Creation furnace

Chapter 227 Good things don’t work, but bad things do

"He regards me as Nascent Soul..." Ji Die was startled and finally understood why the other party wanted to win over him.

"By the way, Fairy Shuiyue from the Goddess Sect and disciples from Fairy Linbo are also in the Demon Slayer Alliance, but they can't come over because of something else. Otherwise, they should be the lobbyists." Master Wangyue sorted out his words. , continue to speak.

These words revealed a lot of information to Ji Die.

Generally speaking, when talking to someone, mentioning another person is often because the two parties know each other and want to get closer to each other.

When he mentioned the Goddess Sect, did he just mention it casually, or did he know that he knew the Goddess Sect? Think of me as Nascent Soul, related to the Goddess Sect? !

Just as doubts arose in Ji Die's mind, Master Wangyue who was outside suddenly felt uneasy, goosebumps surged all over his body, and he almost immediately retreated several miles away!

Generally speaking, the higher your cultivation level, the more attention you pay to such sudden thoughts, which are almost telepathic things.

Because monks cultivate the Tao of Heaven, the higher the cultivation level, the more in line with the Tao. The thought in the dark,

It is most likely the guidance of heaven!

Although Ji Die couldn't sense his situation, he still had the consciousness to pay attention to the outside world, but he felt the sudden riot of the other party's aura outside and retreated.

I was at a loss for a moment, not knowing what was happening!

"Nothing happened?!" Master Wangyue looked around vigilantly.

Just as he was wondering, on a cliff dozens of miles away, a woman in black robe was kneeling on the ground.

Her hands were exposed from the wide black robe and folded on her chest. The pendant hanging on her white neck slowly condensed black mist, forming a blurry figure in front of her.

There was even a python wrapped around his shirtless upper body. The snake's head protruded from his shoulders, and its cold eyes seemed to be staring at her.

There were two men in black robes not far away, and they looked in awe when they saw this.

"Witchcraft, Minluo Curse!" The woman in black robe closed her eyes slightly, and the python on the figure suddenly disappeared.

All of this happened so quickly, and just when Master Wangyue was looking around in confusion, he suddenly felt an ominous and turbid aura appearing!

His expression changed, and he retreated immediately, but suddenly there was a space fluctuation next to him, and a black snake made of black mist appeared out of thin air and bit him on the shoulder.

"It's so fast, what is this!" However, Master Wangyue is indeed a Nascent Soul. Although he broke out in a cold sweat, his reaction was extremely fast. In an instant, the fly whisk under his feet appeared in his hand, and in a flick,

Instantly, a harsh and vicious scream rang in his ears, and even Ji Die in the Qiankun Gourd heard the scream, and goosebumps appeared all over his body!

However, while Hope Moon Shangren was there, he did not release his spiritual consciousness, fearing that the other party would detect and spy on him and deduce his true cultivation level!

And that ray of consciousness could only vaguely notice the cracks, not knowing what happened.

After a brief hesitation, Ji Die hesitated slightly, feeling that something had changed in the outside world, but quietly released his consciousness.

Master Wangyue in the sky couldn't care less about him at this moment. Seeing the black snake disappear, there was no joy at all!

This black snake seems to have no flesh and blood, it seems not to be a living creature, it just turns into mist and dissipates!

But it didn't seem to dissipate completely. Where the black snake had just bitten my shoulder, black mist condensed and entered the flesh.

It seemed to turn into black snakes, scurrying around inside his body and rushing towards his Nascent Soul! !

"What kind of method is this?!" He broke out in a cold sweat. Although he didn't know what they were going to do, his strong uneasiness drove him to use his method without hesitation. He wanted to use his magic power to wipe them out.

But he found that he couldn't catch him at all. In a blink of an eye, the black snake rushed to his Nascent Soul and started biting him!

"Damn, this... this is a snake!!"

When Ji Die's consciousness spied from a distance, Master Wangyue in the sky had already let out a scream, and the next moment a stream of light suddenly rushed out of his body,

Inside was a little man, about the size of a baby, but he looked like Master Moon-Watching, with a frightened look on his face and he fled away! !

"The Nascent Soul is out of body!!"

Seeing the powerful Nascent Soul abandoning his body and not trying to escape, Ji Die's pupils couldn't help but shrink and he stared at the villain.

He didn't see the black snake and didn't know what happened. He felt instinctively uneasy in his heart.

"Did Nascent Soul escape..." The woman in black robe in the distance felt this scene, and her mouth showed a mysterious look. She was still a little pale and weak. With a wave of her hand, the figure condensed in the black mist in front of her disappeared, and she slowly stood up.

Look at the crack!

He didn’t chase the other party either!

"Ji Die, what will your expression be like when you see me!"

After a burst of sound, three figures disappeared on the cliff at the same time! !

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time!!" Although Ji Die couldn't see this scene, he instinctively felt uneasy because of what happened just now.

Even the majestic Nascent Soul Master Wangyue abandoned his body and ran for his life. He didn't know what was going on, but his intuition told him that he must leave quickly!

Although it is safest to stay in the gourd of heaven and earth, if the gourd of heaven and earth is discovered and falls into the hands of the opponent, he will not be able to get out! !

At that moment, Ji Die had an idea, got out of the gourd of heaven and earth, put it away in an instant, and rushed out of the canyon regardless of the formation.

However, he kept an eye on it and headed in the opposite direction of the Moon-Watching Master!

After all, although I don’t know who attacked Master Mochi Yue, there is a high probability that the other party is coming for him. There is a half chance that they are from the demon clan. They should not be able to build a small foundation on their own. care!

But why do I have a vague, ominous premonition in my heart!

Moreover, this premonition is getting stronger and stronger!

"What a joke, a being that can force Yuanying to abandon the physical body is coming for me?! Impossible!!"

Ji Die's expression was slightly gloomy, and he wanted to curse. He flew all the way without hiding. He activated all the spiritual power in his body. His speed was not much different from that of Jindan. His spiritual consciousness was released almost all the time, and he did not dare to be careless.

But the facts prove that sometimes, unintentional words really don't work for good but work for bad.

Ji Die soon noticed that there were several long rainbows behind him, chasing at a high speed, and the two sides were only a few dozen miles apart!

"Are you really coming for me?!!" At this moment, Ji Die wanted to curse, and gritted his teeth to speed up. But the other party was faster, less than half a cup of tea, and the distance was only a few miles!

His spiritual sense could already sense the pursuers behind him, and he vaguely sensed that there was no Nascent Soul among those auras.

However, he could not see through the person in the middle. There was a mysterious aura on his body, which blocked the spiritual sense from detecting.

But it should not be a Nascent Soul.

If it was a Nascent Soul, he would have been caught up long ago!

"There is no Nascent Soul, two late Jindan, and one more, I can't see through it! Could it be that the Nascent Soul went to chase that Master Wangyue, and these people came to chase me?!"

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