Chapter 530 Traitors of the Terrans? The ‘gods’ of action!!!

Ye Tianxuan only breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, fortunately, it was not the worst result, if it was at that time, even if he wanted to stop it, it would be too late.

Even at that time, it was not simply a person’s business to cover up this matter.

It’s a bunch of people.

This already involves the big thing of betrayal.


When Kong Guanghe heard this, facing Ye Tianxuan’s gaze, his eyes were a little dodgy.

He was somewhat reluctant to say who had promised this.

Ye Tianxuan did not procrastinate, looking at Kong Guanghe dragging and not talking, grabbing the hand of Kong Guanghe by the collar, and instantly idly left his neck.


A light suddenly appeared, wanting to stay.

But the moment the light touched the mouth of the right hand tiger, the light instantly shattered Ye Tianxuan’s neck and directly stuck Kong Guanghe’s neck.

Slightly forced.

“To say, or not to say?”

The huge power allowed Kong Guanghe to resist, but the tighter and tighter hands, and the pain it brought, made Kong Guanghe wear a mask of pain.

Under the will to survive, Kong Guanghe said directly: “I said, I said, it’s Elder Ji!” ”

When Ye Tianxuan heard this, his face couldn’t help but be stunned.

He remembered Elder Ji, a man who was very enthusiastic and valued his reputation very much.

I didn’t expect to do such a thing.

The hand loosened slightly.

The empty light that was originally led up fell to the ground with a click.

His eyes wanted to fade behind him in horror, but the strength of the Nine Turns True God suppressed the power of his body.

So much so that he was unstable and staggered throughout the whole process.

When he retreated, he didn’t seem to be relieved enough, and hurriedly said the original agreement: “It was he who asked me to join the Terran and promised to give him twenty percent of the fragments!” ”

“Twenty percent!”

Ye Tianxuan’s eyes were one meter, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Is there anyone else besides him?”

“And does he know that you need a child’s soul to make an empty beast!”

Saying this, Ye Tianxuan’s heart couldn’t help but flood with a bit of murderous aura.

But then it was desperately suppressed.

He has broken away from the Terrans, and if he intervenes, his original friend will definitely receive a liquidation.

“Besides him, there are several other people, but they don’t know the time of the empty beast. Just know to help us promote the Sky Beast! ”

Kong Guanghyuk said in a panic.

“Do they know, I’ll ask myself!”

“Tell me their names!”

Ye Tianxuan asked directly.

Sea of Void Chaos.

The world is like a jellyfish in the sea, slightly undulating, traveling with the sea.

They are different in size and color, but they have the same community and have their own connections.

Heaven and earth, the world they all have their place.


A world suddenly lit up.

A mixed element light flashed.

Turning into a light and shadow, the other end of the chaos went away.

Everywhere he passed, the trajectory of the world shifted, as if he wanted to pull the light and shadow, but he was dragged to its original position.

In light and shadow.

It seems that because he is about to see his loved one, his hometown, Su Yang can’t help but have a little smile on his face.

However, just when traveling through the world of all directions.

A world not far away suddenly erupted with an unprecedented red light, directly pounced on Su Tian.





The power has not yet arrived, but the terrifying aura has begun to affect the surroundings.

At this moment, whether it is Chaos Qi, or the world nearby, it has changed greatly.

It seems to be infecting everything and seems to be devouring everything around it.

Chaos is changing color.

The world is bloody,


Su Tian’s eyes widened.

The light of the mixed yuan turned into two rays of light and greeted the blood-colored light pillar.


Chaos instantly set off a vortex of energy.

The chaos that can be seen is full of stars, but it disappears with it.

The blood faded and the red light disappeared.

The world that erupted with blood-colored light in the distance, and it had completely dimmed, turned into ashes and merged into the chaos under the washing of chaotic qi.


Su Yang stopped his figure and looked at the place where the world was annihilated, his brows furrowed slightly.

“Since you want to go to war, then come!”

After standing for half a sound, Su Yang said coldly, and then turned into the light of the mixed yuan and continued to walk towards the chaos.

“%[email protected]¥!”

Chaotic, but meaningful, the murmuring voice suddenly sounded in this chaos.

A horn tentacle poked out from the depths of chaos, twisted in space, and a blood-colored crystal appeared on the antennae, and then slowly entered the depths of chaos.

“Amitabha! We are still late. ”

With a Buddha trumpet, a monk dressed in arhat clothes with long eyebrows walked out and looked at the horned tentacles that had just left.

He looked a little lost.


“Monk, we don’t care, but blood crystals are what your blood Buddha requires!”


The big man with blond hair, holding a huge sword on his shoulder, said with a sigh.

“It’s not because the donor wants to go to the prince of the plateau to delay a little time, otherwise how can he not get his hands!”

The long-eyebrow monk showed bitterness, but he would not forget the culprit who had such a result, and naturally said back.

“Heh, I don’t know who wants Yiqing Fangze, monks don’t play all the good people, no one here knows your nature!”

A man with short hair, a difficult job, and yellow skin in a suit said with a sneer.

“Lord Li Jinxun, you can’t say that, we are also people in the same boat…”

“Humph! Who’s in the same boat as you! ”

Before the monk’s words fell, a man with a black body walked out and said with a cold snort.

“Hurry up and go to the next one, otherwise no one will think about this task later!”

The man named Li Jinxun said, and left this place directly.

Everyone had to leave.

Day City, Qingnian Day School Forbidden Place.

Led by the vice principal, Ji Yuanxin came to the famous forbidden place of the school.

“The headmaster is inside?”

Ji Yuanxin looked at the forbidden place of trials in front of her in disbelief.

The forbidden place of trials, in school legends, is a place that everyone fears but yearns for.

Because there is a whole school here, the best opportunity is the best place to get resources.

It is a place that all new students look forward to, and even can’t sleep at night.

But it is also the dream demon of all graduating students.

Without him, because if you want to graduate, especially after the creation of the Kingdom of God, you need to go through the number of responses, or even the relative level, to get a graduation certificate.

In this way, outsiders listen, maybe it is also an assessment of breaking through.

It’s like writing a graduation thesis, as long as you can do it.

But only for students who have studied for three years, even six years, or even the entire university.

This is a purgatory.

While examining strength, it is also necessary to examine the character of students!

It’s a real character spoon!

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