Chapter 399: The Proud Bull Demon King, Righteous Thin Cloud Sky Goes to Life and Death!!!

The void is wandering, a ruined place, a imposing green bull, looking up to the sky and roaring, triggering layers of void throbbing!

The other party is the overlord of this region, and he calls himself the Bull Demon King.

Of course, he also thought of other names, such as: Niu Tianshen, Niu Shenzun, Niu Wuba… or something, but since he called himself Niu Shenzun before, it seems that he ran into someone and was beaten by the other party, and he has been much more honest since then.

Directly claiming to be the Bull Demon King, he was still afraid of this for a long time.

I was afraid that I would collide with a powerful person, but after this period of calm and looking, it should be gone.

Just recently, he was about to go to a place to continue his unpretentious lunch, but when he arrived at the place, he was stunned on the spot, and his fat fairy herb holy medicine had all disappeared!

What made him most angry was that there was a figure not far away, and the other party had refined countless holy medicines in his hands and turned them into drops of essence, but in the middle of the whiskers, they were still absorbed and refined by the other party.

Seeing such a scene, his heart was dripping blood, which he finally discovered!

When even if it is angry, a heaven-shaking bull moo, it is throughout!

The terrifying qi waves rose and fell, shattering the space layer by layer!

At this time, Su Yang was refining his injuries with holy medicine,… The next moment was to find a fierce aura coming after itself, when even turned around.

I saw a thousand green bulls rising into the sky, and on the huge body, every trace of hair shone with cyan light, extremely divine.

“This is… Divine beast relic? ”

Su Xiao was slightly stunned, obviously not expecting to be able to see this creature here.

The divine beast relics are similar to the god and demon species, but they are far from being comparable to the god and demon species, but the ancestors of the past and present have been contaminated with the blood of gods and demons, or have lived in the land left by gods and demons for a long time, so they have changed, but the divine beast relics are not the same.

It is a true descendant of the divine beast, the power of the bloodline is monstrous, with the bloodline inheritance, it can be said that such creatures, innate is without any bottleneck, once the bloodline inheritance in the body is completely stimulated, and even can grow to the god venerable level, the god emperor is not too difficult!

It can be said to be extremely powerful!

And at this moment, the hair around the other party is emitting blue light, a pair of bull horns, Ye Ye is shining, obviously the blood veins in the body are flammable and awakening.

However, Su Yang was thinking about another thing, he heard that the flesh and blood of the divine beast contained huge power, and if he took it, he could not only improve his qualifications, but also greatly increase the strength of his physical body

“Human! Drop the king’s food! ”

Su Yang blocked the rushing figure, and did not have the slightest fear, the other party’s strength was only comparable to the three turns of the true god level, although because it was a divine beast relic, the strength was far beyond the same realm, but it could not make waves in his hands.

The Bull Demon King, a huge momentum rushed forward, but the next moment, a 100,000-zhang tall mighty figure rose flat on the ground, and the huge figure was more than ten times higher than the other party!

For a while, the four cow’s hooves braked suddenly, and they couldn’t help but tremble when they felt the terrifying fluctuations transmitted by each other.

“Ben… The king remembered that something had happened at home, and fought again afterwards. ”

The other party stumbled, looking at this great figure couldn’t help but swallow spit, such a big figure, his small body was not caught and pinched to death…

To say that he wanted to turn around and leave, but how could Su Xiao let the other party leave.

Although this divine beast was a little funny, he didn’t plan to let the other party leave so easily, after all, he didn’t know where he fell.

The other party came just in time, just in time to hang up and ask for directions.


The muffled sound fell with a bang, and a powerful hand directly pressed the opponent’s body down!

The Bull Demon King, clenching his teeth, his limbs and hooves, his forehead and forehead, resisted this terrifying force deadly, and gradually the strength of the other party continued to weaken.

Seeing that he was about to be pressed by the palm print to suppress the uniform, the next moment a roar rushed to the sky, and it shook up!

Then Su Yang clearly felt that an incomparably violent force was about to break free!

On the back of the green bull in between, there is a yin and yang gossip mark, hovering and running, and the other party’s hair is also turned from cyan to pure gold, and his eyes are extremely clear!

All kinds of verve spread out, and in the lower abdomen of the other party, counting until the strange runes shined one after another!

“Bloodline power?”

Su Xiao came to be interested, but he did not expect that the other party had stimulated the bloodline of the divine beast, and the gossip yin and yang mark behind the other party seemed to contain all kinds of mysteries.

It intrigued him.

I saw that he suddenly exerted force with one hand, and a fierce breath rose into the air again, converging into a dragon-like virtual shadow, looking up to the sky and roaring holes, and the terrifying aura spread, but this scene made the green bull on the side can’t help but tremble slightly.

He actually felt it in this breath, the breath of a true dragon!

It’s too terrifying, this bloodline aura he understands, it is the most noble existence of the supreme bloodline species, although it is not complete, but only this trace is enough.

“Huh, stopped?”

Su Xiao slightly different, did not expect the other party to settle down again so quickly, I thought that the other party wanted to surprise again, but slowly the other party seemed to be really bored.

Slowly stretching out his palm, the figure of the green bull in between him has turned into the size of three zhang, lying quietly on the ground, watching Su Yang coming, a pair of bull eyes staring at the boss

“How can you have the breath of a true dragon on your body?”

He said slowly, a pair of bull’s eyes kept flickering, as if thinking about something.

“Real dragon?”

Hearing this, Su Xiao was slightly stunned, he didn’t have this thing on him, but after thinking about it, he knew that the reason for the other party should be in his own dragon elephant ghost.

However, he did not answer, but looked at the other party.

“I ask, you answer.”

Hearing this, the Bull Demon King sneered, and the urn sounded and the urn aired.

“Hmph, ridiculous! You inquire, my Bull Demon King, but the strongest man in a million miles, arrogant, how can he be driven by you?! ”

“My old cow has been born as a beast master, and died as a ghost male, even if the knife is on the neck, how can I blink a little!”

The other party’s urn sounded and urn, and the more he spoke, the more he spoke, he had a great righteous and awe-inspiring aura, as if he was going to be heroic and righteous in the next moment, and his name was in history.

“Even so, forget it over there, I originally respected you as a man, and wanted to spare your life, but you are so humble and arrogant, saying that sparing your life is humiliating you, even so, let’s go on the road.”

Saying that, the broken star halberd in Su Tian’s hand appeared up, and a cold light appeared, and for a while, the sweat hairs on the Bull Demon King’s body stood up.

! What’s going on!?

Didn’t you say that as long as you do this, you will cherish each other?!

Aren’t all human beings supposed to be like this!?

Seeing that Su Yang was about to make a move, the Bull Demon King’s heart suddenly raised his throat and eyes.

“That… That one… I’m just a cow, not a man, very knowledgeable about current affairs…”

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