Creation furnace

Chapter 104 The Fierce Outsider (Part 2)

"Bring it!"

At this time, a group of disciples were frantically fighting for Ji Die's storage bag, but as soon as Qi Chen participated, everyone handed it over obediently.

The shadow of a person's famous tree is too big.

Qi Chen held the storage bag and after checking it, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

This storage bag is obviously empty, there is nothing in it!

"Senior Brother Qi."

The other disciples of the Zhanjian Sect couldn't help but be stunned when they saw his ugly face.

Qi Chen took a deep breath and glanced at the people around him. There were many disciples of Tiandao Sect and Sword Sect disciples around him. Those eyes,

It's like looking at a flock of sheep!

Ji Die can't run far anyway, so why not snatch these guys first!

"Damn it, it's all that kid's fault for luring us here!!"

"Let me catch him and I won't let him go."

The competition place was in complete chaos.

The gathered Jianjian Sect disciples, under the leadership of Qi Chen, turned their targets to the surrounding Tiandao Sect disciples.

A group of Tiandao Sect disciples were soon surrounded, and they secretly scolded Ji Die, who was the culprit of everything.

"Brother Qi, what do you mean?"

But at this moment, a figure floated over, also exuding the aura of foundation building, and confronted Qi Chen.

"Senior Brother Ouyang!"

"Senior Brother Ouyang is here!"

The surrounding Tiandao Sect disciples were overjoyed, as if they had found their backbone.

Ouyang Ke looked at Qi Chen and said calmly: "Brother Qi led so many people to surround my Tiandao Sect disciples. Is this deceiving me that there is no one in Tiandao Sect?!"

"Hmph! It's you, a disciple of the Tiandao Sect, who robbed my sect's token and spoke rudely to our sect. It just so happened that I've been looking for you. Now that I've met you, let me learn your methods!" Qi Chen snorted coldly. road.

"Wait a minute, speaking of the token being robbed, someone from our sect also had his token robbed! I suspect it was your Sword Sect that did it. That person didn't wear the clothes of your sect or our sect! But he's not a disciple of our sect. !”

"Senior Brother Ouyang, that person may be..."

Xia Zhi and others who were following behind hesitated, then stepped forward to Ouyang Ke's side, lowered their voices, and told them what happened before.

Knowing that Ji Die just accidentally broke into the competition place, Ouyang Ke frowned slightly and looked at Qi Chen,

"Brother Qi also heard it. It turned out to be an outsider who caused trouble between you and me! I will definitely not let him go!"

The monk's ears were very good, so Qi Chen naturally heard those words and sneered: "Humph! Who knows if you made up these words."

"If Brother Qi doesn't believe it, the truth will be revealed if you catch him. Now there is no point in fighting between you and me. Why not see who can catch him and get the token on him! That kid shouldn't have gone far, and he can't run far. , even if the formation is there, he can’t get out before the competition.”

In the quiet mountain forest, time passes by minute by second,

Ji Die's body was completely hidden in the thick leaves, motionless, watching the figures passing by above his head.

Among them, there are two foundation builders at the forefront, one of whom they met before, and the remaining one is relatively unfamiliar, most likely from Tiandao Sect.

"It came so fast. Tiandao Sect and Zhanjian Sect, did they use me as the last resort to win or lose?"

Not long after he got rid of Qi Chen, he continued to look for the exit of the formation. Unexpectedly, he encountered two or three waves of people, all looking for him!

Most of them were the same ones that had previously snatched the storage bags. But in the end, he naturally robbed the token.

Later, in order to avoid the person who was chasing him behind, he also hid in advance.

Sure enough, this guy immediately followed after a while,

"I wonder how this guy would feel if I snatched all the tokens from other disciples while they were looking for me."

Based on the information just obtained from the disciples, he now knew that the disciples of Tiandao Sect and Sword Sword Sect had united.

Ji Die sneered,

There is no way to get out now anyway, this formation has surrounded this area.

If you want to leave, you probably need to wait until the competition is over.

In this case, just play with them.

Since entering this competition place, he has been restrained because he knew that there were Jindan monks in charge. But these guys worked tirelessly and took the trouble to come up to trouble him, which made him quite unhappy.

Ji Die is not the one who suffers the consequences of being dumb. It is definitely impossible to kill these people, and he can also snatch their tokens and add some trouble to them.

It just so happened that these people were looking for him,

Since you want to play, let me play with you! !

Beside a stream, several disciples gathered in groups, looking for Ji Die. The next moment, a figure slowly walked upstream,

"It's that kid! He is really looking for an exit!" Everyone's eyes widened and they rushed over quickly. There were four of them in total.

As a result, before he even got close to him, he suddenly felt a pain in his consciousness, his expression changed drastically in an instant, he was hit by someone's palm, and he vomited blood and flew out.

After a while, they were all tied to the tree naked...

Ji Die left after grabbing the two sects and continued to look for the disciples of the two sects and snatch their tokens in order to turn this competition into an uproar.

"This kid!!"

At the same time, on a flat ground, Wu Ren and Tian Hu looked unhappy, watching the blank name soar up and stop at third place.

Score behind: 350.

There are already a dozen unlucky people below, with scores of 0.

What kind of conspiracy did this kid pull off? He actually stole the tokens of so many disciples!

The two were full of doubts. They could sense that the person who broke into the formation was only in the Qi training stage, but he could actually stir up such a big storm.

"Ahem! Brother Tian, ​​you think this guy won't be the first in the end, right?" Wu Ren suddenly said,

If Ji Die becomes the first, then should they give him the Jade Body Liquid and Heavenly Cold Dew that they bet on, or not...

"Impossible!" Tian Hu snorted coldly,

"Brother Wu is overthinking. Although I don't know what tricks he played to snatch so many tokens, he is just practicing Qi after all! Conspiracies and tricks can't achieve great things! Not to mention that the competition is almost over, he can still find a few disciples. Qi Chen must have taken him down now!!"


"Has it been taken away?" A quarter of an hour later, by a mountain stream, Ji Die was holding some storage bags in his hands, frowning slightly.

The tokens in the storage bags had been taken away by Qi Chen and Ouyang Ke.

I don't know if he made too much noise, or if the two realized the crisis and couldn't find Ji Die for a long time, so they simply gathered their own disciples and gathered the tokens on themselves.

"But it's not easy for them to gather all the disciples. These people followed them before. Next, unless they have some means of communication, most of the disciples are still scattered around the competition site." Ji Die shook his head, threw the storage bags aside, and continued to look for the rest of the disciples.

There are about 40 people participating in the competition, all of whom are at the ninth level of Qi training, and most of them are scattered all over the place.

Ji Die searched all the way and acted decisively. There were many cultivators who met at half a step to the foundation building stage. However, even if he didn't need to expose his normal strength, he would have a hard time meeting opponents with his spiritual sense and several spiritual tools alone.

Finally, half an hour passed.

Among the people who participated in the competition, almost more than half of the disciples' tokens fell into Ji Die's hands!

"This autumn exam is over. Wu has held so many competitions, but this is the first time he has encountered such a situation!"

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