Creation’s Grace

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

Chi Yu walked around the flowerbed in a large circle. The flowerbed in late winter was full of dead branches, which were pruned short and dense by the property. Lulu couldn't find it, but Chi Yu's clothes were messed up.

It started to rain again. The rain was not only cold at the moment, but it also carried small ice balls, which hit Chi Yu's face and bridge of nose, and it hurt a few times.

The weather is getting worse and the temperature is dropping rapidly with the wind and rain.

Chi Yu's coat has been wet by the rain and turned into a heavy sponge full of water, clinging to her body.

The rain swept across the frozen face, and the fingers exposed to the cold wind trembled slightly.

She kept telling herself not to worry, she would definitely find Lu Lu.

But once she thinks of Lulu, who hasn't suffered outside for so many years, now being blown by the wind and raining, I don't know how scared she is, but she can't be by her side... The anxiety and pain in her heart make her heart be crushed On the rough sandy ground, filing back and forth.

"Small encounter!"

It was Ran Jin's voice.

Chi Yu immediately turned back with hope, and saw Ran Jin running towards her from a distance.

Passing by the street lights, the lights illuminated her, and she was clearly holding a cat in her arms.

It's Lulu!

Be late to meet immediately.

Ran Jin really got Lu Lu back.

The long hair of this stupid Sanhua has been wet by the rain for a long time, and the graceful beauty on weekdays has disappeared. , like an alien creature.

"Lu Lu! You dead child!" Chi Yu hugged Lu Lu, and Lu Lu made a "meow", her voice hoarse.

Chi Yu wanted to kiss it and hit it, but the most worrying thing was that if it was so old, if it would freeze out, I would immediately wrap it in big clothes.

Although Chi Yu's coat is soaked wet, the inside part that is close to the body is relatively dry and warm.

Lulu's shivering body was frozen, and after smelling the familiar smell, she was slowly warmed by her late body temperature and gradually calmed down.

Chi Yu asked Ran Jin, "Where did you find it?"

"It's on the tree in the artificial lake. It doesn't know how to climb up the tree, but it can't come down." Ran Jin also found it funny when he said it.

"Why are your clothes so wet?"

Chi Yu found that Ran Jin's clothes from the waist down were all soaked, and looking at her trousers, it looked like they had been soaked in water, and the color was dark. Always meticulous and clean leather shoes, now covered with muddy water.

Ran Jin said helplessly: "When I found it, it couldn't get down from the tree, and it was very nervous. I approached it and wanted to hold it down, but before I could get it, it squatted and broke the branch. I was afraid. It fell into the artificial lake trying to catch it..."

Chi Yu helped her finish: "Lulu caught it, but you went to the lake."

Ran Jin pursed his lips and scratched his ears.

Chi Yu didn't know whether to praise her or not.

It turns out that Ran Ban, who is invincible in business competition, will also be confused at times.

Lulu's anxiety about being lost was quelled by Ran Ban, and the irritable fire in Chi Yu's heart turned into the joy of being lost and found.

Looking at Ran Jin again, her long hair was soaked through, with a few strands hanging in front of her eyes unobtrusively. She tugged the hair on the left side of her head and tucked it behind her ear smoothly, revealing half of her freshness. The face and peach blossom eyes are even more attractive.

Probably because the weather was too cold and Ran Jin's clothes were soaked, she could barely control the shiver visibly.

Chi Yu couldn't imagine under what circumstances a gentle person like her would pick up the butcher's knife.

The calm above her sister's mourning hall and the watch on her wrist that her sister gave her seem to prove that she may be the insider of her sister's death, but not the real murderer.

Apart from her sister, Ran Jin is the most petite person in the world, Chi Yu has always been very sure of this.

During this period of time, she also forcibly dug out the details of the grass snake gray line that Ran Ban had been suppressing until now, the real heart.

Put yourself in the shoes and think, if she was Ran Jin, it would be impossible to admit this embarrassing emotion, and it would be impossible to take a step forward.

Ran Jin kept silent about her sister's death. She must have her own considerations. Chi Yu believes that one day she will be able to find out for herself.

Before that, Chi Yu didn't want to make Ran Jin, who had always been caring to her, a sinner.

"Hurry up and take Lulu back and blow the hair." Ran Jin's hair was dripping with water, "it doesn't like the hair dryer, remember to put it in the drying cage, it can stay still. If there is nothing else, I will Go back first."

