Chapter 374: Strange Murderous Creatures, Forbidden Spirits!!

Ye Tianxuan collected the breath of his whole body and walked silently, at this time there was already a huge commotion ahead.

The powerful momentum soared into the sky and caused the heavens and the earth to roar, and a kind of Void Demon Clan roared madly on a huge stone pillar, and the screams became more and more miserable.

Such a scene even Ye Tianxuan couldn’t help but be shocked, a little unbelievable.

One after another, the creatures were swallowed up by the stone pillar out of thin air, and this million-zhang heavenly stone pillar, like some kind of terrifying monster, was eating away at the body and soul of all of them.

Not only that, these seventy-two heavenly stone pillars exuded a strange aura, which made him feel a sense of foreboding.

When he first opened the Kingdom of God, it was indeed a plain fantasy world, but there was one thing that others did not know.

That is, after he opened the kingdom of God, almost every once in a while, a memory appeared in his mind, and these memories were scattered and fragmented, and even more vague.

A large number of fragments seem to come from another time, where the heavens and all worlds prevail, and the universe of heaven and earth is only a drop in the ocean.

In the extreme east, there are seventy-two heavenly demon pillars, which are powerful enough to shake the sky and have the power to annihilate everything, just the terrifying and terrifying aura emitted is enough to tear the sky.

The seventy-two stone pillars of this million zhang are very similar to this moment, but one thing is different, the seventy-two heavenly demon pillars in the memory are contaminated with demonic nature, representing the seventy-two extreme eastern demon gods.

Each one is a terrifying powerhouse that destroys the world.

But the seventy-two stone pillars here, in addition to being a little weird, seem to be suppressing something strange under these seventy-two heavenly stone pillars.

At this time, with Su Tian’s previous blow to destroy a stone pillar, this feeling of unwillingness became more and more exuberant.

Ye Tianxuan didn’t want to stay longer, when even if he induced Gu Ding to break all the chains bound around him, but because of his inner scruples, he didn’t attack the stone pillar and just shattered the chain.

At this moment, the huge formation continued to condense, and a huge pure blood palm in the distance pressed towards him, and his trace had been discovered.

Ye Tianxuan’s face was not afraid, holding up the Nine Dragons Divine Monument with one hand, holding his feet in his hand, and arousing the qi around his body.

The Nine Dragons Divine Monument split out, turning into nine vicious dragons, each breath was pregnant with supreme dragon power, and the breath emitted shook the void sky.


The two forces collided with the void, and the layers of power fell and the space Ye Tianxuan’s figure retreated, and the ancient ding shook endlessly, emitting bursts of hum.

Such a terrifying blow that even Su Yang couldn’t easily block, let alone him, and he immediately pulled away and left!

At the same time, Su Yang cast a magic heaven and earth, the avenue of power surrounded the body drive, a punch bombarded up, the power of the fear cloth and the formation continued to collide, once again shattered the formation into a corner, taking advantage of this opportunity all the personnel rushed away.

Finally, everyone in Huaxia has gradually left, and he is finally without worries, and the rules of the avenue are constantly gathered between the palms to condense the yin and yang qi.

Su Zhou did not step into the air, his body surrounded his body with qi and blood, and the next moment a radius of 100,000 li centered on him turned into a black and white Taiji pattern!

Like a huge graphite, it constantly circulates and crushes, gathering layers of heaven and earth rules, and colliding heavily with that blood-colored magic array!

In an instant, the entire central holy dynasty was raging and destroyed, all kinds of terrifying cloth forces were cleansed in all directions, the layers of buildings turned into debris and ruins, and a hideous giant hole of tens of thousands of feet was like an abyss giant mouth.

The huge plate trembled this time and collided, almost tearing the entire Central Holy Dynasty in half!

Under the powerful impact, seventy-two heavenly stone pillars shattered layer by layer, crumbling and opening, leaving only a dozen bitter supports, and the seal inscriptions above flickered and then broke.

Ye Tianxuan took advantage of this opportunity to hurriedly retreat, and the premonition in his heart became even stronger as the stone pillars shattered, and he didn’t want to stay here for a moment!


Without waiting for him to evacuate, he only heard the roar of the hole like a fierce wind and angry waves, tearing the long sky, a hideous shadow blocked his way, the other party was covered like pitch black graphite, layers of scale armor were densely covered up, the minions were sharp as the supreme Xuan iron casting, and a hideous vertical pupil opened from the center of the eyebrows.

True God level?!

No, at least three turns of true gods!

Ye Tianxuan’s face was solemn, and his heart was extremely shocked.

After crossing the ninth level, you can achieve the True God Destiny Character to step into the True God realm, the True God realm is divided into nine layers, and the breakthrough of each layer is called a turn, which is a transformation, and the strength improvement is at least ten times the level!

At the Huaxia level, with his strength, he can only compete with the second turn of the true god at most, and cannot defeat the other party, and as for the third revolution, I am afraid that he will only have to escape.

No longer thinking about Gu Ding, he shook out and escaped his body into it.

The giant beast roared into the sky, and a paw print slapped on the ancient ding, and the terrifying aura caused the sky to shake its face.

Juding was slapped by this blow and flew 100,000 miles away, Ye Tianxuan inside, his flesh was cracked like broken porcelain, such a terrifying attack, if it were not for Gu Ding, he helped himself consume most of the impact in an instant.

I’m afraid that under one blow, my body will explode directly!

The three-turn level is really not something he can fight against.

Then he hurriedly signaled to Su Xiao to signal the other party to leave and informed the other party of his concerns.

Then he withdrew and left, at this time he almost lost half of his combat strength, and once he stayed here, he was afraid that he would not be able to leave.

At this time, Su Yang was still fighting endlessly against a strong man in the Central Holy Dynasty, and the Yin and Yang Avenue was constantly consuming all the power that came from the shock, and with his physical strength at the moment, he could rarely hurt himself.

The avenue of life protects the surrounding body, Su Yang angrily rushed to the crown, and the taiji pattern turned faster and faster into a layer of violent grinding discs to frantically crush this blood-colored array!

Under such a powerful force, even with the blessing of the power of tens of thousands of living beings, it is impossible to fight it!


The blood-colored formation was wiped out layer by layer, Su Yang threw a punch again, and the shadow of the dragon elephant tore through the long sky, turning into two hideous giant beasts and stepping down!

However, at this moment, a huge tail as black as ink suddenly appeared, and a huge tail as black as ink struck out, directly smashing on the Fa Tianxiang earth, such a blow caused Su Tian’s fist mark to fall short.

The figure of Fa Tian Xiangdi was full of hind legs, and Su Yang looked at the other party, it turned out to be an unprecedented fierce beast, exuding an extremely depraved aura.

The other party hissed in the sky, and then directly bit the blood-colored array, and the vicious blood mouth emitted endless devouring qi, directly swallowing everyone away!

Such a scene even Su Xiao would be slightly stunned, looking at this dark monster, his eyes were solemn.

“What the hell are you?”

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