Creation’s Grace

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

When Chi Yu joined the Chi Group as an assistant, he was very busy, but he also learned a lot.

Not only does she know what Ran Ban needs to do every day, but as an assistant and secretary, she also understands the content and focus of her daily work better than Ran Ban.

Chi Yu quickly got started. In addition to her own talent and intelligence, managers and colleagues in various departments were very patient with her.

As long as she asks, she will tell her everything in detail.

Even if he didn't ask, as long as Xiao Chi frowned a little, someone would immediately come up and ask if he could help.

Before Chi Yu became an assistant, she thought that she might be rejected by Ran Jin. Even if she was coerced and lured into this position, Ran Jin would most likely tell the company to hide her from her.

Unexpectedly, everything went smoothly.

Chi Yu couldn't help thinking, could it be that these people who helped her were so patient with her because of her sister's face?


When Chi Yu left the planning department with the computer in his arms, he didn't leave immediately, but stayed by the door and listened for a while.

"Do you think that Mr. Ran and Mr. Xiaochi are really together? Mr. Ran specially came to tell us that we need to help Mr. Xiaochi more."

"Let's answer all questions, don't hide anything from her... At this rhythm, do you really want to hand over the group to her?"

"No, isn't Xiaochi a scientist who studies the orbit of the moon? Isn't it bad to run a company?"

Manager Xu passed by, heard their conversation, and flew the folders in his hand over their heads one by one.

With the screams, Manager Xu said with a cold face: "If you have time to gossip behind your back, it is better to think about your performance! Have you finished planning? Xiao Yang!"

Xiao Yang, who had just been gossiping, lowered his head and said softly, "Not yet..."

"Then go to work soon!"


The planning department entered a tense working state in an instant, and Chi Yu, who was standing at the door, heard all this clearly.

Did Ran Jin specifically explain that they have no reservations about me?

After becoming an assistant, he went out early and returned late, and he seemed to be an office worker.

"Is there any progress on Zhou Yu's side?" Chi Yu invited her to dinner at the restaurant in the shopping mall downstairs.

"I've been staring at it. I haven't found any new clues yet. What about you? Why do you feel like you've lost a lot of weight?"

"Can you not get tired of spinning every day?"

Qi Tong thought it was funny: "You are born to be a daughter of gold, how can you serve others."

Late encounter with sore neck and shoulders from activities: "How do you talk? Different jobs have their own divisions of labor, so you can't talk about serving. You didn't find any new clues, so why did you come to me?"

"...Am I your tool person, Sister Yu? I can't miss you anymore. Am I here to visit you?"

The two of them grew up together, and they never shy away from speaking, whatever comes to mind.

The two chatted casually for a while, and two people walked in from the door of the restaurant.

"Hey, it's Ran Jin, and the policeman surnamed Lu!" Qi Tong said in a low voice immediately.

Chi met strangely and said "um": "They often meet in this restaurant for a meal or something."

"Yes." Qi Tong remembered, "When I helped you investigate the personal relationship between Ran Jin and Lu Sima, this restaurant had a high appearance rate. Besides here, the place where they met was Lu Sima's house. ."

Qi Tong's words reminded Chi Yu of meeting Lu Sima and Ran Ban on the road one day, and the scene of them kissing in the car instantly crashed into Chi Yu's mind.

If it is said that she and her elder sister broke up long ago, and her elder sister already has someone else outside, because she has to protect the interests of the Chi Group on the surface, so she does not choose to make it public for the time being, then it is understandable that Ran Jin and Lu Siyu are together. Even a very fair thing.

So, was the breakup between Ran Jin and her sister the trigger?

Is the death of my sister because of the complicated emotional relationship between them that led to the murder?

Who is the date my sister was photographed with? Could this person be the real murderer who has been hiding behind the scenes?

Did you really misunderstand Ran Ban?

What happened to the man in the surveillance video?

Thinking of this, Chi Yu immediately showed Qi Tong the video saved in his mobile phone and asked her to help investigate this person.

This video is what she found after rummaging all over the Internet last night about her sister and her rumored date, which caused Ran Jin to disclose her breakup with her sister.

Qi Tong was stunned when she watched the video: "This video is so blurred that you can still recognize it as your sister? It's more tightly wrapped with her, and you can't tell whether it's a male or a female, so you can see a mosaic."

Chi Yu said: "If it weren't for the difficulty, there would be no need for you, the great Buddha, to come out."

Qi Tong was so complimented by Chi Yu, and immediately became energetic: "Sister Yu has spoken, and I will help you find out when I peel off my own skin! Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Chi Yu said with relief: "When my sister Tong finds out the truth, I will give you what you want."


