"Heaven level skills?!"

Lu Tao looked at Kong Hao in shock when he heard this.

Didn't it mean that those military exploits would be exchanged for three places? Why are there still heaven-level techniques?

And it’s still six doors.

This was beyond Lu Tao's expectation.

Kong Hao smiled and explained: "Actually, when you sang "loyalty to serve the country" in Mufeng City, I secretly had your singing recorded on a phonetic stone, and then quickly sent it to all parts of the country.

"In the past two days, through your singing, we have found many hidden spies and traitors. Naturally, the credit goes to you."

In fact.

A lot has happened in Daqian in the past two or three days.

There are spies and traitors in every country, and Daqian is no exception.

Since Lu Tao's singing can identify these people, they certainly will not miss such an opportunity.

Therefore, all sects, forces, military camps, etc. across the country were searched.


The ancient barbarian countries also informed other countries of the effect of serving the country with loyalty.

Those traitors and spies were also prepared and even responded earlier.

As a result, a lot of fighting and killing will naturally break out.

It can be said that in the past two or three days, riots have occurred in almost every state capital in Daqian, and countless spies and traitors have been eliminated.

Many sects, families, and forces were wiped out by Da Qian.


Such a great contribution far exceeds Lu Tao's previous contributions.

For this reason, the Daqian Dynasty rewarded Lu Tao with the Six Heavenly Level Cultivation Techniques.


This is a technique that only Martial Kings and Martial Gods can practice. Few others, even those on the altar, can practice it.

When Lu Tao heard this, he felt happy.

There is such a good thing.

There are six heaven-level exercises, three of which are for improving essence, qi, and spirit.

That is to cultivate the physical body, inner energy, and soul.

Lu Tao is currently in the innate realm. It happens that all three techniques can be practiced together. The divine soul technique can be used to temper his spiritual consciousness. After the spiritual consciousness is transformed, it becomes the divine soul.

The other three skills are one of body skills, one of sword skills, and one of defensive skills.

It's not to defend against normal attacks, but to defend against divine soul attacks.

After mastering it, a soul bell can be formed in the soul sea, which can withstand attacks from divine consciousness and divine soul.

The six martial arts are all low-grade at the heaven level.

Even so, Lu Tao was very satisfied.

after all.

He had already given up on the idea of ​​obtaining heaven-level skills, but now he got six of them at once, which was an unexpected surprise.

"Thank you bro."

Lu Tao happily browsed the six exercises one by one and recorded them on the system panel.

Start adding points silently.

Kong Hao smiled slightly. He didn't tell Lu Tao before, but he was planning to give Lu Tao a surprise.

Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

Kong Hao suddenly asked about another thing, "Brother Lu, if the name of your song was changed in another country, such as changing Dagan to Guman, would the effect be the same?"

He was a little worried.

This song has now spread throughout Daqian and will inevitably spread to other countries. Especially Qi Qian, who has heard it many times and has naturally remembered it.

no doubt.

The senior officials of the ancient Barbarian Kingdom must have known about this song, and perhaps it has been learned by geniuses who are proficient in music.

Once they learn it, the lives of Dagan's undercover agents and internal agents in the ancient barbarian country will be in danger.

I just don’t know how long it will take those geniuses to learn.

Generally speaking, even if you are a genius, it will take you one or two years to master the middle-level Xuan-level skills to the perfect level.

But I am afraid that he is the kind of genius with extremely high understanding.

It may take a month or two to fully understand, then they must recall those people as soon as possible.

Lu Tao smiled and said: "Don't worry, brother, if they change their names, they will definitely not be able to learn."

After changing his name, Lu Tao cannot receive the authorization notice, so he cannot authorize it. How can people from other countries learn from it?

If they don't authorize the upgraded "Serve the Country with Loyalty", even if they sing exactly the same lyrics and melody, it won't have the effect of an advanced song.

That makes no sense.

"That's good."

Even though Kong Hao said this, he was still a little worried in his heart.

after all.

Those people can also sing without changing any lyrics, and they can also find Da Gan's internal agents and undercover agents.

Because as long as people who work sincerely listen to this song, their blood will boil, their expressions will be excited and fanatical, and it will be difficult not to be exposed.

When Lu Tao saw this, his heart moved.

Directly no longer agree to any authorization application regarding loyalty to the country.

