Chapter 292: An Outsider Change, the chess player who suddenly broke in, the Immortal God and Demon!!

“And dare to bark!”

A huge Kunpeng figure surged into the sky, and the huge paw print pierced through the opponent’s body, tearing the other party to pieces in an instant!

Then several people joined forces to attack and suppress the other party’s flesh and blood!

When the strength reaches the half-step fruit level, it is already difficult to be directly killed, unless the attainment of a certain path is reached the pinnacle, it is possible to completely wipe out the other party.

Otherwise, you can only seal the other party’s corpse, and then use the supreme avenue to constantly wear out its spiritual will and twist out the past and future!

This is the safest approach, and of course there are many powerful people who have more means.

For example, Di Jun’s Great Sun power, burning everything, its power is no less than that of the avenue, and even the power of suppression in it is even more terrifying!

Even the three gods and demons could not escape and imagine how terrifying the power of the other party was.

Then came the desolation of the Terran who was recognized by many creatures in the flood wilderness.

The other party’s invincible avenue is mainly reflected in the domineering, and the world is earth-shattering, but the most awe-inspiring thing for all sentient beings is the god ding forged by the other party with the power of rules.

It is said that everything can be refined, even the Dao Fruit incarnation can be refined, and the power can be imagined.

Just when several people were suppressing, the eyes of the four ancient murderers slowly opened and cracked, and a fierce momentum was ready to strike, and the heavens and the earth changed one after another.

The coercion is pervasive, alarming the heavens!

The three fierce beasts roared in the sky, and the power of the shock instantly burst out countless creatures and disappeared under this roar, leaving no bones behind!

The strange runes on the chaotic huge body spread and stretched, and the next moment the flesh wings opened, and the heavenly dome was blocked!

Su Ming’s eyes wrinkled slightly, and he only felt that something seemed wrong, and the Qi machine of the faint heaven and earth was chaotic to the extreme, even as his identity as a qi practitioner, it was a little difficult to find.


Suzhou spans the long sky in one step, his hands are sealed, the void behind him is flooded with layers of waves, and eighteen flags are fluttering up!


The banner was planted in the eighteen positions of the Terrans, and a magnificent formation was erected, and for a while, all the races would inject the divine energy in their bodies into it!

The formation is constantly circling, like a stubborn stone that does not move, and no attack can be touched.

“This breath is a throat order.”

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun’s eyes were sharp, and he could see the breath of the four fierce beasts at a glance, and the immortals and demons were of the same origin, and he was naturally extremely familiar with it!

It’s just that I didn’t expect that the other party was also arranging, but the other party’s plan did not seem to be plotting against gods and demons.

What is the pool for?

At this time, not only Hongjun, but even the Wu Clan was slightly furrowed.

Candle Jiuyin looked at the eldest brother Di Jiang on the side, the other party was also frowning, he couldn’t know what the other party’s layout meant, especially at this moment, manipulating the three ancient giants and attacking all living beings, Wei Rabbit was somewhat conceited.

But after all, this is one of the oldest gods and demons, and it is also the existence of the beginning of the flood and desolation until now, naturally it is impossible to act casually.

For a while, all parties began to think about the deep meaning behind Luo’s throat, believing that this demon ancestor had great ambitions and great means.

Even Di Jun began to think about the future pattern changes of this existence.

However, he did not find that the other party had the desire to dominate the flood in the infinite future, and the only thing that made him a little jealous was that this one was too weird to think where the other party’s next son would fall.

Fuxi on the side was leisurely sipping hot tea, seemingly not caring about these things.

Seeing this, Dijun was a little helpless.

“You’re a little too pleasant.”

He has never been able to understand this, but one thing he is very relieved about is that Fuxi only cares about Nuwa alone, and he rarely asks for anything else.

With his relationship with these two, as long as he is in one day, there is no need to think about changing the situation.

He and Fuxi are both close friends and chess opponents.

Fuxi smiled and did not speak, his eyes looked through the infinite space and looked at a chessboard above what he wanted in his life, but on this chessboard, outside the chessboard.

Seeing the other party like this, Di Jun also lost his temper, and then slowly stretched out his palm and two red flame divine pendants slowly emerged.

I saw him flick his fingers, and one of the two divine pendants flew towards the Great Sun, and the other flew to the Flame Divine Mountain.

Fuxi knew his intentions and said slowly.

“In fact, there is no need for this, with your strength at this time, it is no different to suppress them within 100,000 years.”

“But what I have been plotting for more than 100,000 years.”

Di Jun looked into the void, and his figure stood proudly in the sky, like an immortal monument.

Punishment Heaven held up a piece of space, the giant shield blocked in front of him, resisting this terrifying force, and the woman in red on her shoulder suddenly seemed to notice something at this time.

The next moment, a void tunnel appeared behind him.

Apparently inviting her to enter it, feeling the breath coming from the void tunnel, she frowned, as if she sensed something.

At the same time, among the dragon clan, Arwen also seemed to have a feeling, and a void vortex on his side slowly condensed.

Terrans also appear some.

They didn’t make a sound, they just looked at this void vortex, and for some reason there was always a voice telling them, go in!

The four figures looked at Qiankun and were fighting inseparably, and at this moment, Huang Jiu and Zhou Heng realized in their hearts, looked at each other and instantly retreated, and the next moment a void tunnel poured into it, covering the two of them.


The heavy building and Ezu on the side frowned slightly, obviously not expecting such an incident!

Why did you run away after playing well?

Not far away, the man in black looked at the void vortex behind him and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then stepped into it!


The void hummed, and in the blink of an eye, it came to another space.

The woman in red swept around, a little solemn, many of them are like her, most of them are Terrans, only a few are not among them, and the appearance of Huang Jiu and Zhou Heng made everyone change color slightly, you know, they are half-step fruit level, and they actually came here in winter?

Huang Jiu and Zhou Heng looked at each other and already had some premonition in their hearts, but they did not say it.


A round of applause came, and everyone heard the sound and left, only to see a white-clothed figure surrounded by immortality, with its own Dao rhyme pregnant in it.

Standing above the void, his eyes scanned the people below, and then he looked at several of them, and his eyes gradually became solemn.

Sure enough, Chi is not the only one who can evade the calculation.

“Old friends, I haven’t seen you for a long time, of course, you may not know me now, so let’s all change the title.”

Chi looked at everyone with a smile on their faces, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Everyone frowned slightly, obviously not knowing what the other party’s plan was.

“My name is Immortal God and Demon.”

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