Creation furnace

Chapter 96 The Ghost Ship Appears

Ji Die lowered his head and looked at the red sword inserted into his chest, his lips squirmed, then he raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man not far away, whose clothes were covered in blood, and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

It was quiet everywhere, except for the occasional rustling of leaves blown by the wind, coming from the forest.

"Ha... Hu... Ha..." The middle-aged man bent over and coughed, as if celebrating the joy of victory.

The damage done by those wind blades just now was not as good as before. It is no wonder that the attack of the dense wind blades cannot be as strong anymore. He was hit a lot, but he only suffered some injuries.

"I've got the Taiqing Jing!!" He laughed, swaying slowly towards Ji Die step by step,

His blow just now was aimed directly at the opponent's heart, and there was no chance that the opponent would survive!

Tai Qing Jing is his!

However, he was also injured, and his speed was not very fast. In just a dozen steps, it was much harder than usual to walk, but he still finished the walk in the end.

He squatted in front of Ji Die, rustled, rummaged around, and quickly got his storage bag. The palms he picked up were trembling slightly, which was a sign of excitement!


After all, whether he killed Ji Die or obtained the Taiqing Sutra, it was a great achievement. In the future, his status in Jinhan Sect will be greatly improved!

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a pain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and his face was painful,

How could it be!

His pupils shrank slightly, and a chill surged through his body. Before he could react, the young man, who had his eyes tightly closed, suddenly sat up and punched him instantly, leaving no trace behind!

"You!" This scene greatly exceeded his expectations. The middle-aged man's eyes were widened and swollen on the spot. He spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out. He was already injured, but now he was injured more than ever before, making it difficult to move. , struggling to get up,

However, Ji Die stood up in front of him. Facing his frightened eyes, Ji Die said nothing. Now when he spoke, blood would flow out. He slowly pulled out the long sword from his chest, his face full of malaise. He flew out with a fierce swing and penetrated the middle-aged man!

Ji Die was still worried. He coughed and used an ice pick to shoot out, leaving a huge hole in the opponent's chest. He then pointed out a fire snake and burned the corpse.

Make sure that the dead cannot die again,

Then he coughed violently, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He covered the hole in his chest that was pierced by a sharp sword, his face was pale,

Just a little bit,

I almost had my heart pierced by that sword.

If he hadn't twisted his body instinctively at the last moment and avoided the vital point, he would be the one lying on the ground now!

But even so, he was still seriously injured and could die at any time!

"Huh... ha..." He didn't dare to make a sound, his mouth would bleed whenever he spoke, so he only dared to breathe slowly,

He covered his chest and pressed it tightly to prevent it from bleeding. With his other hand, he took out a bottle of Yi Yuan Dan that he had refined before, poured it out and put it into his mouth.

But he still felt weaker and weaker. If it weren't for the spiritual power in his body that could repair wounds anytime and anywhere, he would have collapsed.

Can't fall here!

After being delayed by two people for so long, those people should be arriving soon.

If it falls into their hands, what will happen...

Ji Die recalled the Qiankun Fan and collected the storage bags. As for their storage bags and magic weapons, it was too late to get them. He covered his chest and was about to leave when suddenly a sound of breaking through the air came from above his head.

"Zombie!! You are looking for death!!" This voice was extremely angry. He saw the middle-aged man's body on the ground. In anger, the aura of the middle stage of foundation building spread instantly, making Ji Die cough. He looked up and looked at the corpse that appeared in the sky. An old man dressed in gray with murderous intent on his face,

The other party was obviously extremely angry. He suddenly appeared in front of Ji Die and slapped his head with his big hand, intending to kill him to vent his anger.

You must know that two foundation-building monks in the Jinhan Sect have died at the hands of Ji Die, which can be said to be a serious loss of vitality!

At this time, two more sounds of breaking through the air came from mid-air, and two more figures appeared above everyone's heads.

One of the old men in the middle stage of foundation building, wearing a dark blue robe, is the second elder of the Overlord Sect, named Situ Hao.

He also saw that the Overlord Sect elder was dead, and his face did not look good, but he still had sense and was not as angry as the other party.

The other person was a woman who was in the early stage of foundation building and a member of the Overlord Sect. She looked at the corpse below and covered her mouth slightly.

And just when the old man in gray clothes was about to land a big hand on Ji Die's head, a voice came from below,

"The 'Tai Qing Jing' is only in my mind. If you kill me, you will never get it!" He was extremely weak and was still coughing up blood in his mouth.

As soon as this voice came out, the expressions of the three people changed.

"Brother Yin, please show mercy! If he dies, the people of your sect will have died in vain!" Situ Hao was shocked.

Regardless of whether what Ji Die just said is true or not, they don't dare to gamble at all!

The old man in gray clothes from the Jin Han Sect had a gloomy look on his face. He paused his right hand in the air and grabbed it with a sinister smile.

"I have plenty of ways to make you say it!"

Ji Die pursed his lips and said, "You can give it a try. At worst, I will commit suicide now so that you will never get it." His voice was firm.

"You!!" The old man in gray clothes was so threatened by a young Qi practitioner for the first time, and he smiled angrily.

"Ha...ha! You little bastard, are you threatening me? Do you think you have a chance to commit suicide in my hands? I will make your life worse than death!"

He laughed loudly, turned his right hand into a claw, and grabbed Ji Dietianling. But just when the attack was about to land, a sudden roar came from the sky, and a strong wind blew around him, and at the same time there was a terrifying aura. Coming, he was startled and stopped,

I saw that the originally cloudless weather was rumbled again, and countless dark clouds gathered. The whole land became much darker in an instant, like dusk, and the rumble, like thunder, came faintly from the clouds.

A depressing atmosphere descended, as if something terrible was about to appear!

"What's going on!" The old man surnamed Yin raised his eyelids and suddenly trembled all over his body. He ignored Ji Die for a moment.

Situ Hao and another foundation builder also felt a chill, but they were already elders of the sect and had seen many strong winds and waves. They all pretended to be calm and stared at the sky shrouded in black clouds, feeling vaguely everything From there,

Thunder was roaring, as if cold liquid fell for a moment, it should be rain, and in the sea of ​​clouds, there was a huge warship, slowly approaching, with mottled blood stains on it, and you could feel the breath of time. It hits my face, as if it comes from a distant era,

"Ghost ship!"

This soft voice filled the air.

Everyone seemed to be frozen, watching helplessly as the huge warship came from the direction of Cangzhou towards their own direction.

Everyone present, more or less, had heard of the legend of this ship. For a time, an atmosphere of fear filled the air! !

"What a bullshit ghost ship! It's none of my business!" The old man surnamed Yin snorted. After finding out the source, he continued to sneer and grab Ji Die with one hand.

But at this moment, his movements stopped abruptly!

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