"Practice, look at my current refining speed."

Lu Tao took out a bottle of blood, took a small sip, about one third of it, and then began to swallow and refine it.

The blood looks very fresh. Not only does it not have any fishy smell, but it has a faint fragrance, a little sweet, like emergency syrup.

It is somewhat inaccurate to say it is blood, it should be said to be blood medicine.


The blood medicine slid into his throat. As Lu Tao performed his exercises, the blood medicine instantly blended into Lu Tao's heart. Not a trace of the blood medicine entered his stomach and was digested.

"Demon Elephant Blood Tempering Skill (Perfect)."

As the blood medicine blended into his heart, Lu Tao felt that the blood all over his body was boiling instantly, as if he was cheering for joy, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

Lu Tao stabilized his body and continued to run the exercises to refine the effects of the medicine.

As the blood medicine was refined and its effects took effect, Lu Tao felt that the blood in his body seemed to be changing little by little. Although it was very subtle, he could feel it.

This is a sign that the blood is undergoing metamorphosis.

This is the practice of blood refining realm, which mainly tempers the blood in the whole body and allows the blood to undergo transformation.

After transformation once, you will be promoted to the middle stage of blood refining.

After two transformations, you will be promoted to the late stage of blood refining.

After three times, you can naturally break through to the realm of bone forging.

Time passed, and after an hour, Lu Tao stopped.

"It actually took an hour to refine one-third of it. Doesn't it take three hours to refine one bottle? This cultivation speed has slowed down immediately."

Lu Tao was indeed a little dissatisfied with this speed, it was too slow.

Once you adapt to the rapid increase, it will be difficult to adapt to the sudden drop in speed.

"Fortunately, there are elixirs that can improve my qualifications. I'm really grateful to Jiang Xiong. However, this bastard destroyed the spiritual grass directly. Otherwise, with the complete spiritual grass, the elixir I refined would definitely be better. It's such a pity. ”

Lu Tao felt a little regretful, but at this point, there was nothing he could do.

Next, Lu Tao began to take the dust removal pill to improve his root and bone qualifications.

The effect of the Dust Removal Pill is not as strong as that of the Blood Pill. It has a strong fragrance. The pill melts in the mouth and then flows through the blood to all parts of the body.

Gradually, Lu Tao felt itchy, as if there were countless ants crawling on his body.

Not only on the skin, but also in the flesh and blood, even the bones.

But this kind of itching is very mild, not to the point where I can't help but scratch it. It's numb and numb, and I can hold it back forcibly.

But when Lu Tao became familiar with this numbness, he felt a little relieved.

This reminded him of the blind massage he had received before, which was ten times more comfortable than that experience.

Especially the feeling of comfort coming from his bones made Lu Tao unable to help but moan.

Not long after, an unpleasant smell filled the yard.

"Oh, what does it smell like? It stinks."

Wu Ming was not far away and smelled the smell instantly. Finally, he found out that the smell came from Lu Tao. He was shocked and said: "Brother Tao, why do you smell so bad? Do you have diarrhea?"

The big black dog even looked at Lu Tao with disgust and continued to lick.

"Shut up, this is the filth discharged from Brother Tao's body after he improved his qualifications."

Lu Tao rolled his eyes, and then carefully sensed his whole body.

He found that after his qualifications improved, his whole body felt different. He seemed to be more relaxed... No, it should be said that he was more agile.

Moreover, even if he is not running the technique, he can still vaguely sense the vitality of heaven and earth in the air.

He had never been able to sense this before.

It can be seen how much his body has changed after his qualifications were improved.

Lu Tao looked at Wu Ming who was curious and planned to stimulate him, saying: "Xiao Ming, hurry up and lick the water. When your qualifications improve, you can sense the vitality of heaven and earth without practicing."

Sure enough, when Wu Ming heard this, he immediately became energetic and shouted: "Really? So magical?"

Lu Tao didn't wait to say anything and started licking directly, full of enthusiasm.

Seeing this, the big black dog was not to be outdone and licked the water crazily.

Lu Tao was also very pleased to see the two guys working so hard.

After taking a shower in the toilet, Lu Tao began to practice again. This time, Lu Tao swallowed the remaining two-thirds of the bottle of blood medicine.


As he practiced, Lu Tao felt that his efficiency in refining blood medicine had indeed improved, and the improvement was not small.

He couldn't tell how big it was exactly.

But half an hour later, Lu Tao knew.

He has completely refined two-thirds of the blood medicine.

Before, when the qualifications were not improved, one-third of the blood medicine took one hour; now, after the qualifications were improved, two-thirds of the blood medicine took only half an hour.

Obviously, his refining speed increased four times.

This also means that from a low-level ordinary person to an intermediate-level ordinary person, and then to an upper-level person, the improvement should be twice as high.

This improvement is not a big one.

"It's so exciting. I will try my best to find spiritual herbs that can improve my qualifications in the future. I want to continue to improve."

How could Lu Tao be satisfied with the sweetness?

However, this kind of spiritual grass is probably very rare, and he is lucky to get it.

"According to my estimation, by refining four more bottles of blood medicine, I should be able to reach the middle stage of blood refining."

After refining a bottle of blood medicine, Lu Tao could feel that his blood was not far away from transformation. In about five bottles of blood medicine, he could successfully transform and be promoted from the early stage of blood refining to the middle stage of blood refining.

But then the problem came.

He was short of blood medicine.

The next time the medicine shop would be restocked was ten days later, and Lu Tao couldn't practice for almost ten days, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Do we have to leave Dafeng Town in advance?"

According to his plan, he wanted to improve his cultivation to a higher level before leaving Dafeng Town, the novice village, so that he would be safer. As a result, he was short of blood medicine now.

"Well, let's take one step at a time."

Lu Tao was helpless and shook his head. He didn't think about it anymore and didn't continue to practice.

"Don't be lazy, I'll go to the back mountain to check the firewood and come back."

Lu Tao told the two guys and came to the back mountain alone.

After taking out Jiang Xiong's body, Lu Tao put the iron armor on Jiang Xiong, hung him on a tree, used him as a sandbag, and then started boxing.

Of course, each punch was very light, mainly for experience.

Experience +100.

Experience +100.


[Iron Armor: 0/1 million (Eighth-level lower grade, very strong defense, inputting Qi and blood power, can form a shield on the body surface, can resist all ordinary attacks below the late stage of skin refining (except for entry-level weapon attacks), can be broken in the late stage of skin refining, but the remaining power is difficult to cause damage to you, the shield cannot resist attacks in the blood refining realm, suitable for group battles. Please note that the Qi and blood consumption is quite large.)]

"Fuck, it can actually protect the whole body?"

Lu Tao couldn't help but exclaimed.

The upgraded iron armor has undoubtedly improved its defense ability by a large margin.

Especially the shield, which makes up for the shortcomings of Lu Tao's iron armor, because this iron armor only has the upper body, and there is no protection for the lower body or the head.

It is not as protective as armor.

I didn't expect that after the upgrade, I actually had a shield that could protect the whole body.

This is really a big surprise.

"Keep going."

Then, Lu Tao took out his long sword and arrows and began to gain experience points from Jiang Xiong. While doing so, he cursed, "I'll let you destroy my spiritual herbs, I'll let you destroy my spiritual herbs..."

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