Chapter 327: The Heavens Scrutinize, All Parties Plan; The Queen Mother of the West came out of the mountain, and the back soil woke up!!

The roar of heaven and earth lasted for a long time, and for three hundred days of preaching, the three hundred Buddhas in the magnificent heaven and earth rolled out.

During this period, I don’t know how many beings heard about the mystery of Mahayana Buddhism and joined the Buddhist gate and became Buddhas on the ground.

Since then, the momentum of Buddhism has reached its peak, but in just three hundred days, it has already achieved quasi-mention, leading to achievements that are difficult to achieve for millions of years!

The most incredible thing is that when I heard about Mahayana Buddhism, the five Buddhas had their own gains, but they only felt that the depth of the Dharma was far more profound than they knew.

The gods and demons of the Buddha are the Buddha’s avenue itself, and the preaching of the pond is purer than all the Dharma in the world.

Three hundred days passed, and countless divine faces looked at each other, shocked.

I didn’t expect that the Buddha Gate, which had been silent for 10,000 years, would show such a terrifying influence power when it appeared again.

It is enough to shock the world and make heaven and earth shake together.

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun’s eyes were solemn, and his eyes were a little thoughtful and a little backtest.

The Buddha gods and demons were hidden in the Western Regions, which he could not imagine.

However, it was also expected, not too shocking, after all, this time the Buddha’s Dao Lotus was sent into the introduction, and the two of them had the intention to lead this person out.

Although the changes in the land of the Western Regions are greater, at least everything is going according to his plan.

Kunlun Mountain, Heavenly Court…

Both of these forces are opposing him, and he must have an ally who can be friendly with him in order to maintain his position.

At least as in the past, the situation of being besieged and almost dying could have been avoided.

Although the Buddha’s god and demon plot is also not small, Chi is a smart man who knows who is the best ally at such times.

What’s more, I sent a lotus piece of the avenue, the cause of the Buddha’s past life, and the result of this life.

The cycle of cause and effect is not only the will of the Buddha, but also the will of the avenue.

Thinking of this, Hongjun once again looked at the corner of the endless years, and the world of countless Buddhas bloomed one after another, emitting a rich holy light, covering the sky and covering the reach of ordinary people.

Even in the corner of the future, the prosperity of the Buddhist path has almost reached the point where it can coexist with immortals and demons.

Tripartite hegemony!

If he saw this scene ten thousand years ago or even thousands of years ago, he would definitely make a move, but at this time, Hongjun had deeply understood the importance of allies.

At this time, with his position in the flood wilderness, he really needs such an ally.

Immortals and demons are opposed, and the two are born of each other, and Luo Yu is not his ally.

After all, this is a battle between the two realms, he Hongjun only opened up the immortal path, not the immortal itself, and Luo Yu is the demon itself.

In other words, even if he is truly dead, as long as the Immortal Dao exists in the Demon Dao, it will continue to prosper, which has something to do with him.

What’s more, the immortal gods and demons have already been born, and looking at the appearance of the other party, I am afraid that what they are plotting must be not small.

Sitting on the imperial throne, Di Jun naturally sensed the changes that had taken place in the Western Regions Buddha Kingdom, and frowned slightly.

It is necessary to know that after preaching, the gods and demons of the Buddha completely shattered the entire Buddha kingdom with one hand, disintegrating the Buddha kingdom, and at the same time lifting the confinement and cage.

Just like when the human race lost its destiny, although it lost its original inherent qi, it gave Buddhism a new rebirth.

Buddhism will flourish after that, and if they cannot be uprooted, they will be like weeds, the wind will blow endlessly, and the fire will burn endlessly.

In this way, the true intention of the Buddha’s path will last forever and there will never be any worries about its destruction.

At this time, the Buddhist monks who have been influenced by Mahayana Buddhism have made great progress in strength, and I am afraid that Buddhism in the future can really achieve a top power.

After pondering for a long time, Di Jun did not intervene to stop it, not because of the taboo.

If it is because of jealousy, with its own primordial realm directly pushed over, even the gods and demons of the Buddha will inevitably retreat.

Although it is impossible to completely destroy Buddhism, it is possible to make it difficult to recover for millions of years.

However, there is no need.

At this moment, the gods and demons of the Buddha have opened up Buddhism, which is the foundation of the body.

Naturally, it belongs to the Honghuang Daluo Heaven and Earth, and if the gods and demons rise again in the future to conquer the Daluo Honghuang, if the other party does not want all his thoughts to be burned, he will stand in the same position as them.

At this moment, we are not letting Buddhism go, but planning and plotting for the future.

After all, they had to face three thousand gods and demons, and the existence of such a fear cloth was a fall even for the original father gods.

And Father God has long promised not to interfere in the Great Luo Honghuang, in the face of such existence, even he is consciously difficult to deal with, and he still needs more strong people.

Today’s Honghuang Daluo’s strength is not enough.

Kunlun Mountain, the Queen Mother of the West stood proudly above the clouds, dressed in red to show the changes of peerless Fanghua Buddhism into her eyes, she did not care, but habitually touched her hand to her side.

After feeling the emptiness, I remembered that Nuwa had gone out and traveled with Fuxi.

Her eyes were once again fixed on the top of this Kunlun Mountain, which had been here for a long time since the day she was born, and now that Honghuang Da Luo had finally ushered in a tranquility, perhaps she should also go out and walk.

She rarely went out of Kunlun Mountain, most of them were to find trouble with Hongjun, and stepping into the beginning at this time, I am afraid that the next hundred thousand millions of years will be deposited here.

It also gives her time to go out.

Suma’s figure had disappeared on the top of Kunlun Mountain.

The Wu Clan, the eleven ancestral witches sat around, but at this time, they did not come to their own territory, but the land of the six reincarnations.

Huangquan Road, Nai He Bridge, eighteen hells ——— unfolded.

Several people walked slowly and finally came to a place.

During these years, the little sister has been sleeping, and now they have felt that the little sister is gradually recovering, and the six reincarnations seem to have changed more and more.

Of course, they are naturally aware of this change.

Naturally, it was from the hands of reincarnation gods and demons, but even so, Di Jiang still couldn’t figure out why reincarnation gods and demons wanted to help death.

He has already opened up six reincarnations and accumulated supreme merit, and it stands to reason that even if it is for the lotus slice of the avenue, it should not be so.

In the depths of the six reincarnations, a shadow slowly woke up, and the power of reincarnation wrapped around her body, and layers of power sprang out.

“Master, how long have I been asleep?”

Hou Tu slowly opened his eyes and asked the master a little tiredly.

“There are more than 10,000 in total, but rest assured that what I promised you will not change, and the Wu Clan is still the same.”

The voice of the reincarnation god and demon still thought, and after hearing this, Tu Tu nodded reassuringly.

“They have sensed your awakening, go out and take a look.”

After the reincarnation god and demon finished speaking, they slowly fell into silence, and seemed to be at a critical juncture.

Although Hou Tu was puzzled when he heard this, he didn’t say much, his eyes looked not far away, and the corners of his mouth gently raised a curve.

Then he seemed to remember that his identity as a post-native lady should not be so jumpy, so he slowly walked out dignifiedly.

I don’t know what the brothers are doing?

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