
In the end, Chu Wei broke the silence. She put one hand on her forehead and sneered with her eyes closed.

For her, she didn't want to digest this matter, and she didn't want to think about why Zhou Yu did it, she just wanted to scold people.

"It's ridiculous." Chu Wei said, "This thing is really ridiculous. This lady Wang is sixty-two years old, and she is a year older than my mother. What's wrong with Zhou Yu? Is he crazy?"

Qi Tong hurriedly handed her a bottle of sparkling water and suppressed her anger: "Don't be angry, you can't be angry with such a person, being angry will only hurt your body. Awei, now we have evidence of his cheating, in the future Whether it's a lawsuit with him or what to do, we have the upper hand, right? Don't worry about what's wrong with him, we have to look ahead!"

Chu Wei wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes silently, took the water from Qi Tong, heard Qi Tong's comfort, and said "thank you" in a hoarse voice.

"You're welcome." Qi Tong sincerely comforted Chu Wei. Chu Wei was not only her financial master, but also a classmate in high school, and she had a foundation of love.

How strong Chu Wei is, Qi Tong and Chi Yu both see it.

People with stronger self-esteem are more distressed when they are vulnerable.

Chi Yu was pulling Wang Xinyi's news wholeheartedly, watched it for a while, and said, "Have you found anything. Ran Ban, Zhou Yu and Wang Xinyi, there is something strange about these people?"

Lu Sima went to get the second bowl of noodles: "What's so strange?"

Chi Yu: "Yes, they are very strange."

Lu Sima: "The strange thing is that they are all strange?"

Qi Tong: "...dolls are prohibited."

"Watch this video." Chi Yu cast the video on the TV.

[Inventory of the myth of immortality in the entertainment industry...TOP1, Tong Yan Yongzhu, Wang Xinyi. 】

This video takes stock of Wang Xinyi's important film and television works in the past 20 years, as well as attending major awards shows, variety shows, fashion occasions... The whole process focuses on the changes in her appearance and state.

From the video, it can be clearly found that twenty years ago, when Wang Xinyi was in her early forties, she was not as good as she is now at the age of sixty-two. Both her appearance and her energy at work were declining.

The direction of the muscles on the face and the fine lines exposed under the high-definition camera can clearly detect her sense of age.

It's amazing that when she starred in the movie again at the age of forty-five, her whole person state can be called "rejuvenation".

The sagging muscles disappeared, and the fine lines disappeared. She was like a plump peach, full of vitality, and no one could tell that she was a forty-five person.

When attending a fashion party with my daughter, the two appeared in the same group photo, completely like peers.

Forty-five-year-old Wang Xinyi acted from eighteen to fifty in the movie, but she felt more incongruous when she was fifty.

"Do you still remember?" Chi Yu said to Qi Tong and Chu Wei, "At the class reunion we met, some classmates were chatting continuously, saying that there was a female star who was getting younger and younger. In her fifties, she is still like an eighteen-year-old girl. She doesn't know where the medical aesthetics is done. The person who was talking at the time seemed to be Wang Xinyi. In her fifties, it is estimated that Wang Xinyi left the public with a stereotype. In fact, she is already six years old. Twelve years old."

"Yes, I remember too." Chu Wei bit the back of his finger lightly, "This Wang Xinyi seems to have been hyped up with her beauty as a selling point. When I go online, I often see marketing about her immortality."

Chu Wei owns a company related to the entertainment industry, so she is very familiar with the operation of this industry.

The four people gathered around the TV and watched Wang Xinyi's film and television works, and saw the most recent works from the peak period of forty-five years old.

The latest work is a fantasy drama filmed the year before, and it seems that the state has declined sharply.

Since the fantasy drama the previous year, she has not attended any public occasions.

Last summer, she was secretly photographed in a group of photos, her body was a little bloated, and she was mocked by a group of broken mouths on the Internet, saying that age can't be hidden after all, look at this little belly that can't be covered, I don't know, I thought that Grandma Wang was a six-year-old. Pregnant at the age of twelve.

At that time, Wang Xinyi personally went off to fight with passers-by, and this matter also became a hot search.

"This Wang Xinyi is really strange." Qi Tong said, "You watch this variety show, it's a travel variety show she participated in when she was 53 years old. Although there are microdermabrasion and filters, her overall condition is different from that of the four. It's exactly the same as when you suddenly returned to your peak at 15. When you look at the state from the peak of forty-five to fifty-one, there is a gradual decline. Then at fifty-three, it suddenly returns to the peak. It feels like Yes……"

Chi Yu had a guess in his heart for a long time, and continued to say with Qi Tong's unfinished words: "It's like changing a body at the age of forty-three and fifty-three, a young body."

The late meeting made everyone present horrified.

And after she looked at Chu Wei, she said something even more shocking: "Like Zhou Yu who had an accident in Shanghai, Zhou Yu seemed to be a different person after being picked up by an ambulance from nowhere. Ran Jin is also, a face appeared in the live broadcast building and the scene of my sister's murder at the same time, I believe it is two people, there are two Ran Jin."

As for what happened to Zhou Yu and Wang Xinyi, all the horror scenes from various sci-fi films appeared in their hearts. Combined with all kinds of appalling science and technology news, everyone had their own guesses.

I just didn't say it, I felt that this kind of thing was too far away from me, it was too absurd.

I grew up watching various scientific and technological magazines, academic reports, and papers, and I realized that the technological monsters and future disasters described in science fiction films are not just fantasies.

More have been secretly happening in corners that ordinary people can't see, and have even begun to affect the world in places that are not known to the general public.

Lu Sima finished eating a mouthful of noodles, holding the steaming noodle soup, and asked, "What do you mean..."