At the same time, the divine consciousness quickly browses another panel of the system to check the previously authorized names. If there is a slight difference from Daqian, the authorization will be revoked directly.

After dealing with this matter, Lu Tao reminded again: "Brother, if you play songs everywhere, will they be recorded and used by other countries?"

Kong Hao shook his head and said: "No, during the search, I told you in advance that anyone else who dares to record will be treated as a traitor."

"Then there's no need to worry."


the other side.

In the territory of the ancient barbarian kingdom, there is a magnificent hall.

A group of people stood tremblingly in the hall, not daring to show their anger.

These people are men and women, old and young.

They are all well-known geniuses in the ancient barbarian kingdom. They are good at music and rhythm, and there are many strong men in the Shentai realm.

It's such a group of people.

Now, everyone is downcast, unable to hold their heads up after being scolded by General Du, who is at the head of the hall.

"Are you a bunch of losers? You learned a simple song for two whole days and you can't even learn a little bit about it?"

"You are the only ones claiming to be geniuses? Do you deserve it?"

"Listen to what you are singing? Does it have a little bit of the effect of an entry-level song?"

"Our ancient barbarian country has spent so much resources cultivating you, but you only have this little ability? You are a bunch of losers."

General Du was really angry.

I originally thought that even if this was a disastrous defeat, it would be a good thing to get this song to dig out the spies in the country.

The result was not good, no one among the many geniuses in the ancient barbarian country could master a mere Xuan-level singing skill.

It's just a name change.

Nothing like that.

Just like those martial arts and exercises, if you only modify them a little bit, although the effect may be different, it will not have no effect at all.

After cursing, General Du took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

He told the other geniuses: "Tuo Yi, you guys should listen to the original lyrics and melody carefully. Although this song is about Da Gan, the Golden Court will pardon your innocence. As long as you find those spies, Jinting will never treat you badly."

However, when he finished speaking, he received no response.

I saw Tuoyi and the others were sweating profusely, hesitating and not daring to speak.


General Du suddenly felt something bad in his heart, "What's going on?"

Tuo Yi is a middle-aged man of about forty years old. His cultivation has reached the level of a master. This time he originally wanted to make meritorious deeds and then be promoted to the altar.

Previously, I followed General Du's orders and meditated on the original lyrics of the song, and the progress was pretty good. In just two or three days, I had already started, and was not far from Xiaocheng.

Everything was going well.

But just now, when he was silently meditating on the song again, he suddenly discovered something that made him confused and a little scared.

The songs that I had already mastered suddenly disappeared.

Such a thing is simply unbelievable.

Cold sweat broke out on Tuo Yi's forehead, and he replied hesitantly: "Back to the general, just now, for some reason, the songs I had already started to learn seemed to have suddenly disappeared."


When General Du heard this, his aura suddenly expanded outwards, and he said angrily: "Did all the insights suddenly disappear? Or were you lying to me before?"

General Du was furious.

These people are geniuses.

General Du naturally believed in their musical talent.

Tuoyi said before that he had already learned the song, so of course he wouldn't check it. After all, it was just a Xuan-level singing skill. It was not difficult to understand, and there was no need to lie to him.

But now, he feels that Tuoyi was lying to him before.

But at this moment, several others also stood up and said the same thing.

At this moment, General Du fell silent for an instant.

The whole person slumped on the chair helplessly, without saying a word, and his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

"how so?"

Endless question marks arose in General Du's mind.

If Tuo Yi said this alone, he would think that Tuo Yi was lying, but if several people are in the same situation, then the problem does not lie with these people.

It can only be a problem with the song.

It’s just that a song is just like a martial art, a martial art, or a skill. Why does something so weird happen?

It feels like the skills are being recycled.


Even if a sect or force recycles the skills, it still requires someone to take action personally to erase the skills and martial arts from the person being taught them. To put it simply, it means to abolish one's cultivation and turn him into a useless person.

I have never heard of it being able to be recycled through the air without causing any other damage.

Even the God of War can't do it.

The whole thing gave General Du a feeling.


"Lu Tao, Lu Tao, who are you?"

General Du felt deeply tired.

He couldn't see through this young man who came out of nowhere.

Lu Tao seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, full of mystery.


the other side.

Lu Tao and others have set off and rushed to the entrance of the secret realm.

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