Chapter 356: The First Layer of the Divine and Demon Chaos Law, Demon Grievance Fighting Void Dragon!!


A humming sound that shook the heavens and earth fell, and the heavenly dome converged and scattered again and again, and finally turned into rootless fragments.

A white-clothed figure floated in the void, and his body continued to wear and dissipate.

In addition, there were several white-clothed figures around, slowly turning into ashes.

Su Tian’s eyes looked straight ahead, the momentum was like the sea, and this fifth layer could not help him, and it had all collapsed.

In the blink of an eye, I saw the void changing, and a huge mountain was covered down, containing the power of the heavens.

The mountain is pitch black, like a pyramid, with stairs on all sides, and every hundred steps will appear, a short open space will appear.

About ten zhang, hanging a scroll, different.

What can be depicted are mountains, rivers and plants, some are birds, beasts, fish and insects, some are forbidden beasts, and some are blank and pitch black.

Su Yang climbed to the top of the mountain, there were no other items here, but an inkstone platform, a roll of bamboo, and a jade pen.

Obviously, this immortal venerable, who has been dead, would still like such elegant things.

After Su Tian’s exploration, he had already found that the entire magic mountain seemed to be an incredible weapon, containing endless suppressive power, and after thinking for a while, he planned to take the entire magic mountain.

However, no matter how you refine this magic mountain, there is no response like a dead thing, and it is almost impossible to logically say it.

Su Xiao could feel more that the dense rules of heaven and earth inside this Foshan could never be a dead thing, and the suppressive power emanating from it was even more powerful.

Even tens of millions of heaven-level combat weapons cannot be compared to it, and even in Su Tian’s opinion, even the destruction level is far from it.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t take this thing away for the time being, so he put his eyes on the case on the side and took the jade pen in his hand.

The surrounding body is immaculate, extremely delicate, and a trace of strange heaven and earth qi can be seen faintly intertwined, which cannot be detected.

This breath Su Yang had never seen before.

However, this jade pen, which had been used by that Immortal Venerable, might be contaminated with some power, and it might be of great use if necessary.

Thinking of this, Su Yang is climbing up again!

At this time, in the outside world, a group of void monsters who could not enter it could only look at each other silently.


Every time a figure lands on the first floor, that layer will shine three times, the sixth layer of the assassin has begun to shine, and the next moment the seventh layer is also buzzing!

“Seventh floor!? So fast? ”

A kind of astonishment was so great that he didn’t expect that this would not pass, and in less than an hour, someone had already reached the seventh floor, and for a while, everyone was talking, and their faces were extremely solemn.

On the eighth floor, just the moment Su Yang stepped here, he felt the terrifying power of the vast sea.

Just in an instant. The qi of heaven and earth is surging up and turning into the power of the essence of the five elements, constantly converging.

These five substances are extremely rich, even enough to turn into substance, even Su Yang can’t help but smack his lips.

After stepping into the eighth layer, he felt that the passage of time was becoming slower and slower, and I am afraid that the time against the outside world has turned into a hundred to one, or even more!

Even though Su Xiaodang sat cross-kneeled, the Blood Dragon Grass appeared in his palm, and the next moment, the other party slowly melted into emerald green energy suspended on Su Tian’s side.

Suddenly, it melted into my body, and I only felt a sense of coolness permeating and relaxing, which was pleasant.

Then the three ultimate substances of the source of supreme gold, the essence of infinite fire, and the land of immortal blood evolved one after another.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Yang wanted to try to attack the first weight of the Divine Demon Chaos Method!

What’s more, this eighth layer has such a terrifying essence of the five elements of heaven and earth, even if it is not much weaker than the five extreme substances, he can also use it to extract the other two extreme plants.

This is not difficult for him, who owns the Three Thousand Avenues.

Three extreme things hovered above Su Tian’s head, forming a huge infinite cycle, gradually blending into Su Tian’s physical body.

As soon as I came into contact, I felt an uncontrollable severe pain constantly tearing apart, and the meridians in my body were squeezed and stretched wildly layer by layer, and every inch of flesh and blood was suffering this severe pain.

However, for a long time, Su Tian’s physical body was already covered with blood, but even so, his face was still extremely calm, keeping the spiritual platform empty, without the slightest abnormal color.

As the pain continued to accumulate, finally his physical body began to adapt to this power, and the endless power surged slowly into it.

Even not only the body, but also the soul is constantly devouring this power, hungry.

At the same time, the aura of Suzhou was also constantly rising, and the divine and demonic marks in the center of his eyebrows turned into a strange rune hovering around him.

But the figure hiding in it was just lurking quietly on the side, and there was the slightest movement, as if it was asleep.

Ninth floor.

When the devil grievance student stepped on this place, countless divine energy gushed into the sky, giving birth to supreme power, but this room space is not divided between heaven and earth, it seems to be a suspended space, without pretending to rely on anything.

And what’s even more weird, he has obviously reached this ninth layer, why is there no prompt sound?

This is extremely strange, could it be that there is something he missed?

At this moment, the magic medicine at the top of the room grew stronger and stronger, and above the huge vine, layers of clouds rose and fell, as if they could cover the sky and the sun.

For a while, even he was a little impatient, how could he not take away such a divine artifact!?

When even moving the space, the figure charged forward, and the demonic energy of heaven and earth surrounded all the bodies, directly capturing and leaving!

This kind of momentum is extremely terrifying, causing a vision of heaven and earth, like a group of demons dancing!

Then in the next moment, a vicious dragon roar tore through the sky, and the pitch-black dragon claws tore down, extinguishing the space layer by layer.

Blocked his attack.

The devil was resentful, his face was extremely cold, and he didn’t expect that even the other party would arrive here

“Devil, you can’t interfere with this thing.”

The Void Demon Dragon spat out a vicious sound, and the sound wave followed down to cause the roar of heaven and earth, and the terrifying figure hovered between heaven and earth, extremely vicious.

Both sides are indomitable and indomitable, and although the Void Demon Dragon is higher than the ranking of the Devil Grievance, he does not think that the other party will be able to defeat him more steadily.

The light bloomed, and the demon grievance was holding a scarlet long knife, covering the layers of demon clouds, causing layers of heaven and earth to roar.

This scarlet long knife was found by him on the eighth layer, and it was a supreme divine weapon, which could fall into a deep sleep with the help of an internal instrument, and could not release all its power for the time being.

But having said that, getting such a treasure, his strength has been improved by more than one level, and because of this, he is not afraid of even the Void Demon Dragon, not to mention that the gap between the two sides is not much.


The eyes of the Void Demon Dragon were cold and sharp, the dragon power was pervasive, and the huge dragon claw was as heavy as a star, and then pressed down!

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