"It's probably similar to what you think, but it's just my guess, and there's no real evidence yet." Chi Yu said, "But to do this kind of thing, it must be backed by powerful biotechnology. I have a key suspect."

Qi Tong immediately understood: "You mean, Mingpeng creature?"

"Well, I asked Uncle Ke to help me check Mingpeng Bio. The investment it gets every year from Chi's Group just doesn't match the funds it spends on basic operations and anticancer drug research, and the gap is very large. Big, two-thirds of the money is unknown. Not to mention that it is not just the Chi Group that invested in it. I guess a lot of money has been invested in research that cannot be operated on the bright side." Chi Yu said, " And I suspect that the man my sister and Ran Jin had contacted with one boy and one girl was He Yi, the founder of Mingpeng Biology."

The back of Chu Wei's fingers were bitten red by himself, and he didn't feel any pain at all.

All her attention was attracted by Chi Yu's words: "You mean, this Mingpeng Bio has received a lot of financial support. On the surface, it is developing anti-cancer drugs to hide people's eyes and ears, but it is actually developing..."

There was an eerie silence in the room again.

Qi Tong's hands and feet were as cold as popsicles, and she was still comforting everyone: "Even if the strangest thing has some direction now, isn't it good to know where to go to use strength? It's better than before and don't know which way to go. Is the way okay?"

Chi Yu said to Chu Wei: "Tomorrow Technology may also invest in Mingpeng Bio. Chu Wei, now your Chu family's business and Zhou's business should still be closely linked, can you find some clues?"

Chu Wei: "I'll go check it out."

"Okay, thank you."

Qi Tong said: "I will be responsible for tracking the executives of Mingpeng Biotechnology, and record the trajectory of their daily activities. Wherever they went and who they met, I will pick them all up. It will definitely be useful."

Lu Sima finished eating the remaining bites of noodles, put the bowl of noodles down, and said to Qi Tong, "You can worry a little bit, last time I was almost killed by someone just after finding some fur, this time I said It is the dragon veins of the other party that move indefinitely, how many lives do you have to go in?"

Qi Tong didn't continue joking with Lu Sima: "If anyone wants to move, I'll give it a try. Anyway, I'll help with my sister's case."

Lu Sima: "..."

Chi Yu was a little moved, she shook the back of Qi Tong's hand, and thanked her.

"What's there to thank?" Qi Tong said, "What's the relationship between us? Your business is mine. If I mention the word 'thank', I'm anxious for you."

Lu Siying squinted at Qi Tong and said nothing.

At midnight, Chi Yu and others left Qi Tong's studio and went their separate ways.

Before they left, they set up a WeChat group, and agreed that if they found something, they could share it in the group immediately.

Chi Yu reminded: "I will contact the security company to protect everyone secretly, but the most important thing is to be careful and keep the investigation as low-key as possible."

Chi Yu did not go directly to Chi's house, but went to Ran Jin's apartment.

There was no one in the apartment, and Ran Ban was not there.

As expected.

On the way home, waiting for a red light.

Chi Yu didn't know how many times he took out his mobile phone to check today, but none of the hundreds of messages in WeChat came from Ran Ban.

Chi Yu felt that she had been running wildly in the direction of Ran Jin for a long time, and she also picked up countless scattered pieces of her past on the way to her.

The more she pieced together, the more she discovered that her past was an invisible abyss.

Under the abyss, it was a big night, and Chi Yu knew that Ran Jin had never left the darkness, and she was still locked in the deepest part of the quagmire.

Ran Ban...

Hold the steering wheel tightly.

What is your past like?

When I got back to Chi's house, it was almost dawn, but Chi Yu didn't feel sleepy. I sat on the sofa in the living room and checked the information. When I got tired, I stopped to rest and think about Ran Ban.

The night owl Lulu swooped into her arms and found a comfortable position to lie down.

Chi Yu was so overwhelmed by it that he lost his mind: "You really, I bought you so many nests without sleeping, and you like to sleep in my arms."

Lulu seemed to understand her dislike, not only did she not leave, but she also turned out her belly, and her thick hair stretched out like a blooming flower.

Chi Yu, who has always been responsive to Lulu's needs, scratched her stomach and accompanied her.

Lulu would bite with Chi Yu's hand, but she would not be ruthless, just playing with Chi Yu. This is the way they have been together for more than ten years.

I don't know why Lulu was biting a little excitedly today. She seemed to treat Chi Yu's hand as a snack, biting so hard, her little fangs bit the back of Chi Yu's white hand a few red marks.

Chi Yu frowned slightly and looked down at it.

A cat who is almost twenty years old, still has such good teeth?

"Don't make trouble with you stupid cat, if you bite me again, I'll see how I deal with you."

Chi Yu supported Lulu's front paws on the armpits, picked it up and swayed it, and showed its most vulnerable belly to the "enemy" without any defense.

Lulu's claws and body were controlled, she was honest, she didn't move, and her belly was completely exposed in front of Chi Yu.

Looking at it this way, Chi Yu suddenly discovered a very bizarre thing.

In addition to the light strips on the baseboards, a floor lamp was on in the living room at this time. It was not too bright, but it was enough to clearly illuminate the colors on Lulu's belly.

The color of Lulu's belly changed.

Chi Yu remembered clearly that Lulu, a three-colored cat, used to have black and yellow fur on its stomach, and it had never changed for many years.

But at this time, Sanhua, who was lying on her lap, had white hair on her stomach.

One of the pads on Lulu's left forelimb was black, but it was all pink.

Chi Yu was startled, and immediately stood up and let go of Lu Lu.

Lulu landed steadily and looked back at her curiously.

Chi Yu's face quickly turned pale, and his scalp was numb.

This is not Lulu.

The author has something to say: just follow the seated person down a little bit, and they will explain it!

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