"Really, going bankrupt also satisfies you."

Qi Tong was almost as comfortable in her arms as Lulu when Chi Yushun Shun Mao.

Qi Tong was in a daze, and when he looked up, he collided with Lu Sima, who had discovered the two of them long ago.

Lu Sijie's eyes paused for a moment, and then, under the expression of disgust, he rolled his eyes that circled the earth for two weeks, his lips moved, and the word "stupid" was vaguely said.

Qi Tong: "…"

In the days when he was Ran Jin's assistant, Chi Yu found that Ran Jin was holding the Chi Group in his hands, and hardly missed any important decisions and details.

That's why Ranjing's schedule is very full from day to night.

In order to thoroughly understand what happened at home during her years abroad, Chi Yu, in the name of her assistant, not only had a comprehensive understanding of Ran Jin's work in the company, but also penetrated into her life.

She drove her sister's car to work, and when Ran Jin got off work, she also followed her, sent the driver away, and took Ran Jin back to the apartment in person.

Although Ran Jin's apartment is just a few kilometers away from the building, Chi Yu is still rain or shine.

Ran Jin had objected several times, but Chi Yu insisted very strongly, and then let her go.

It's just that when the night was quiet and no one said a word, there was still Chili's exclusive aromatherapy in the carriage. The two people who used to be intimate enough to talk about their thoughts on their laps now only have endless silence and radio music that tries to ease the atmosphere.

"Thank you for sending me."

Before going upstairs every day, Ran Jin would leave this sentence.

Chi Yu would not respond to her, so the two of them said goodbye in the condensed cold field.

After Ran Jin went upstairs, Chi Yu did not leave immediately, and would continue to sit in the car and watch the small window of Ran Jin's apartment light up.

Ran Jin did go back, but did not go anywhere else.

The music on the radio is sometimes loud, and sometimes there are songs that are old, but sad to hear the prelude.

There was a box of cigarettes that I don't know how long ago, and a lighter.

Chi Yu remembered that my sister used to smoke this brand of cigarettes all the time.

She took the slender cigarette out of the cigarette case, and after watching it for a while, put it in her mouth unskillfully, and the first puff after lighting it made her cough repeatedly.

Why does my sister like to smoke this stuff.

Chi Yu put out the cigarette in the ashtray of the car.

The smoke that had never entered his lungs made Chi Yu's throat extremely uncomfortable.

For a while I think of my sister who died inexplicably, and for a while I think of Ran Jin who squatted down to wipe the corner of her clothes.

She dipped her fingers into her thick top hair and pulled the hair back in front of her, revealing bright and confused eyes.

There are countless forks on the road under my feet, and the smog in front of me has long since lost the way to come, and there is no way to return. Ran Jin asked her to be an assistant and sent her home, so that she could go deep into her own life to see clearly.

Ran Jin would indeed call people she didn't know in front of her, and his words were frivolous, just like when he teased her at the Mulan Club that night.

But even so, Chi Yu had observed Ran Jin's life patterns and calculated the amount of work she had to do, so she didn't have time to spend time outside.

Just like she wears uninteresting work suits buttoned under her chin all the year round, Ran Jin's life is probably only about flirting on the lips, and waves of down-to-earth work.

Other than that, the only thing that can be called relaxation is to eat with Lu Siying.

The Nan'an branch where Lu Sima is located is not far from the building. The two of them will meet in the restaurant every three or five to chat, and when Lu Sima gets there, they will leave, and Ran Ban will continue to work upstairs.

More occasionally, when Ran Jin was going somewhere in the afternoon and Lu Siying dropped by, he would take Lu Siying's car.

Chi Yu followed quietly a few times and observed in the traffic.

The behavior between these two people is indeed very close, but in all fairness, the behavior between many female girlfriends is much more intimate than this.

Chi Yu used to like to rest on Ran Jin's lap, or hug her neck depending on how tall or small he was, which was closer than the relationship between Ran Jin and Lu Sima. Even so, Chi Yu only regarded her as a relative at that time.

So what is the relationship between the two?

Is Lu Sima really Ran Jin's new girlfriend?

Chi Yu is very curious about their relationship and will follow them whenever she is free.

Chi Yu followed them to the downstairs of Zhou Yu's company that day. After Ran Jin went up, Lu Sima walked two blocks forward, parked the car, and entered the mall.

Chi Yu knew that it was impossible for her to follow Ran Jin to Zhou Yu's office, so she chose to follow Lu Sima.

Chi Yu walked slowly behind, seeing that Lu Sima was still dressed brightly today, with a pair of high heels under his long legs, he was definitely not here to handle a case.