Seeing that Ran Jin said that he really wanted to go, Chi Yu frowned, holding Lulu tightly with one hand, and grabbing Ran Jin's wrist with the other, just as he was about to speak, his cold palm was almost scalded.

"Why are you so hot?" Chi Yu was puzzled, and took advantage of the situation to hold her hand, trying to confirm whether the hot body temperature was real.

Before he could hold it, Ran Jin broke free.

"It's because your hands are too cold... I'm leaving."

I saw it clearly by the street light.

Ran Jin, who wanted to leave quickly, had a blush that didn't quite match the cold winter night, his lips darkened, and his eyes were dazed.

In the past, her speaking speed was not fast, but now it has become slower and more sluggish.

"Are you sick?" Chi Yu took her hand again.

Because one of them wanted to leave and the other wanted to stay, they didn't control the strength when pulling, so Chi Yu's fingertips went straight through Ran Ban's cufflinks that were scattered when he was saving Lulu, and reached into his sleeve. , holding the wrist like fire.

Ran Ban was startled and subconsciously retracted his hand.

Chi Yu also felt that something was wrong and let go of her wrist.

But she still didn't let her drag her sick body away like this, and grabbed her upper arm.

"Are you really sick because of the rain?" Chi Yu pulled her closer and carefully observed her vacant eyes, "What are you going to do now? Just rest at home tonight. Go change. I'll have Dr. Lin come over and take a look."

Dr. Lin is the personal doctor of the Chi family. He lives not far away and can be there in 20 minutes.

Ran Jin wanted to shake her head, but she also found that she was indeed burned into a trance.

After a half-day rest after returning from the Underwater Paradise project, I slightly suppressed my condition. Today's work is actually quite easy. If it wasn't for Lulu's loss and the sudden rain, she probably wouldn't have burned so badly. .

When I met her late, I couldn't speak, so I quickly said: "Okay, let's stop getting wet here, let's go back first. Can you go?"

Ran Jin gave a low "um": "You go first, I'll follow you."

Her voice was a little hoarse again, and Chi Yu was really afraid that her head would fall to the ground.

Chi Yu remembered that she used to look at her mobile phone when she was walking in high school. Once she fell down the stairs and wiped several blood on her body. She had not learned the lesson yet, and she had to look at her mobile phone while walking to pick her up from school. Ran Ban was worried for her.

"Xiaoyu, don't look at your phone when you're walking, didn't it hurt last time you fell?" Ran Jin whispered in her ear.

Chi Yu was looking at the gossip about the teacher sent by Qi Tong in the eating melon group, and perfunctory Ran Ban said a few words. When he was about to put away the phone, Ran Ban held her hand and said:

"Okay, if you have something important, you should read it first. If I hold you, you won't fall. Put your phone away when you're done reading. It's not good for your eyes to look at your phone while walking."

Chi Yu originally wanted to put it away, but being held by Ran Ban like this, he felt a lot more at ease, and began to watch again.

The two were one after the other, one cautiously and the other recklessly.

The sun shone through the shade of the trees, and the spot of light fell on them both shining brightly.

These trivial matters that were squeezed into the corner of memory by many tedious major events in the main road of life later, did not feel anything special at the time, and Chi Yu took it for granted to enjoy this tenderness.

Those inconspicuous details buried in the years are all the sincerity that Ran Ban has never stated. "I'll hold you, don't fall." Chi Yu didn't let her go alone, but still held her arm in case she accidentally fell.

Lulu is very obedient, and is very dependent on Chi Yu, even if Chi Yu is holding it with one hand, it does not move randomly, and the whole face is pressed against Chi Yu's chest. She was probably really frightened, and now she returned to her familiar embrace, with a comfortable snoring sound in her throat.

Ran Jin was held by her hand and did not resist.

The two and one cat met Auntie Su and Butler Chen on the way back to Chi's house. When they saw the wet Lulu in Chi Yu's arms, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Butler Chen went to tell the people at the property, and Aunt Su went back to cook **** tea for everyone to drive away the cold.

"Oh, why is Miss Ran's face so red, is she sick?" Aunt Su looked at Ran Jin before going to the kitchen and said worriedly.

Ran Ban didn't have the strength to speak, she was very groggy now.

