Chapter 358: One Arrow and One Demon, Full of Killing Intent!!

The qi of heaven and earth rolled out, and the eyes of the sin and soul silence on the side were extremely solemn, looking not far away.

I saw the heavenly dome collapse and collapse, and a golden and brilliant Nine Dragons Divine Monument ran through, and the powerful force shook open.

The terrifying aura caused the three people present to frown slightly, only to feel that the aura around them was difficult to contain.

“Nine Dragons Divine Monument, Ye Tianxuan.”

Several people recognized the origin of this divine monument, and the sin and soul silence on the side couldn’t help but retreat slightly, Ye Tianxuan was definitely the last creature they were willing to face, and the strength of the other party was so strong that it was prohibitive.

Especially the Nine Dragons Divine Monument, it is extremely thick, and the two of them have joined forces to fight each other but have failed miserably.

At that time, the other party was only a mere seventh level, and at this moment, the other party had already advanced to the ninth level, to be honest, if it weren’t for the Wuma Heavenly Dome beside them, they were afraid that they would have run for their lives long ago.

The void shook, and a figure in green clothes slowly emerged and stepped into the air.

“It’s you two again, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I don’t know how much strength has increased?”

Ye Tianxuan looked at each other, his eyes were spleen, and he saw that he pointed a finger in the air, the sky was surging and a condensed fingerprint came through the void, as if it was a monument to suppress everything!

The faces of the two changed slightly, and they retreated one after another.

Seeing this, Wuma Tianqiong on the side sneered, and came to the two, only to see him with one hand in the air, making angry eyes, and a mighty momentum came out!


With an earth-shattering roar, the sky was torn apart, and the void within a radius of ten thousand zhang shattered layer by layer, directly striking with that fingerprint!

The waves of air rolled, and the mighty qi continued to empty behind him.

Ye Xuantian was not in a hurry, the Immortal Divine Monument dragged in his hand, surrounded by giant domes.

I saw him holding a huge foot in one hand, and crashed down with a supreme posture!


This blow seemed to overwhelm the heavenly firmament, and in such a scene, Wu Ma Tian’s face on the other side was cold, the long sword in his hand was suddenly clenched, and the terrifying will formed a wave of essence qi and spread out!

In an instant, the rules of heaven and earth were raging, and the power of the sword path tore through the layers of space and collided with it!

The fire was stirring, and countless Mars fell down like burning planets, which was extremely dazzling.

Suddenly, the entire ninth floor trembled instantly, and it seemed that he couldn’t stand the battle between the two sides, and the top disappeared directly!

In an instant, several figures appeared above the void and fell into the eyes of everyone below!

At this moment, surrounded by layers of magic arrays, Joseph Needham’s figure slowly emerged, looking at Ye Tianxuan, who was fighting with the Wuma Heavenly Firmament, he couldn’t help frowning slightly Ye Tianxuan’s power became more and more powerful, the blow just now, even if it was just the aftermath, the existence hole of the peak of the ninth order would probably be seriously injured in an instant.

This power has surpassed him by a lot.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and a divine bow intertwined with lightning appeared beside his hand.

The origin of this bow is extremely mysterious, according to rumors, a god venerable once used this bow, and the arrow pierced a star field town to kill another god!

I saw him slowly draw his bow, the power of countless rules manifested upward, the thunder of heaven and earth was blessed by his side, and all kinds of taboos and destructive forces condensed on the arrows.

The sin and death who were watching this battle from the side felt that they were enveloped by an extremely dangerous aura, and they couldn’t help but sweat and hair.

The soul silence on one side had just sensed and was about to turn around, only to feel a stream of heat spilling over his face.

The vitality of sin and life quickly disappeared, a hideous hole appeared on his chest, and blood gushed out wildly.

The other party’s eyes were shocked, fearful, and incredulous, and finally all turned into nothing.

Such a scene was extremely shocking, and the top ten existences on the list of gods and demons were actually bombarded with an arrow like this!

Countless void races looked at the figure intertwined with thunder and lightning, and they were extremely afraid.

Joseph Needham retracted the arrow sky with satisfaction, and the soul was extremely shocked, and when he fled madly, it caused the void to shake layer by layer.

Seeing this, Joseph Needham set up the arrow again, and the bow was like a full moon, as if gathering thousands of rays of light at one point, and suddenly the arrow neighed up.

From a distance, it looks like a round of stars crushing away, which is extremely terrifying!

Soul Silence sensed the terrifying aura behind him, when even if he threw out dozens of talismans in a row, but in the burst of explosions, the arrows still penetrated the other party, and this time was different from the sin extinction.

His whole body was torn apart, and then it collapsed inch by inch!


Countless people were shocked, cold sweat swirled on their foreheads, and in just a few breaths, they had already fallen an entire two of the top ten of the god and demon list, and the battle at this level was too terrifying.

Especially the blade held in the hands of Joseph Needham is so terrifying, and the power of crisis emanating is terrifying!

At this time, the battle between Ye Tianxuan and Wuma Tianqiong was extremely shocking, you must know that Ye Tianxuan’s ranking was only worthy of fourth, but the power emitted was not inferior to Wuma Tianqiong.

Especially the pitch-black ancient ding held by the other party, it is extremely heavy, no one knows what kind of blade it is, and every collision even Wuma Heavenly Dome must avoid the edge!

At this moment, the ninth layer of the Chaotic Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Pagoda has been opened, and the huge figure of the emperor beast Tongtianzhu has risen 100,000 zhang, standing tall in the universe like a heavenly divine tree.

The strong aura is incomparably rich, especially on the bamboo body, it bears red and tongtong fruits, and each fruit has its own form.

From like a hideous divine dragon, the god is mighty; Some are like the Nine Heavens Phoenix, majestic; Some are like divine qilin, bright as the blazing sun.

All kinds of divine beast forms are extremely powerful, and it is conceivable that even if you don’t bring the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo back, just one fruit on it is already worth the trip.

Although the medicinal effect of this substance is far less than that of the emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo, it still has a good use, can prolong life by 30,000, and pull out the qualification!

A figure slowly stepped onto the ninth floor, the other party was pitch black all around, it was the God of War of the Valhalla, and the six-winged angel Ying Ling behind him followed his side.

“The strong Ye Tianxuan is worthy of being proud of the first day of China, and he is hidden so deeply.”

Pang Gu’s face was solemn, and then he looked at the emperor beast Tongtianzhu in the distance, and his heart was also sober, fortunately, the two sides were fighting here, which gave him the opportunity to obtain the divine fruit.

The emperor beast Tongtian Bamboo, he would never take it away, it was too eye-catching, and once his strength was discovered, those two casual people were enough for him to drink a pot.

Because of this, he retreated to the second place and hit the divine fruit with his purpose.

With just one, you can extend your life by 30,000 and even improve your qualifications.

After a simple thought, he focused his eyes on the dragon-type divine fruit, this thing is the most rich in qi and blood, and he doesn’t care about the rest of the effects, what he needs most is the replenishment of qi and blood, the more qi and blood prolongs life!

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