Chapter 315: Supreme Chance Inheritance! The Blood Ancestral Law is now?!!

When the giant ding landed, several people suddenly felt a sense of vastness.

However, he did not act easily, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but smile when he saw this.

His father is one of the twelve gods, and his bloodline is extremely noble, and when it comes to the thick bloodline, these people may not be able to compare with him!

Although Serum Yuan and Zhou Xu are powerful, he thinks that he is invincible, but these two are both partial barbarian races, inferior mud legs, how can they be compared with him.

When even if they hurried forward, everyone was very interested in giving way to each other.

After all, someone always needs to test it first, and someone is willing to explore the way, they naturally can’t ask for it.

I saw that the wet void came to the front of the body, instantly activated his own bloodline, and his body suddenly became dozens of feet larger!


Three pairs of flesh wings stretched out, and the originally handsome face instantly became extremely hideous, and the fangs continued to stretch out.

On the flesh wings behind him, silver patterns continued to emerge, and then his hands pressed directly on the top of the body!


The whole body hummed, and instantly spread out a thick bloody qi, wrapping the other party!

Almost instantly, the other party’s body changed drastically, and a pair of flesh wings appeared above his back!

But this flesh wing is different from before, wrapped in golden patterns!

“Golden pattern! It turned out to be an imperial bloodline! This concentration has even reached the level of medium grade! ”

For a time, many blood clans were born in shock, but they did not expect that the other party’s bloodline concentration was so powerful!

It turned out to be an imperial level!

Hearing the boast in his ears, Wet Void slowly withdrew the flesh wings behind him, showing a proud face, looking at the rest of the people as if they were noble in plain white.

Although this scene attracted a lot of cheers, the twelve gods were indeed no different, although the power of the other party’s bloodline reached the emperor-level level, but if it were not for the blood essence gushing out of his body to help him, the other party’s bloodline would not be an emperor-level inferior.

Overall, it is mediocre, and there is no trace of bloodline inheritance.

Then three people walked one after another, and their bloodline power was very different from that of Min Xu, and they were not much bright, and they were quite a good competition in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in the eyes of the twelve gods, it is a little insufficient.

Finally, another figure stepped forward, and the other party had maintained the midstream level in the previous round and looked ordinary.

But the moment before the early arrival, the twelve gods couldn’t help but change their faces slightly.

“Imperial grade…”

Reaching their level is naturally obvious at a glance, but this son is different from before, the other party has not yet stimulated the power of the bloodline, and a star map is gushing out!

Instantly disappeared between the other party’s eyebrows!

In an instant, the space shook endlessly, the sky bent and rolled, and countless people looked at the sky, only to see a starry sky emitting afterglow.

Such a scene is completely different from the previous four!

“Qin Xun! Qin Xun! ”

Countless supporters roared, their eyes adoring to the extreme, while Qin Xun was hovering on the ground with his hands slowly running some kind of fantasy technique.

It is like the flow of stars, containing endless mysteries.

“Star Law!”

The twelve gods had solemn faces and saw the inheritance method of the other party.

This star method is a recorded heavenly technique, and it is said that when practiced to the fullest, it can even trigger a star field to mobilize for him.

And a star field is millions of planets alone!

Such a terrifying amount is overwhelming, and just thinking about it feels powerless.

As soon as the figure walked out again, it was a pity that the other party did not inspire anything different, and he withdrew like the previous few people.

Blood Changge walked out slowly, his pale face was a little seeping, and seeing the other party playing, the twelve gods finally raised their interest.

After all, normally, the only people who really have the possibility of obtaining bloodline inheritance are Blood Changge, Zhou Xu and Su Yang.

And Qin Xun’s appearance was somewhat unexpected, this kid was still hidden.

Blood Changge’s eyes were scarlet, and he walked slowly, his fingers practiced some kind of mysterious magic seal, and in an instant, a louder buzzing sound than before came out!

A pillar of light gushed out from the bronze ancient ding!

Turned into a hideous divine beast mark, evolving into an endless wasteland, a heaven-to-earth horror raised its hand to proudly dominate the world, swallowing and inhaling the firmament, shaking the earth…

“This is!”

“Fierce beast law, and it is also a barren fierce beast that is extremely cherished!”

The Twelve Divine Venerables looked solemn, and when they saw the origin of this inheritance, they only felt shocked in their hearts.

You must know that this fierce beast method is an extremely terrifying killing method, and even they are slightly hot for a while.

But they pressed it anyway, knowing that what came next was really wonderful…

“Aren’t you coming?”

Zhou Xu looked at Su Xiao and smiled slowly.

“You’re already planning to go, so why should I do this.”

Su Yang looked at each other, smiling, and the handsome face added a bit of elegance.


The corners of Zhou Xu’s mouth chuckled, slowly walked to the top of the body, at this moment everyone was holding their breath, even the blood emperor and blood queen above the first place were faintly solemn According to theory, only Zhou Xu’s bloodline should be the lowest, because the other party has no background, and the family is also extremely weak.

Although the serum yuan looked the same as him, they knew that the other party was the bloodline of the Dry Blood God Venerable, and no matter how bad the bloodline was, it was far superior to the other party.

In front of everyone’s eyes, Zhou Xu slowly put his hand on the top of his body.

In an instant, it seemed to fall into endless silence, and Zhou Xu put his hand on top of this version.

The two seem to be integrated, regardless of you and me, like an eternal stone.


The heavenly dome was torn, boundless blood qi converged upward, and the stars in the sky were completely covered!

The entire bend was dyed blood, covering three million li!

At the same time, an incomparably terrifying aura slowly emerged.

I saw a hideous figure slowly walking out of the heavenly firmament, twelve pairs of flesh wings stretched out, like glass, and endless majesty was revealed in it!

Looking at the terrifying figure, the twelve gods couldn’t help but get up, their faces showing horror.

In an instant, they were able to feel a boundless coercion on top of each other’s bodies!

You must know that only the higher level can exert coercion on the lower level!

And their bloodlines have reached the emperor level!

It makes them feel coerced…

“Could it be true that it is the Blood Ancestral Law…”

They couldn’t help but say, their voices mixed with a slight trill.

You can imagine how shocking their hearts are at this moment.

The huge shadow slowly turned into a strange rune, blending into the center of Zhou Xu’s eyebrows.

One after another, gold and silver Wenyao slowly spread, adding an indescribable majesty to him.

As if it were an emperor, the rest of the candidates somehow couldn’t even look at each other!

It’s fear! It’s also coercion!

Only one side Su Tian’s gaze looked at the other party calmly.

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