Chapter 323: The War of the Demons is Approaching, the Ten Thousand Races Are Prosperous, and Dijun Traces the Roots!!

It can be said that in the past month, there will be women basically every day, and it is basically sent by the Blood God Venerable, even he is a little helpless.

“Why is what I said wrong, Lord Mako?”

The delicate face of the blood poured slowly approached, and the intoxicating fragrance slowly spread, filling Su Tian’s mind.

She said softly, her voice seemed to be able to crisp people’s bones away, and at this moment she was not as high as the holy woman in the past, but more like a jealous little woman

“The holy woman came at this time, it will not be because of this matter.”

Su Xiao took a sip of clear tea, his body slowly approached, and the next moment he directly forced the other party into a corner, admiring the other party’s frightened appearance.

And Blood Qingyan kept retreating and leaning on the edge of the pavilion, pursing his red lips, weak as a chicken, looking hopeless.

It’s very loving.

“Well, let’s say something, there is no need to pretend to be like this.”

Su Xiao looked at each other, and his eyes gradually became cold.

“Tsk, Mako-sama is really a little puzzled.”

Seeing this, he couldn’t help but look at Su Yu with a resentful face, as if he was puzzled.

Then the helplessness and panic on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of charm and a hint of jealousy.

This Mako-sama does not seem to be greedy as the outside world rumors, at least for now.

Her expression was correct, and then she gently picked up the hot tea in front of her, and her red lips gently pursed to leave a light red mark.

“You are not afraid that I will drug this tea.”

Suddenly a voice hit, the blood poured out beautiful eyes, eyelashes trembled slightly, and it seemed to be a little incredulous.

Looking at Su Tian, who was smiling on the side, he suddenly felt bad, and for some reason, even the operation of the spiritual energy in his body was a little slow.

“If you are deceived, if Ben Mako is willing, how can he use foreign things.”

Hearing this, the other party’s face immediately turned slightly red, and he looked at Su Yang with some coquettishness, but he could see that the other party seemed to be really frightened.

After all, in her opinion, with the strength of the other party, she may really be able to do it.

“Okay, now let’s talk about it, what am I doing here?”

Su Yang looked at the other party’s face, and his eyes were extremely clear without the slightest difference.

Being stared at so directly by the other party for a while, Blood Qingyan only felt that he was in chaos, and he had been following the other party’s route.

The white neck rose with red light, but he still pretended to be calm.

“Naturally, there is something, I don’t know if His Royal Highness the Devil has heard of the battle of demons?”

“War of the Demons?”

Su Xiao frowned slightly, and he had really heard of it.

However, it is not in the memory of the seroton, but from the blue star.

The so-called war of demons, it is said that every 10,000 years, the universe of heaven and earth will reveal various voids.

Each layer of the void is a large world that has long been extinguished, or an existence that has sunk into history.

And every time it comes, it will give birth to endless treasures and magic medicines.

At that time, basically all the void monsters will enter it, which can be said to be a grand event in the entire universe, and even the Terrans will participate.

The light flickered in Su Tian’s eyes, and he didn’t expect to come so soon

“Since you also understand, then I will say it directly.”

“At that time, both you and I will participate in this battle of demons, and you and I will participate on behalf of the entire blood demon clan, and we must achieve the best results and even defeat all races.”

“Only the races that have successfully entered the top ten can participate in the division of interests for the next ten thousand years, which is also a huge grind for me and others.”

“So you mean?”

Su Yang looked at the other party scrutinically, but for some reason he didn’t dare to look directly at the other party’s gaze.

“I hope you can go with me, and before the battle of demons begins, there will be a meeting of the Heavenly Pride of all races, where we must show our strength”


Su Xiao promised the other party, if it was just that, he was really a little interested, after all, if the Tianjiao of all races were here, he would be good to see.

What’s more, the Terrans should also come at that time, and the Valhalla is afraid that it will not be absent.

“This account needs to be calculated.”

Several years have passed since the three thousand Dao Lotuses, and the major races of the Great Luo Honghuang have fallen silent as if they are waiting for something.

Since then, Di Jun, Hongjun and even the powerful people’s plots against the gods and demons have also been completely exposed in the eyes of the Honghuang sentient beings.

Such a skill shocked countless strong people at that time.

I didn’t expect that these people were so majestic that even the gods and demons were going to control them in their hands.

Although things were ruined, Di Jun suppressed three gods and demons in a row, but it was spread for a long time.

In addition, the most talked about by all living beings in Honghuang is the battle between Hongjun and the Queen Mother of the West, the scene is really too murderous…

And the human race in the center of everything has not caused its luck to decline or even become stronger due to the departure of the reincarnation of gods and demons!

You must know that the reason why the human race has such a powerful heaven and earth luck, at the beginning, the Flintstones occupied one of them with their body breaking the destiny of heaven, followed by the blessing of fear brought by the reincarnation of gods and demons.

At this moment, most of the reincarnations of gods and demons have left, and it stands to reason that if the human race is not broken, it will at least be a little weak.

But these decades of time have not been half shown, as if a large number of Tianjiao were born because of the departure of gods and demons.

It’s just weird.

Di Jun stood on top of the thirty-four heavenly gates, flanked by the Great Sun Shadow and the Flame Divine Mountain.

After all, the suppression of the three gods and demons, only by suppressing them around themselves can the other party never turn over, and at the same time, it is also to prevent the rest of the gods and demons from saving these three.

At this moment, Di Jun looked at the human race, and his eyes saw through thousands of years, but unfortunately the shadow was too vague.

However, he has advanced to the beginning, naturally has the strength to understand everything, once may have caused him a little trouble, but at this moment, for him, these layers of defense are like window paper stabbed and broken.

“Bendi wants to take a look, who are you!”

Di Jun shredded and covered up layer by layer, wanting to find out the other party’s true body.

At the beginning of the great calamity between the human race and the Buddhist sect, there was this breath, and then after the strange dagger was produced in heaven and earth, there was this breath again.

However, the other party was extremely cautious, avoiding almost all cause and effect, and even imposing various obstacles over the years, even if he saw the densely bought formation imprint, it was a headache.

But at this moment, he wants to see the other party’s true face of Lu Shan!

In the immeasurable years, Han Lishi’s face was extremely serious, and he already sensed that he was being targeted by this Heavenly Emperor, and his eyes were cloudy.

It seemed to be thinking about giving up, but at this moment, a figure aroused his idea.

“Fate? What’s wrong with you. ”

The devouring gods and demons in a secret realm couldn’t help but sound when they saw Li Changgeng working some kind of power.

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