Verify what idea?

This is the same question in everyone's mind, but they didn't ask it out loud. They all looked at Lu Tao.

Lu Tao took a deep breath, split up the Heaven Eye Technique that had been perfected a long time ago, and then only retained some of its functions and taught it to everyone.

It's like some of the exercises that are usually practiced, divided into one, two, three layers, one, two, three layers, or upper, middle, and lower volumes.

He wanted to see if the Heaven Eye Technique that only taught some functions could also bring experience to his complete Heaven Eye Technique when everyone practiced it.

The reason why he didn't teach the complete Heaven Eye Technique directly was because the Heaven Eye Technique was too amazing and had too many functions.

Dozens of functions, too complicated.

If all of them were taught, it would be extremely troublesome, and the mental energy consumption would be very large. Once exposed, others would know some of Lu Tao's trump cards.

After all, the more trump cards, the safer it is, and he doesn't want to expose too much.

Besides, as the saying goes, a master always has to keep a hand and can't pass all his skills to his apprentice.

Lu Tao naturally thought the same.

"Xiao Ming, stand still."

Like before, Lu Tao's first teaching target was still Wu Ming.

The Sky Eye that Lu Tao taught Wu Ming included vision improvement, night vision, pupil killing, mental imprint, false removal, object identification, and detection.

Like the extremely important ability to transmit power, Lu Tao did not teach it.

Through the jade slips that Chen An gave him, Lu Tao knew that his Sky Eye's ability to transmit power was too strong, and he could easily build his own power.

This is his current situation.

Now that Lu Tao is the leader of the Immortal Sect, he naturally does not want his disciples to form gangs in the future.

There are two advantages to not teaching the Sky Eye's ability to transmit power.

First, by doing so, he can largely prevent the Immortal Sect from splitting.

Second, it can also be regarded as a deterrent, making everyone rely on him more and not betray him.

After all, everyone's aptitude has improved, but their comprehension has not, and if they want to quickly improve their cultivation, or keep up with Lu Tao's pace, they can only rely on Lu Tao to teach them the skills.

Therefore, the Sky Eye Technique that Lu Tao was going to teach everyone was basically some functional abilities.

The teaching was very fast, and it was not taught to the perfect state, but only to a small degree of success.

Lu Tao said: "Xiao Ming, you try to practice."

"Okay, Brother Tao."

Listening to Brother Tao's words, Wu Ming practiced directly on the spot, running the Sky Eye Technique and began to temper his eyes.

As soon as Wu Ming practiced, Lu Tao smiled.

Experience +.

He succeeded.

Practicing the split Sky Eye Technique can also give him experience.

Wu Ming is in the Bone Forging Realm. If there is no sect bonus, then practicing once is 1,000 experience. Now with the blessing of the sect, the experience has directly increased by sixteen times.

"I will now pass on the Sky Eye Technique to everyone, but it is only part of the ability."

Lu Tao then taught the split Sky Eye Technique to everyone one after another, and then asked: "Are you curious, why is the Breathing Technique I taught you a little different when you practice it now than before? Has the speed of comprehension increased several times?"

As soon as Lu Tao asked this question, everyone nodded together and looked at Lu Tao in confusion.

At the same time, they were also a little curious.

Why did Lu Tao not mention this before passing on the skills, but after passing on the skills? Does it have anything to do with the Sky Eye Technique?

Lu Tao smiled and said nonsense: "This is an ability I just acquired. The skills I created by myself can make it several times easier for you to practice. At the same time, when you practice, I will also gain some insights, which will help me create higher-grade skills."

"I see!"

Everyone showed a look of surprise. No wonder they found that this change appeared suddenly. It turned out to be an ability that Lu Tao had just acquired.

But this ability is too against the sky.

It directly allows all those who learn Lu Tao's skills to improve their comprehension several times, and can also give feedback to Lu Tao, allowing him to create better skills. It is simply unheard of.

Chen An asked curiously: "Did it appear when your qualifications were improved?"

"Well, almost."

Lu Tao's answer was a bit vague, but everyone did not doubt it.

After all, they didn't understand these things at all, and it was really happening in front of them, so they couldn't help but not believe it.

Without waiting for everyone to think deeply, Lu Tao continued: "The higher the level of the Sky Eye, the higher the grade of the skills I can teach you. Therefore, in order for you to practice faster, you will need to continue to practice the Sky Eye Technique. I will use this to comprehend and strive to improve the ability of the Sky Eye Technique by several grades as soon as possible, so as to teach you the middle-grade or even upper-grade skills of the Xuan level."