When she found out that Lu Siyu was holding a tall man sweetly, the two of them went upstairs together, and were eating an ice cream together, Chi Yu remembered Lu Siyu leaning over to kiss Ran Jin in the SUV. In the picture, a fire burst out involuntarily.

When the man went to line up to buy the Internet celebrity milk tea, Chi Yu walked past Si Yu and said to her, "Officer Lu, please come with me, I have something to tell you."

When Lu Sima saw Chi Yu, his face quickly collapsed.

Chi Yu walked into the fire escape, Lu Siyu thought about it, and then followed.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Chi Yu asked her straight to the point in the stairwell.

"What?" Lu Sima thought she was coming to ask about Ran Jin, but what she said surprised her.

"It's really your boyfriend?" Chi Yu's eyes burned with fire, and a sneer overflowed from the corner of his mouth, "While making friends with her boyfriend, she was courteous to Ran Jin. Officer Lu is really powerful."

Lu Sima didn't realize what the words in the late meeting meant, but the yin and yang atmosphere could still be heard, and he instinctively fought back:

"What does the matter between me and Xiaojian have to do with you? Who are you? It's just her ex's sister. And what is being courteous? I..."

Speaking of this, Lu Siyu recalled: "No, wait for me, do you think I have two boats? Do you think I have something with Xiaojian?"

Chi Yu didn't say anything and looked at her with a bad expression.

This silence is the default.

Lu Sima had long been displeased with Chi Yu. The last time she was blocked by her in the parking lot, she didn't have time to say anything. After going back, she reflected on it for a while. Be good.

The opportunity is here, and at this moment, it happens to be madly fighting back in front of the late encounter.

"What's the matter! Your sister is **** and the whole world must be gay! In your eyes, is it a shame to ban someone to stay with someone? Yes! You didn't know the one you saw in a corner just now. The person is my boyfriend, and the innocence between me and Xiaojian is clear! She has never been sorry to your sister! I told you that I met you late, no matter how Xiaojian is reluctant to protect you, you are a rude here to me Second generation ancestor. I advise you to think carefully about the cause and effect of this incident, and think about the situation of Xiaojian!"

"Her situation." Chi Yu looked directly at her, as if she was seizing this opportunity, eager to see at a glance the secret about Ran Ban in Lu Sima's heart, "What kind of situation is she in, can you tell me? me?"

Lu Sima's passionate voice was still shaking in the stairwell, as if she had returned to the cramped and dimly lit interrogation room. She instinctively used her attitude towards prisoners to contend with Chi Yu.

She thought that Chi Yu would definitely fight her after hearing these angry rebukes.

Unexpectedly, the tone of the late encounter was the same as when he first came in. It was still stable, but there was no sarcasm.

"You don't know everything about her, but you know more than me." Chi Yu said, "Officer Lu, where did you and Ran Jin meet? Why did she wander outside at that time?"

Lu Siying noticed that his attitude towards the late encounter seemed to have changed a bit.

She stretched out her hand and didn't hit the smiling person, even if Chi Yu didn't smile at her, she was really asking about Ran Ban, which made Lu Siyu's anger that rushed to Tianling Gai just now quenched a lot.

Lu Sima's lips moved, Chi Yu could clearly see that she was about to speak, but stopped.

"It's not convenient for me to tell her about Xiaojing. You're right before. I don't know everything about her, but it's not easy for her to get to where she is today. She has her own mission. It will only interfere with her. But I think you seem to have noticed something. You can ask her directly. If she wants to tell you, she will naturally tell you. But... There is a high probability that you will ask for nothing, I Knowing her for so many years, she doesn't want to say that you can't pry her mouth open, even if..."

When Lu Sima said these words, he stopped abruptly, and then looked at Chi Yu with a look of disgust.

"She really doesn't want to explain it to me." Chi Yu's heart slowly sank into the lemon juice, sour and soft.

Lu Sima thought that Chi Yu had called her here just now, but he actually wanted to fight for Ran Jin. After thinking about it, there was nothing to be angry about.

"I don't know a lot of things, and I don't know much to say. But it's late." Lu Sima's phone was shaking. Her boyfriend bought milk tea and couldn't find her, so he called her.

She opened the door of the fire escape and said to Chi Yu before she went out: "The person you don't understand may be more than Ran Ban. You know under the lights, some people you think you know her well, but in fact, the truth is not necessarily what you have always been. Seeing with the eyes."

After Lu Sima said this, she left the fire escape, only Chi Yu stood in this quiet stairwell, smelling the smoke that had merged with the wall and faintly entered her nose.

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