Creation’s Grace

Chapter 59: What are you, you can't...

"And then?" Chi Yu asked impatiently, "Ran Jin said that you only got in touch recently."

"It's not recently, it's been a year or two. When she suddenly disappeared from City L, a few of my friends said she fell from the fourth floor while covering her boss's escape and fell to her death. But I went to her I couldn't find her corpse. I thought she wasn't dead, but I don't know where she went, and she carried her for a long time."

Chi Yu talked to her about the time when Ran Jin disappeared from L City. It was indeed before and after her sister brought her to Chi's house.

Lu Sima continued: "Later I was transferred to the Nan'an Branch of this city, Jie Na Da, and I also changed the place of life and work. I thought I would never meet Ran Jin again in this life, but I didn't expect that my fate with her was really good. Not shallow.

"The year before... Autumn, I met Ran Jin by chance in a snack street. She looked completely different from before. Instead of wearing a school uniform to conceal her identity, she put on a professional attire. It looks refined. I don't call that nickname anymore, just follow a woman."

Lu Sima turned his eyes: "The woman you know well is your sister, Chili."

"A nickname?" Chi Yu was curious, "What nickname?"

"It's not even a nickname, it should be a number. After all, she was on the road when she was in L City, and everyone on the road had their own nicknames, nicknames, iron nails, hammers, strong brothers, no one. Will use her real name. She also has her own number, because her number sounds like a nickname, so I will remember this."

"What's it called?"

"Small mum. The murmuring of running water."

"Little Cong..." Chi Yu was the first to hear about this.

It's not quite the same number.

"When she came to my house, her waist and legs were really badly injured. It really seemed that she fell from a height. It took a few months for her to recover gradually." Chi Yu said, "So, it is very likely that she really It's to protect her boss from the injury."

When Chi Yu was analyzing here, Lu Sima didn't know what to think, his thoughts were floating, and he didn't answer her, his eyes were as straight as if he didn't hear it.

"Officer Lu?" Chi Yu called her **** back, "What's the matter, did you think of anything?"


The late encounter's poisonous eyes made Lu Siying really think of something.

I thought of what I saw in the snack street when I reunited with Ran Jin.

It was also something she had promised Ran Jin not to mention to anyone.

Her eyes fell on Chi Yu's face.

This face is younger and more energetic than Chili's, but the outline is still very similar.

In Lu Sima's memory, even though Chi Li was beautiful and well-dressed, anyone who saw her at first glance would think she was a successful elite.

But when Lu Sima met her for the first time, he saw another that no one else could see.

The cruelty from Chi Li.

That day, she made an appointment with her long-distance boyfriend to go shopping here, eat and drink casually before going to the movies.

When passing a pancake stand, Chi Li took a freshly fried pancake and headed towards Lu Siying.

Lu Sima is a criminal policeman and is always sensitive to people's abnormal behavior.

At that time, she didn't know who Chi Li was, but she seemed to see the woman put something in the pancake.

She asked her boyfriend to line up to buy fried crispy meat, and followed Chili herself to see what the woman was doing.

After only two steps, I saw a familiar face.

Lu Siyu was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had identified the wrong person, and when he got closer, he looked closely, and it was indeed "Xiao Cong".

Ran Jin held a cone in his hand, ate half of it, and was sitting on the red bench waiting.

Chi Li walked up to her with the pancake in hand, smiled and said, "It's still hot, eat it quickly."

In order to determine whether this person is "Xiao Cong", and because she is afraid that she sees her former police friend and thinks she is here to arrest her, she will run away immediately.

Hiding his figure, he approached slowly.

There were a lot of people coming and going, but Ran Jin didn't find Lu Siying.

She was wearing a work suit, and when she saw Chi Li coming, she stood up openly.

"Are you hungry?" Chi Li handed her the pancake, "Why do you love to eat and play?"

Chi Li's words made Ran Jin feel uncomfortable: "Actually, I don't want to eat either..."

"Don't you like it? I've been in line for a while."

Ran Jin was holding pancakes, and he was flattered.

After thanking Chi Li, I started eating without much thought.

Lu Sima stood not far away, his eyes glued tightly to Ran Jin.

Seeing that the relationship between the two seemed to be pretty good, Lu Siying wondered if he had read it wrong just now.

Ran Jin only took two bites, and suddenly it seemed like he was hurt by something, and he frowned and stopped chewing.

At that time, Ran Jin was facing her sideways. She saw that Ran Jin's mouth moved, and she looked at Chi Li in confusion.

Chi Li's smile became even brighter, pinching Ran Jin's face and lifting her face that was gradually lowering.

At that time, Ran Jin had not acted in a movie, nor had she been exposed in front of people on a large scale. People around her only regarded her as a good partner and did not pay too much attention to her.

"Why don't you continue to eat?" Chi Li asked her, "Don't you like eating and playing? Did I tell you to stop?"

Ran Jin's expression was a little numb, and his mouth was tightly closed.

"I've seen it before, you often buy pancakes downstairs in the company in the morning, don't take them upstairs, hide in the aisle to eat by yourself. Hey, why, are you afraid that I will tell you? Then you secretly like my sister. Why don't you be afraid that I will know?"

Ran Jin heard the last sentence and immediately said, "No..."

She opened her mouth, and a string of blood beads fell down her chin.

Even if Lu Sima was not too close, he could see the blood "color" clearly.