Chi Yu took off his coat, threw it on the hanger, and asked the servant to call Dr. Lin while Lulu was drying her body, and turned back to Ran Jin and said:

"You follow up and change into dry clothes first. Don't get wet. Dr. Lin said she will be leaving right now."

Ran Jin's lips were red like blood, and his beautiful peach blossom eyes were so burned that he couldn't open them.

Chi Yu thought about it and said, "Don't go to the second floor, just stay in the guest room on the first floor."

The secret late encounter of the south bedroom on the second floor has been known.

For some unknown reason, Ran Jin would sleep in that cramped little room that didn't even have a window, on a cot that couldn't stretch out.

If you let her live on the second floor, I'm afraid she will still sleep there. It is better to sleep directly in the guest room, which has a window and a big bed.


Chi Yu asked her, "Did you take the rest of your clothes and photo albums with you last time?"

Ran Jin nodded.

It's a bit difficult to be late.

You can't let her wear her sister's clothes.

Chi Yu walked on the spot for half a circle: "...Then, I'll give you my pajamas. Okay?"

Ran Jin, who was sitting on the sofa, didn't know if he heard it or not, but he kept his head calm, and seemed to nod his head and didn't seem to move.

Chi Yu tapped on one knee, squatted in front of her, raised his head slightly and asked, "Can you get up?"

Ran Jin opened his eyes with difficulty, the corners of his eyes were burning red.

"I'll help you up." Chi Yu wrapped her arms around Ran Jin's armpits, trying to lift her body up.

Unexpectedly, she thought it would take a lot of effort, but Ran Ban was much lighter than she thought, and hugged him immediately.

Ran Jin swayed a bit, threw forward, and almost threw himself into Chi Yu's arms.

Just when the two were about to stick together, Ran Jin put his hand on Chi Yu's shoulder and controlled the distance between them.

But Chi Yu was afraid that she would fall, and his hands had already wrapped around her waist.

At this moment, the posture of the two is exactly the same as when Chi Yu blatantly kissed her at the press conference that day.

Chi Yu's eyes fell on Ran Ban's slightly open lips, and a drop of rain dripped from the curly hair in front of Ran Ban's forehead, rolled over her wet cheeks, passed through her lips that turned bright red, and condensed on her perfect chin. on-line.

Chi Yu's eyes darkened, she had tasted the taste in Ran Ban's lips, and now the sweet and soft memory began to tug at her nerves and squeezed desperately into her senses.

Ran Jin's eyes were red and hot, and she was stared at by Chi Yu, and she also recalled the memory of the kiss.

The blood all over his body poured into his heart instantly, arousing an uncontrollable impulse.

Ran Jin shrank his head and sneezed a little while holding his breath.

Chi Yu was shocked by her sneeze.

At this time, Aunt Su came over from the kitchen with two bowls of **** tea, and heard Ran Jin sneezing, and the voice came before the person reached the living room: "Oh, hurry up and change your wet clothes, look at this sneeze. .Drink the **** tea first, it won't be particularly hot and can be eaten."

Chi Yu asked Ran Jin to drink **** tea first, and turned around to ask Aunt Su where the thermometer was, and Aunt Su immediately found it.

Chi Yu took Ran Jin's body temperature and was startled.

"It's 39 degrees, it's burning so badly."

"It's okay, I'll change clothes first." After drinking the **** tea, Ran Jin went to the guest room.

Before meeting Chi Yu, he helped her for a while, took her into the guest room, stood at the door and said, "I'll get you pajamas."

Ran Jin whispered "Hmm".

Chi Yu went to his bedroom on the third floor, looked in the cloakroom for a while, and finally chose a nightgown that he wore in high school. It was large and warm, white and plain but the fabric was very comfortable.

Picking out a separate set of pajamas should also be very suitable for Ran Jin. Bring it all to her, whatever she likes to wear.

She went downstairs with her bathrobe and pajamas, and Aunt Su said, "Second miss, change your clothes yourself. Drink some **** tea. It's cold."

Chi Yu replied, "Well, right away."

On the way to the guest room, Chi Yu remembered that the fingertips had accidentally touched the skin on the inner side of Ran Jin's wrist, which was strangely rough, unlike her other exposed skin, which was flawless.

However, the fingertips of the late encounter were already frozen and numb, and it might be an illusion.

