Chapter 561: My name is the Yellow Emperor, Xuanyuan!!


In front of the Human Emperor Palace, a black-clothed Human Emperor looked down indifferently.

That kind of gaze, as if looking at a bug, full of condescending overlook!

Zeus only felt the anger boiling in his heart!

Since his birth, he has never encountered such a humiliating look!

“My name… Yellow Emperor, Xuanyuan! ”

The Human Emperor spoke, and the calm voice resounded throughout the Primordial Star River, reverberating endlessly.


Zeus’s face was gloomy, and after witnessing the scene of the dissipation of the pillar of light, he finally couldn’t help but ask: “Human Emperor!” What do you mean! ”

“I am the King of the Gods, the Father of the Gods!”

“Dare to offend?!”

Zeus’s expression was cold, and he had already guessed Su Tian’s intentions.

Terrans, to provoke the alliance of gods, with the help of the power of the gods, confront him!


Su Xiao’s eyebrows raised slightly, and he smiled lightly: “Are you sure that you are the head of the gods?” ”

“I am Zeus, the king of God, and naturally the father of the gods!”

Zeus stood tall proudly, and he called himself the father of the gods, and he was naturally righteous.

And beside him, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite and other gods also showed sarcasm and disdain.

After all, they are all true gods!

And the human emperor, even if he claims to be the strongest of the human race, what can he do?

Their realm has long surpassed the level of the gods and reached another higher dimension, a higher level!

Such an existence is not at all something that the human emperor can contend with!

No matter how powerful the human emperor is, he can’t cross this boundary!

“Human Emperor!”

Hephaestus looked solemn, and said coldly: “You must know, the end of offending the gods!” ”

“You, you are not worthy of being the emperor!”

His voice just fell.


The entire starry sky suddenly shook violently.

And at the source of that tremor, it was the pillar of light!

That brilliant pillar of light across the sky suddenly burst out with endless brilliant streamers, and in a trance, it was like a Gadai overlord descending!

“Not good!”

Hephaestus’ face changed.


With a deafening roar, the pillar of light that crossed the heavens and the earth suddenly exploded, like a brilliant firework, blooming with dazzling and brilliant light.


In the next moment, a miserable cry came from the broken flame of light, making Zeus’ heart tremble, and he immediately turned his head to look into the flame of light!

However, in that brilliant flame of light, there was nothing left except a charred meteorite.

Only golden blood that flutters in the sky like rain!

It was the blood of a Western god race!

And this blood doesn’t stop there.

In that brilliant flame of light, there was also a fist-sized blood crystal, and against the backdrop of that infinite flame of light, it exuded an unparalleled majesty of fear, as if it was about to collapse the heavens!

That terrible coercion made Zeus creepy, and the danger omen in his heart frantically reminded him that this mysterious blood crystal was probably the murderer who destroyed the alliance of gods and killed the ‘mother’!

However, there was no way to stop this blood crystal from falling!

Because when the blood crystal fell, it triggered the resonance of the entire universe, overturning the dust on the surface of the primordial ancient star in one fell swoop, revealing a vast and vast soil, and revealing the countless treasures precipitated under it!

For a while, the entire galaxy seemed to come to life, and under the illumination of infinite light and shadow, dense runes and arrays appeared on that earth!

“What is it?”

Zeus shook and his heart pounded, and that was the first time he felt fear.

“I have heard that the ancestors of the human race used the human race as the foundation to create countless myths and legends, and even… He also made a set of exercises with his own bloodline! ”

Hera groaned, she could see that this primordial ancient star should be transformed by a corpse!


“Since you waited for this, then the first divine battle will begin!”

Taking a step forward, Su Yang faintly spoke…

“Come and come!”


In an instant, a warlike figure stepped out of the void one by one!

As soon as he stepped out, he was already standing on Zeus’ left side, his right hand stretched out, and thunder surged in his palm.

At this moment, Ares’ body size swelled to the size of Zhangyu, his muscles were knotted, and his blue muscles were violent, like a peerless demon god, surrounded by thunder, like a dragon like a snake, wrapped around his limbs!

That was Ares’ bloodline vision, the Thunder Python, swallowing an electric arc, like an ancient primeval beast descending into the world!


With the arrival of Ares, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, the wind was howling, and thunder appeared!

A round of piercing thunder lit up behind him, outlining a thunder battle map.

“This is… Thunder God of War Ares! ”

“Worthy of being the most powerful warrior in my god race, son of Apollo!”

Some of the gods who knew Ares nodded one after another.

Naturally, they knew what Ares’ power came from.

That’s the power of the sun!

A force that is enough to burn everything and destroy everything!

This power is extremely powerful, and even among the gods of Mount Olympus, Ares’ power is at the top level!

Only one step away, you can advance to the divine level and become the master of the new generation!


Looking at the imposing Ares, the Yellow Emperor’s eyes were indifferent.

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