Sure enough, Lu Siyu said, this woman did add something to the pancake, probably something sharp, so she gave it to Xiao Cong and cut her mouth open.

Who is this woman?

How is the intestine so vicious?

Not quite sure about her current situation, Lu Siying didn't want to go up rashly.

Continue to hide in the corner of the store, **** up your ears and listen to what she has to say.

Chi Li approached her and lowered his voice a lot. Even though Lu Sima's hearing was "excellent", he only heard "photos", even "doesn't want to hide any of them"...

Ran Jin didn't speak any more, there were blood beads on his lips, and he lowered his eyes with a lonely expression, a gesture of confession.

Lu Sima didn't understand, didn't he just like that woman's sister? To this viciously to her?

Chi Li dragged Ran Jin to the sparsely crowded aisle behind the snack street, and asked her, "As the eldest lady of the Ran family, do you think you can like to eat pancakes, the carbohydrate waste that people at the bottom like to eat?"

Ran Ban lowered his head and said nothing.

Chi Li threw the pancakes she had eaten on the ground, stroked her fingers over her face, and made a 'touching' motion: "I don't want to hurt you, but after all these years, you still let it go from time to time. I'm disappointed. Hey, now I'm still thinking about Xiaoyu, is there a favor to avenge my revenge?"

Chi Li changed "touch" to pat, and patted on Ran Jin's face: "Do you think you are worthy of coveting Xiaoyu? You are a joke, but you can't really forget it. Do you need me to remind you again?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Sima couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed out to push Chi Li away: "How can you do this to her! Do you know what basic respect is! If you do this again, I can sue you!"

Ran Ban didn't expect to meet Lu Sima again after so many years.

Back then, Lu Sima cared for her, probably because she was taken away by Chi Li in a hurry, so she didn't have the chance to say goodbye to Lu Sima.勍:

"Miss Lu, don't worry about it."

"I don't care? If I don't care, you will be bullied to death by this person.

! "Lu Sima pointed at Chi Li, "Who is she? Which is your boss again? What good did she do to you! Make you swallow your voice? "

Chi Li looked at Lu Sima for a moment, because Lu Sima's date dress was far from the professional status of "police", so Chi Li really didn't think about her as a police officer.

Ran Jin also changed the former "Officer Lu" to "Miss Lu".

Even though Lu Sima was furious, she could hear the subtext protecting her identity.

"Xiao Ban, who is this? Why don't you introduce me?" Chi Li asked Ran Ban.

Small ban? When Lu Sima heard it, she changed her name.

Ran Jin said, "She is... a friend I met in City L."

Chi Li said "oh" and politely said: "That's a coincidence. My surname is Chi, Chi Li. Miss Lu, you said you can sue me, but I want to ask Xiaojing, do you want to sue me? "

Lu Sima looked at Ran Jin, there was blood on Ran Jin's lips, and because of the wound in his mouth, he said inarticulately: "Chili, can you give me some time? I want to talk to Miss Lu alone. "

Chi Li smiled calmly, made a "please" gesture, and then left.

Lu Sima pointed in the direction Chi Li was leaving, and the veins on his forehead were about to burst out: "Where is this person? What's the matter with you and her! She humiliated you, why do you want to stay with her? Son!"

Ran Jing closed his eyes: "This matter is my fault."

"What's your fault? I've heard it all. You don't like her unfortunate sister, what's wrong! Tell me, what's wrong!"

Lu Sima remembered that the **** Ran Jin was a little irritable at that time, but more sad and powerless.

Lu Sima glanced at the pancake that was thrown on the ground, and something was reflecting light.

She crouched down and picked up the toy, which was a sharp piece of glass.

More than one, at least six or seven thin and sharp glass pieces were placed on the pancake, as if she was afraid she couldn't eat it.

Lu Siyu's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he held the glass piece in front of Ran Jin: "She's hurting, what's wrong with you! Why don't you know how to protect yourself?"

Ran Jin didn't speak, his expression was so cold that he didn't look like a living person.

"Officer Lu, thank you for shutting me up, but it's my own business and I can handle it." Lu Sima was blocked by this sentence, as if she was the one who ate the glass.

Seeing that Lu Sima's face was extremely ugly, Ran Jin knew that she was taking care of herself and couldn't bear to make her angry any more, so he said in a soft tone: "Officer Lu, I had to leave L city when I had to, I know that I I still have a criminal record on my body. I know that I have violated the law and discipline, but now, what I am doing is very important. It can be said that it is the most important part of my life. I'm going to finish my life."

Lu Sima glanced at her unhappily: "Fate? Do you still have life?"

"I can't tell you right now." "However, the woman just now was the chairman of Chi's Group. I'm helping her now, and I have a lot of clues to give you. I'd like to continue to be your informant. Officer Lu , as long as you don't arrest me at this time, I will do my best to dig for you whatever you want."

Seeing that she was speaking faster and her lips were bleeding more and more, Lu Siyu asked her to stop and took out a tissue for her: "You can say a few words and wipe the blood."


Lu Sima asked her, "Your name is Xiao Ban?"

Ran Jin was silent for a while, and said, "Ran Jin, it's my real name." From his memory, Lu Sima realized that Chi Yu had been staring at her for a long time.

Now Chi Yu just knows that her unlucky sister is not good to Ran Ban, but she doesn't know too many details.

Lu Sima was very curious. If she found out about this, the face that resembled Chi Li would be revealed.

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