle, this human race is in…


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