Creation furnace

Chapter 328: Nonsense

It doesn’t take much time to plant the Heart Demon Seal,

Ji Die's consciousness has been staring at the scene outside, counting the time.

There were some changes in the capture of the person. After all, he was a Nascent Soul. Although he was only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, it might not be difficult to kill him, but capturing him alive in a short period of time would be more difficult than killing him.

In the end, a flaw was revealed.

Now we can only plant the Heart Demon Seal before the Yuan Ying of the Yao family comes, and then make things right.

"Fellow Taoist Yao Xu, wait for me."

After all, the Seventh Holy Mountain is extremely huge. Even the Nascent Soul cultivator cannot get there quickly.

Just because he was worried that something had happened, Yao Xu went to full speed. Yao Songmu, who was chasing behind him, could barely eat ashes and was secretly anxious.

He didn't know what happened to Song Jana, and wanted to hold off Yao Xu as much as possible... to buy him some time... but the opponent was too fast, and he was completely ejected, so he had no choice.

After less than ten breaths, Yao Xu was already in the middle of the mountain range.

However, there was no movement here. Following the signal of the scream just now, everything returned to silence, and it was not clear which cave it was.

"Hmph! It would be better for the people of the Third Holy Mountain to die. They took the opportunity to sneak into my Seventh Holy Mountain. They deserve to die."

However, he was not happy to return. After all, he was from the same clan. After Yao Xu frowned, he still released his huge spiritual consciousness, covering the front and searching all the way.

It wasn't until almost two or three breaths later that I noticed a Nascent Soul aura coming from somewhere. His expression was indifferent for a moment. The peak aura of the Nascent Soul middle stage almost completely exploded. In a flash, he appeared in a cave and swept away One glance,

There is some thin green mist floating around. It is green and can probably threaten the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"Yao Xu!" Yao Huapi was indeed here, with some green lips, as if he had been poisoned. He grabbed the pale Song Jia and stared at her.

Song Jia's eyes flashed with 'surprise', and he relaxed even more.

Poison... He wanted to catch this little girl, but in the end it seemed that she was poisoned, so that was why she screamed like that before?

But he seemed to shout, "You are not a golden elixir". Did he lose his temper in panic?

But where did this little girl get the poison that could threaten the early stage of Nascent Soul?

"The breath-hiding talisman is a good plan. Yao Huayun is attracting attention from the front. You sneak in secretly. You will lose a lot of rice if you fail to steal the chicken. Get out!!" Yao Xu has an idea of ​​the situation. He is not in a hurry to ask at this moment and stares at him. With a cold wave of his hand, the talisman on his chest was fixed, and Song Jia was captured, rescued, and put aside.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life." Song Jia's eyes were a little red, as if he was frightened and had lingering fears.

"If my master hadn't given me some poisonous elixirs for self-defense, I would have been captured by her before the senior arrived."

There must be some explanation for the voice that came out just now. Using poison to sneak attack the other party and make the other party lose their composure and scream is the best way.

Fortunately, Ji Die had already waited for her to plant the Heart Demon Seal, extracted the Datura flower poison, and restored some of her injuries in the sea of ​​consciousness.

As for acting, it is natural to do a complete set so as not to arouse suspicion.

"Yao Xu, you!!" Yao Huapi couldn't move, gritted his teeth,

"This little girl actually used poison to plot against me. She must give me an explanation today."

"You have lived for so many years, but your cultivation level has not improved, but your face has become thicker and thicker. Don't you have no idea why you were poisoned? Get out! I see you were injured this time, so I won't be held accountable. If you do next time, don't blame me. Don't miss the love of the same clan!" As the two sang in harmony, Yao Xu had no doubts. The terrifying mid-stage Nascent Soul peak aura was released, almost injuring Yao Hua even more.

"Fellow Daoist Yao Xu!!" Yao Songmu arrived belatedly. When he saw Yao Huabi, he rushed towards him regardless of what happened.

"Damn Yao Huapi, you actually want to capture my disciple, I will fight with you today!!"

He didn't know what happened yet, but his years of experience told him that it was always right to strike first and disrupt the situation.

"You!! Yao Songmu, how dare you!" The old man stepped back, his expression changed with shock.

At the critical moment,

"That's enough!!" Yao Xu's face turned frosty,

The angry Yao Songmu suddenly felt a chill and had to stop, staring at the old man angrily.

But at this moment, another voice sounded in the cave,

"Hmph, the Seventh Holy Mountain is too deceptive! There must be something wrong with this Song Jia. He can actually hurt Nascent Soul. Today, I must give an explanation to the Third Holy Mountain!" Yao Huayun gloomily appeared in the cave, Not long after the two of them left, Yao Songtai finally thought about it and no longer stopped him and let him come in person. Seeing Yao Huabin's poisoned appearance, he firmly grasped this point, and his murderous intention was locked on Song. Ga,

The voice was like a bell, shocking people's minds and causing Song Ga's face to turn even paler.

"Humph, what's the problem?!" Yao Songmu glared,

"My disciple, I gave him some poisonous pills for self-defense. Is there a problem? Is there a problem?!"

"When did you know how to make poison?!"

"Hmph, can't I steal it if I don't know how to refine it? I stole these poison pills from the madman who killed the seventh elder's son!!"

The two of them were talking to each other, and the smell of gunpowder continued, but what Yao Songmu said made sense. Yao Huayun's face turned blue and white, and he was speechless.

If you don’t know how to make elixirs, you may not have no elixirs!

Just when he was still thinking about messing around, an unhappy voice suddenly sounded, coming from Yao Songtai,

"That's enough, get out of here, you two. Although my Seventh Holy Mountain is not as good as your Third Holy Mountain, it does not allow outsiders to run wild like this!"

Seeing that he had spoken like this, Yao Huayun sneered. He also knew that Song Jia could not be taken away today, so he did not force him to do so. Besides, Huabi had also given him a hint just now.

"Okay, let my father come on his own."

After saying that, he disappeared where he was.

Yao Huapi quickly lowered his head and followed him, disappearing on the spot. There were only three people left in the cave.

"Disciple, you have nothing serious to do, right?!" Yao Songmu immediately showed concern for Song Jia. Fortunately, he got through this time.

"Master, I'm fine." Song Jia pursed her lips.

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay."

This expression of fear that something might happen to his beloved disciple actually made Yao Xu take a second look.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in their ears at the same time,

"You two, come over."

Yao Xu didn't stay long. In confusion, the figure disappeared from the place.

"Elder Tai has something to do. In that case, I'll go first." Yao Songmu immediately looked at Song Jia, and like a normal master and disciple, he finished explaining and disappeared.

Only Song Jia's figure was left, and he looked at the two of them.

"The Seal of the Heart Demon is done, now it's time to withdraw." She sat cross-legged on the ground, seeming to be adjusting her breath. Only she could hear her voice.

But at this moment, on the Seventh Holy Mountain, the place where Elder Songtai cultivated himself was not peaceful.

"Is the Third Holy Mountain's request for people this time really just because the Pinewood Disciple is related to the person who almost killed his heir?"

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