Chi Yu thought about this in his heart, pushed open the door of the guest room, and heard the sound of running water in the bathroom.

"Sister Ran, I put my clothes here."

Ran Ban did not answer her.

Chi Yu heard the sound of running water and seemed to be hitting the ground, so she couldn't help but get a little worried, and approached the bathroom and asked:

"Sister Ran, are you okay?"

Still no one answered.

Chi Yu was shocked: "Are you okay, Sister Ran? Sister Ran?"

The sound of empty running water in the bathroom made Chi Yu flustered, wouldn't Ran Ban faint? After all, it's 39 degrees, so it's best not to take a bath.

Worried that something would happen to Ran Jin, Chi Yu said, "Sister Ran, I've opened the door."

Chi Yu held her hand on the doorknob and thought about the current situation of her and Ran Jin. When she was hesitating whether to ask Aunt Su to go in and have a look, the door was opened a crack.

Ran Jing stood behind the door, his voice almost blending with the hot air in the bathroom: "A bathrobe... can you give it to me?"

Chi Yu immediately brought it for her.

Ran Ban really didn't have the strength to wipe his body with a bath towel, so he put the nightgown directly over his body.

The water droplets on the body were quickly absorbed by the soft and dry bathrobe. The material of this bathrobe is special, which is very absorbent and does not feel wet after absorbing it.

The water was drained from his body, but his hair was still dripping.

Ran Jin pushed open the door and came out, her eyes seemed to be attached to two **** of fire, the skin all over her body was tight and painful, and she didn't care whether her long hair was still wet, she just wanted to go to bed quickly and sleep with her head covered.

Just after taking a step towards the bed, my feet became weak and I almost knelt on the ground.

Fortunately, Chi met her eyesight and quickly hugged her.

"What's the matter, you're still taking a bath after burning so badly." Chi Yu knew that Ran Jin's love was clean, and she was soaked all over, so no one wanted to take a hot bath, but now she didn't know if it was the reason for the bath. Get more violent.

"Small encounter..."

Ran Jin raised her eyes wearily, and a breath of hot air rolled on Chi Yu's neck, making Chi Yu's heart tremble, and a faintly soft electric current was running around in her heart.

"I'll take you over there..."

Chi Yu has been running back and forth in research institutes, laboratories and gyms all the year round, and he is still very confident in his own strength. Moreover, she had already weighed her weight when she lifted Ran Jin up before, so it would not be a problem to pick her up and walk a few steps to the reclining chair.

Chi Yu took a breath and hugged Ran Jinheng.

The person hugged him firmly, but the belt that Ran Jin was tying at random was too loose, so the placket of the clothes was spread out directly.

Chi Yu saw that the snow white was about to be exposed in front of his eyes, so he hurriedly stretched the hand that was protecting Ran Jin's shoulder forward, and pushed it up, and the front of his clothes was not unraveled.

But this action made Chi Yu care about this and the other, the clothes did not loosen, but the strength was lost, and Ran Jin was about to fall out of her arms.


When Chi Yu was in shock, Ran Jin suddenly opened his arms and tightly wrapped Chi Yu's neck, squeezed himself back into Chi Yu's arms, and made the little distance between the two disappear instantly.

When Chi Yu and Ran Jin pressed their chests, the soft touch made her breathing stagnate at this moment.

Dong Dong's heartbeat was incomparably clear, and it was impossible to tell whether it was hers or Ran Ban's.

Ran Jin lifted his face from her chest, his eyes blurred and emotional, maybe because he was burned into confusion, or maybe...

Ran Jin sneezed two more sharp sneezes, Chi Yu woke up immediately, carried her to the reclining chair, pulled the blanket, and while fanning her red face, she called Dr. Lin and asked her to hurry up. some come.

Putting down the phone, Chi Yu brought a hairdryer, stood behind Ran Jing and said, "I'll help you dry your hair."

Ran Jin raised his chin and tried to look back at her.

"Thank you Xiaoyu, I'm very heavy."

From Chi Yu's perspective, you can see Ran Jin's beautiful eyebrows, erect nose bridge, and a pair of lightly blinking eyelashes like feather fans. From the soft lips down, a snow-white jade, graceful neck is faintly revealed...

"No, it's not heavy." Chi Yu's throat was dry, and he stammered for such a short word.

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