"Okay, I will practice it right away."

"Don't worry, we have been practicing the Sky Eye Technique during this period."


As it concerns everyone's cultivation, everyone is very active and immediately prepares to go back to the room to practice the Sky Eye Technique.

Lu Tao hurriedly stopped them and reminded them: "By the way, when you practice, you don't need to complete each cycle of the body for now. You only need to practice for half a breath, then stop, and then practice again... and repeat this process."

"Ah, will this work?"

Everyone was confused.

How can you practice like this? What's the difference between this and not practicing?

Lu Tao continued: "Haven't you heard a sentence? A single move affects the whole body, and the same is true for the cultivation method. You only need to operate a little bit, and I will be able to perceive a lot of information, thereby creating better "

Is this how to move the whole body by pulling a hair?

Everyone looked at each other a little bit.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Lu Tao took out his trump card and added: "I have a high level of understanding and can easily understand it. Don't worry."

As soon as these words came out, except Chen An and the mayor, no one else had any doubts.

They were too confident in Lu Tao's understanding. Since Lu Tao said it could be done, there was absolutely no problem.

Lu Tao suddenly remembered something again and said: "By the way, you all should improve your cultivation to the bone-forging realm first, and then practice the Sky Eye Technique. It won't take much time anyway, and I'm not in a hurry."

There is a tenfold difference in experience between the blood refining realm and the bone forging realm. The sooner they improve their cultivation, the more experience they will gain.


Now that everyone's qualifications have improved, and they have perfected the Demonic Elephant Blood Tempering Technique, it really won't take long to reach the bone-forging realm.

"You all go and practice. Remember, you don't need to complete the cycle. After my Heavenly Eye improves to a higher level, I will pass on a better one to you. Then you can practice again."

Everyone responded loudly and returned to their rooms to start practicing.

The same goes for Chen An.

As for the mayor, Lu Tao did not teach him the Heavenly Eye, but taught him the Demonic Elephant Blood Tempering Technique of the Perfect Realm. How far he can go in the future depends on him.

"Lu Tao, I..."

The mayor received the Demonic Elephant Blood Tempering Skill and looked excited. He wanted to say some words of gratitude, but his voice was choked with sobs. He held Lu Tao's hand, trembling and speechless.

"Mayor, please don't spread this matter to anyone. You should also stop practicing for the time being and wait until you return to Dafeng Town to practice again."

Lu Tao patted the old man's hand and warned him, and then said: "Besides, don't worry about Zhang Quan's matter, I will solve it soon."

"Okay, okay, I believe you."

The mayor suppressed his excitement and left the courtyard. He knew that Lu Tao was ready to practice and did not disturb Lu Tao any more.

"Xiao Tian, ​​you have to work hard and don't hold yourself back."

There was only the big black dog left in the yard. After Lu Tao warned him, he also returned to his room.

"Woof woof woof." (I know, I know.)

The big black dog barked twice and continued to practice lying on the ground, looking as if he was lazily sleeping.

Lu Tao returned to the room, took a look at his crazily increasing experience in the Sky Eye Technique, and felt very satisfied.

It's just that now only Wu Ming and Chen An are gaining experience, and everyone else is sprinting to the bone forging realm. After they break through the realm, the experience will be gained faster.

"Practice, practice."

Lu Tao stopped thinking about other things and started practicing with all his strength to reach the realm of marrow refining.

Lu Tao's practice is extremely simple. He swallows the pill and refines it... Half a quarter of an hour later, he continues to swallow the pill and refine it...

And so on.

If any outsiders were here, seeing this scene, they would definitely think that Lu Tao was just taking the elixir as a sugar pill, rather than practicing.

The result was that more than two hours later, Lu Tao had consumed 34 Five Elements Body Refining Pills.

The cultivation level has reached the state of consummation.

It's as simple as drinking water.

"Break it for me!"

Lu Tao closed his eyes tightly and concentrated all his mind on his body. He mobilized all the power of Qi, blood, bone strength and five elements in his body, and rushed towards every bone in his body with all his strength.

Or soaked.

This process was a bit long, so long that Lu Tao lost track of time.

Suddenly, at a certain moment.

Lu Tao felt that his eyes were wide open and his consciousness was extending infinitely...

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