Chapter 335: Invincible Posture Suppresses the Divine Demon Seed with One Hand!!

The blood on the side changed slightly, wanting to stop Su Yang, but he couldn’t.

Yan Qingyan is also ugly, since she first met Su Tian, she knew that this person was too rigid to avoid and choose, she thought that the other party could change something during this time, but unfortunately it was still the same!

Such people are just reckless.

The blood softness on one side was firm, without the slightest doubt, since the moment Su Yang defeated the blood ancestor on the ninth-layer altar, she had an almost blind trust in Su Yang.

The dark moon beside her, her eyes scanned the surroundings, and the power around her body began to surge, and she would rush forward when she saw that the situation was not good.

During this time, she was brought back by the Dry Blood God Venerable together with Blood Gentle, and the God Venerable gave her a lot of resources, and her strength also broke through to the ninth level at this time.

Although you can’t defeat the other party, you can block a move and a half at least the critical moment.

“Although His Royal Highness Mako has self-confidence, sometimes blind confidence is fatal.”

Sansugi’s eyes were cold and dangerous, like a poisonous snake, locking Su Yang in.

Mang Shan on the side was just about to leave, but he was stopped by Sansugi’s hand.

“Let me play for a while.”

She licked the corners of her mouth, her enchanting face was more charming, but it also caused everyone to feel a chill.

Everyone looked at Su Yang and Sanshan one by one, since they had just seen the power of the Divine Demon Seed Mangshan Mountain, they no longer dared to be careless, even if they had seen Su Yang’s shot before, it was also unpredictable for this battle.

The best result in their cognition is only to divide evenly, and even considering the various weirdness of the god and demon species, Su Yang is more likely to lose, but the other party is too impatient.

“Do you think you can block me?”

Su Yang looked at each other, a smile welled up at the corner of his mouth, the other party sneered, and the next moment the two of them moved together!

Within a radius of thirty zhang, all void time and space were wiped out, and layers of heaven and earth rules appeared!

“So strong, just the collision of momentum is already manifesting the rules of heaven and earth!”

“It is difficult to end this battle as a god and demon species, with an innate godhead and endless divine power, once the battle starts, even if the strength of the serum yuan is strong, it will be consumed!”

However, before everyone could speak, they saw a figure that was shocked back hundreds of feet, and his legs cut a hideous ravine on the ground.

When they saw each other’s figure clearly, everyone couldn’t help but be extremely stunned and a little incredulous.

It turned out to be Sansugi!

And in the original position, Su Tian’s eyes were dull, the robes around him were windless, and he was dressed in white clothes like an immortal coming to the world.

“With this bit of strength, it seems that it can’t match your tone.”

Su Yang looked at the other party and said slowly, and the figure instantly appeared on the other party’s side, pressing down with a palm!


As if blessed by supreme mighty power, a hideous figure slowly appeared from behind Su Tian, and the other party could not explain that it seemed to rise in endless chaos and tear the sky and the universe!

“Damn it!”

Sansugi’s face turned red, and his hands hurriedly summoned a silver spear to block it!

The terrifying force suppressed it, even if she had the personality of a god, she could not resist!

What a terrifying avenue power!

Su Yang only pressed with one hand, which already made her unable to support, and even the other party’s body was still sinking.

The power of the layers of avenues spread out, constantly suppressing down, Sansugi bit his red lips and looked a little hideous, but he still couldn’t get rid of this force.

With such a rapid change, the face of the person who spoke just now turned red, and he did not dare to speak.

Press a god and demon seed with one hand and ask who approves of doing it!?

The eyes of the demon resentful student on the side were slightly condensed, a little cold.


The layers of space collapsed forward, and a burly figure tore down with a giant axe!

“How can you do this!”

Mang Shan almost came behind Su Yang, and the giant axe in his hand slashed down, and the terrifying power was terrifying.

When this axe falls, even the sky is afraid that it will be torn apart!

Blood Qing’s face was cold, and he glared at the demon grievances on the side.

It’s a pity that he didn’t care about the other party at all.

Mang Shan’s arms were covered with scale armor with terrifying power through the layers of space!

“It’s a little annoying.”

Su Tian’s voice was flat but it made the other party stunned, the other party actually had spare strength!

I saw Su Tian’s other hand, slowly grabbing up, an uncontrollable terrifying aura swept out, as if capturing a piece of Tianyu!

In this way, under the shocked gazes of countless people, Su Yang pressed Sanshan with one hand and rested on the giant axe with the other.

No matter how Mang Shan exerted his terrifying power, he still couldn’t move a single thing, and it seemed to be completely suppressed!

Suppress two gods and demons with one hand, I’m afraid no one will believe this when they say this!

Especially at this moment, Su Yang still looks, and the light appearance of the clouds seems to have no pressure at all…


The huge force oscillated down, and the corner of Sansugi’s mouth was blood-donated and penetrated down, and he could no longer bear the terrifying force and fell directly to his knees!


As the words fell, three thousand avenues emerged around Su Tian, and a round of great world rose behind him.

A palm pressed out horizontally, Mang Shan’s chest collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the huge body drove flew out like a cannonball!

The mountains are all shattered and collapsed layer by layer!


For a moment, these two words couldn’t help but appear in everyone’s minds.

It seems that these two words were born because of each other!

“Where did you get the courage to clamor for this strength?”

Su Xiao looked coldly at the two people who fell to the ground, and then looked at the demon resentment on the side, his eyes were cold.

“Do you do it yourself, or do I do it myself?”

The eyes of the demon resentment were cold, and the bone dragon man behind him was about to move forward, but he was stopped by the other party.

“Kind of interesting.”

The other party’s figure flickered and appeared on Su Tian’s side, a palm ran through the sky, in an instant, countless people only felt that the sky was spinning, even the spirit seemed to be affected Su Tian’s eyes did not see the slightest wave, and the blood-red armor on his body slowly emerged, and it was also pressed out with a palm!

Two extreme forces collide with each other!

The two great worlds faced each other, and appeared from behind them.

Everyone felt this terrifying confrontation of will, and they changed color one after another, and they couldn’t help but retreat.

The momentum exuded by the two at this moment is like an endless abyss, and they will be affected if they are slightly worse, which is extremely dangerous.

And at this moment, above a starry sky, countless Dao figures are watching the scene that happened, with different faces.

Among them, the Blood Emperor looked at Su Tian’s figure with a dull gaze and was extremely satisfied, but at this time, a black-clothed figure was slightly furrowed, and then he bent his fingers towards the void.


Everyone only felt a supreme force suppressing them, pressing them to bend over and kneel, and Su Yang and the demon grievances on one side were also separated, but this force could not affect them.

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