Chapter 397: Three Moves to Slay God, unparalleled in the world!!

“This is… Avatar! ”

Countless people were shocked, and they already had some guesses about the blow that Su Han had just cast, and they couldn’t help but feel cold all over their bodies.

The complexion is also gradually pale.

Unexpectedly, at the level of the three revolutions of true god, he has cultivated divine powers, such a talent, he must be a famous master on the black list!

The black list has always been the most fierce and cruel list in the universe of the heavens, and the people on it are all murderous people, which is terrifying.

Moreover, all the existence above the black list will be a masterpiece of divine power cultivation, and with the power of divine power, it can even seriously injure high-level true gods, and mastering divine powers at the same realm is like a dimensionality reduction blow!

This shows the horror of magical powers.

At this moment, everyone present was obviously frightened by the other party’s move, and they did not dare to act rashly for a while, after all, even the three turns of the true god were killed in an instant, how could they have any power to resist.

The young black man, with this evil smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at the people floating up with a playful face, pointing at the long knife in his hand.

“Men and women stand in a row, hurry up!”

Everyone’s faces changed slightly, but they also slowly took action, after all, people had to bow their heads under the roof.

At this time, the big man who bought the black made him find that there were still two figures still on the spaceship, without the slightest movement!

For a while, he couldn’t help but be angry, and his face was extremely gloomy, but when he walked into the ship, he was stiff on the spot, and his eyes were dead on Su Qingyun’s body.

Such a beauty, he has never seen it in hundreds of years here, and the person who can compare with it, let alone compare with it, when he sees the gang today, the rest of the women are suddenly like vulgar powder, and it is no longer difficult to enter the eyes.

For a moment, greed and evil thoughts rushed to his heart, and his eyes became more and more greedy, and he slowly walked forward.

However, the next moment, before the other party could take a step, a white-clothed figure had already come to his side, and his palm was gently pressed on the other party’s shoulder.


Thunder broke out on the ground, and an invisible ripple instantly bloomed and spread out!

The black man’s face was extremely frightened, he never expected such a situation, and he would dare someone to sneak attack him!

Moreover, with the strength of his second transformation true god, there was no way to get rid of it!



His legs exploded into blood mist, his shoulders were sunken down, and half of his body collapsed directly, and half of his flesh was destroyed in an instant!


When the words fell, Xiang Gang’s eyes suddenly faded, and his body slumped downward, although the sound was not loud, it was particularly harsh in such a stone carving.

Everyone in the distance also gathered to excavate and directly wrapped the ship, one by one, the fierce gods were angry, looking at Su Yang with a fierce face, and they couldn’t wait to kill the other party directly!

And Su Han on the side, seeing this scene, his eyes were indeed condensed, he has been across the universe for thousands of years, and his eyes are extremely accurate.

The strength of the other party is only a mere ninth order, that is, the strong person who can kill the second turn of the true god must be a disciple of a certain big family, and the reason why he can entrench so much time here is all based on the word vision.

Otherwise, like a stunned young man, he would dare to rob in death, I am afraid that he would have been killed long ago.

At this time, he knew that the other party had an extraordinary background, and he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to do it.

Thinking of this, his eyes were solemn, but the next moment even he was stunned on the spot.

I saw a beautiful figure sitting quietly on one side, like an immortal, ice muscles and jade bones, skin like cream, and the cold temperament added a bit of charm to it, Rao he had seen so many women for a while and couldn’t help but be stunned.

A good celestial posture, the appearance of a fairy god, if such a beauty can be mastered by him…

At this moment, not only Su Han, but even the minions on the side were dumbfounded, evil thoughts gathered, they were not unseen beautiful women, but the person in front of them, whether it was temperament or appearance, was completely abused all the people they had seen!

“Does it look good.”

The cold voice was transmitted, hiding killing intent.

Everyone woke up like a dream, only feeling a chill down their spine, only knowing to admire the beauty, but forgetting that there was this devouring tiger on the other side!

Especially Su Han, his face is extremely solemn, his palm is slightly soaked, the strength of the person in front of him must be extremely strong, just that he lost his mind in an instant, he was detected by the other party, such insight power is even at the true god level!

“This little brother…”

However, before he could speak, the other party’s words had already emerged, a palm struck, the sound of the dragon elephant’s neighing exploded in the air, and the people around him only felt their brains buzzing!


Above the void, the dragon elephant stomped down, and the destructive power of the fear cloth was the void shattering, and the power of layers of ups and downs was cleansed in all directions!

The faces of the people around were shocked, and the power that was shaken out was beaten and vomited blood, and their faces were extremely pale!

And Su Han, who was in the center position, changed his complexion suddenly, and even if he used his whole body’s divine power to cover it, even so, he still felt as if his arms were about to split!

Such a heavy force blasted him into the air, and a burst of qi and blood tumbled, and he only felt that his throat was fishy and sweet, as if it was rusty.

“Such a strong force.”

Su Han stabilized his figure, obviously not expecting that the other party’s own power would be so fierce, and even the void monsters of the other realm could not be compared with it!

For a time, he could be described as aggrieved, knowing that geniuses with such strength are all the top of a family, how can such characters come to the land where birds do not?

However, before he could reflect again, a white coat had reappeared behind him.

The extreme danger permeated out, accompanied by a strong killing intent, and even the soul felt trembling at this moment.

“Rao… Plentiful… Life. ”

Su Han said in horror, but before the words fell, a voice had already spread

“God and Demon Heaven Shake Strike, first style.”

A palm bombarded the opponent’s spine, and in an instant, there seemed to be endless power compression, and the opponent’s physical body could not hold on for even a moment, and it shattered into blood mist.

The soul is also annihilated!

It was so easy to kill a three-turn true god, and everyone who looked at it in the distance was stunned one by one, stunned on the spot for a long time without returning to their senses.

I only felt shocked, and the other party only made three moves from beginning to end, one move to kill the black man, and the remaining two moves and one move to kill one move.

It’s easy, like a dragonfly dotting water, so simple and casual, it seems that the person killed by the other party is not a black list master, but just a low-realm ant who dares to imagine that the battle just now turned out to be a low-realm cross-step battle!

The rest of the people who escaped naturally could not escape Su Tian’s hands, and the broken star halberd streaked through the void, leading out the True Spirit Angry Dragon, that is, killing them all on the spot.

Such a scene is terrifying!

“Go, otherwise you will be in trouble in a while.”

Su Yang looked at Su Qingyun on the side and smiled lightly.

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