Chapter 317: Unparalleled Prosperous Age, Striving for the First Place in Eternity!!

At this moment, not only the creatures of the blood race are scratching their heads, but even the twelve gods do not know what kind of calculation the blood emperor is fighting.

However, since he has already made a move, it is enough to show the talent displayed by the serum yuan.

For a time, countless people cheered wildly, and the shouts exceeded everyone except Zhou Xu!

At this moment, even Zhou Xu on the side couldn’t help but look at the serum yuan.

The spell he obtained before was the Blood Ancestral Method, but unfortunately, it was not complete but incomplete.

This is not because of its own reasons, but because this bronze Guding has not fully awakened, otherwise he will definitely be able to introduce the Blood Ancestor Illusory Shadow, not a residual image.

According to rumors, there are thirty-six pairs of wings behind the blood ancestor, dominating all the great powers in the world, and the blood ancestor method is even more terrifying!

It’s a pity that the Blood Ancestral Method he obtained is a broken part, and it is difficult to see the real mystery, and it is naturally easy to deal with others, but only the serum yuan.

The strange spell that the other party had just obtained was not inferior to his Blood Ancestral Method!

Even more terrifying.

The Blood Emperor looked at the serum yuan on the side and said slowly.

“You’re very good.”

The next moment is to appear on the first place again, at this time his heart is uncertain, although there is no abnormal color on the surface, but the shock in his heart is only clear to him.

This bronze ancient ding has been cultivated more than tens of thousands of times in this ten thousand years, and even then it has not been completely refined.

But just now, under the influence of that momentum, the serum yuan actually touched the power in the body.

If it weren’t for the tens of thousands of times he had sacrificed, I am afraid that he would really be taken away by the other party!

At that time, it would be humiliating and humiliating, of course, this is still secondary, what he cares about most is that the power obtained by the serum yuan, he seems to have seen a thing or two on a broken ancient book.

Chaos God Magic.

According to rumors, at the beginning of the endless years, there were endless gods and demons, and each god and demon had an incomparably terrifying power, and the Chaos God Magic was their most powerful power.

It is even rumored that even the original blood ancestors were created by observing the power of the people.

However, most of these are some legends, which have long been impossible to investigate, and you must know that they do not even have evidence of the existence of blood ancestors at this time, let alone more ancient endless gods and demons.

The third level of testing is the nine-level altar, each of which has ten steps on top of it, and after stepping it, you can reach the next level.

However, the top of this altar is not as simple as the foot, according to rumors, the bones of these altars are left by the dead devils of the past, and the dense bones look extremely terrifying!

Even above the legendary ninth layer, those bones are still higher-level existences, the bones of the god or the blood emperor…

Everyone looked at each other, and they slowly stepped on the steps, and suddenly the layers of void shattered, and an unimaginable great force suppressed their bodies.

Although some people changed color slightly, this force could not stop them.

Still walking slowly, the first floor arrived.

Then there’s the second and third floors.

Finally, halfway to the fourth floor, someone was covered in blood, blood and flesh were shaking, the friction sound of the valley bones continued to come, and three people stopped and walked on the third and fifth levels.

Fourth layer.

Ascending to the fourth layer, except for Su Yang, Zhou Xu, Blood Changge, and Qin Xun, the rest of the people were more or less contentious.

Apparently this is already their limit.

Su Yang looked at the three people beside him, and did not stop to go up again.

The other three were naturally not to be outdone.

That’s it for the fifth layer!

Sixth floor!

Seventh floor!


All four of them ascended to the seventh floor, and such a scene shocked everyone.

You know, this seventh layer, but no one has ever landed in nearly 10,000 years!

And at the moment! Four figures stood tall, like immortal monuments, and this scene made the blood of countless blood clan creatures surging with enthusiasm.

Even the twelve gods were beaming.

Even they had only reached this level.

But they are not the same era, with an age gap of tens of thousands of years.

It can be said that a whole four supreme beings in this era have ascended to the seventh layer, and the meaning contained in them is too far-reaching.

At this moment, Blood Changge and Qin Xun were obviously a little overwhelmed, and at this moment, their bodies were being squeezed billions of times by gravity.

Every bone is rubbing!

It is extremely good that they can still stand up more under such a terrifying force.

“I have no regrets about reaching this level.”

Blood Changge said slowly, in fact, he has long controlled his limit, looking at Seroyuan and Zhou Xu, the two of them still don’t seem to feel any pressure.

Sure enough, these two guys are demons.

Qin Xun on the side was also sweating on his forehead, and he had reached his limit at this time.

He can no longer hide it to the limit at this time.

“What do you want?”

It seemed that he noticed that the serum yuan did not intend to stay here, and it just so happened that he also had this intention, and Zhou Yu couldn’t help but say.

“I was wondering what it would look like on the eighth or even ninth floor.”

When the words fell, Su Tian’s figure had already stepped on the steps of the eighth floor.

For a while, countless people were shocked, and their lips trembled lightly as they stared at Su Tian’s figure…

“He… They can’t even reach the ninth floor! ”

You must know that since the establishment of the Blood Demon Clan, there have not been any creatures on the ninth layer who have ascended to the ninth layer!

Even as long as he ascends to the eighth layer, he is an undoubted demon son, just like today’s Blood Emperor climbed to the eighth layer in an invincible posture to shock many major forces and get the position of the demon son!

With a smile on his face, Zhou Xu followed, and the two walked side by side, and then reached the eighth layer!


Unparalleled prosperous world!!

Creation is unique!

Countless people couldn’t help but swallow their spit when they saw this scene, at this moment, even the blood above the first place is beautiful and rippled, and I have to say that she is extremely satisfied with these two people.

But if you prefer whom, it may be serogen.

After all, the qualifications and strength of the two sides are comparable, but there is one thing that the serum yuan wins, and that is appearance.

Although Zhou Xu is not bad, but it is only relative to ordinary people, and the serum yuan is different, the birth is extraordinary, gentle as jade, and the appearance here is a complete victory!

But then her eyes were full of shock, these two people have not stopped!

They’re on the ninth floor!

For a time, countless people didn’t even dare to make a sound, as if they were choked by the throat, they could only stretch their necks and stare at their eyes for fear of missing a trace of details!

However, it can be seen that the pace of the two has slowed down, and the pressure of the eighth step is far greater than before.

At this moment, even the Blood Emperor couldn’t help but look solemn, he had such a plan at the beginning, but unfortunately, when he landed on the first level of the eighth layer, he gave up, and the terrifying squeezing force would overturn even if his soul came!

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